
Fondeling them things

This visit, overall, had been very beneficial, and that was good because he and the team worked for this. Throughout the process, although both the sects and the university hid some important details, they still pulled through with their end of the bargain.

Bardeelus learned more than he needed to know about pure necromancy, now there was only the matter of implicating these findings. That would take a bit more time, as he still had to train, but progress was progress nonetheless!

The queen proved herself very cooperative. Despite the rumors of her being an absolute psychopath, she handled the visitors elegantly, and barely even belittled them!

She was simply direct and blunt, and that came in handy now as well, when the visit was nearing an end. 

Sentona reminded, "Okay, since I've held my end of the bargain, how about you get going now? Leave the scrolls in the wall where you found them, you won't be needing them anyway."

Next chapter