

Chapter 588: Accuracy Needs Improvement

The dragon clan members saw the undead black aura from afar. Lin

"We found him, according to the guidance, Lin Moryu is right there."

"What is Lin Moryu doing? Why has everything turned black over there?"

The place where Lin Moryu was located had completely turned into a black world.

The pitch-black undead aura covered the sky and the earth, with occasional white lights inside, which were undead flames.

The dragon clan's professionals were determined and gradually approached.

"Look, what is that!"

When they were about a kilometer away from the black aura, the black aura rolled, and silver-white flames rose above it, with a large door slowly appearing.

This change stunned the dragon clan members.

The door burned fiercely, and within the flames appeared the Eye of the Undead.

A pure white eye, without an eyeball, only a creepy white and silver flame.

No matter from which direction or angle, as long as you looked at the Eye of the Undead, you would feel it was staring at you.

The Eye of the Undead swept across the world as if overlooking it, and several dragon clan members stood still in mid-air.

Just a second later, they all fell from the sky, heavily hitting the ground.

"They're dead!"

Lin Moryu watched this scene.

The Undead Gaze, carrying a soul attack, almost instantly burned their souls.

Unlike the pain of soul flames.

They died instantly, without any pain.

These dragon clan members were all above level 80, equivalent to top human professionals.

But they were killed in seconds.

The power of the skill was astonishing, exceeding Lin Moryu's expectations.

"If calculated, without special items or skills, top professionals above level 80 would be killed by this skill."

"The power of the skill is determined by the skill level and my soul strength. The skill level is not a problem, it's level 70, but my soul strength is too high."

"My soul strength has already reached the level of some god-level beings, greatly enhancing the power of the Undead Gaze, far beyond the ordinary."

Lin Moryu had a rough idea in his mind.

The Undead Gaze skill was extraordinarily powerful, and the experiment was very successful, making him very satisfied.

The Flame Gate still stood in mid-air, and as long as Lin Moryu did not withdraw the skill, it could exist for about ten minutes.

At this time, Lin Moryu had already started training the third skill.

Skill: Bone Spear!

**Bone Spear (Level 1): Releases a bone spear to attack the enemy, causing physical damage. The spear has strong penetration, and its power is determined by the skill level and mental power attribute.**

With a light touch of his finger, a white bone spear whistled out, instantly cutting through the sky and disappearing from sight.

"So fast!"

Lin Moryu was slightly surprised, the speed of the bone spear was incredibly fast. Just now, in an instant, it flew at least ten thousand meters in about a second.

At this speed, it was almost impossible to dodge.

The faster the speed, the stronger the penetration, and the impact force generated by the speed alone was a strong attack.

If the skill level continued to increase, the speed might also increase, and the attack power would become greater. Lin Moryu tried a few times and already knew that the characteristic of the bone spear skill was fast, fierce, and accurate. Compared to the area attack of the bone fangs, the bone spear was a single-point penetration, capable of breaking through defenses like barriers, formations, and mage shields.

Then, one bone spear after another whistled through the sky, constantly shooting towards the sky. Lin Moryu used both hands, casting the skill five times per second.

The comprehensive connection talent played a role, without worrying about the lack of mental power.

While training the bone spear, Lin Moryu summarized his bone system skills.

Defense had bone armor, control had bone prison, area attack had bone fangs, and single attack had bone spear.

Just the four bone system skills formed a very complete skill chain, covering attack, defense, and control.

Regardless of strength, the completeness alone was unparalleled.

In addition to the bone system, he also had summoning, soul, curse, and other series of skills.

After integrating them, he couldn't help but be strong.

As the skill level increased, the form of the bone spear gradually changed.

The spear became thicker and longer, and from level 40, spiral white bones appeared outside the spear.

The spiral white bones drove the spear to rotate rapidly during flight, further enhancing penetration and adding strong tearing power.

The speed of the bone spear also increased, with each level up, the speed increased a bit.

Lin Moryu estimated that when the skill reached level 70, the speed of the bone spear could reach over 20,000 meters per second.

At this speed, within a kilometer, no one except god-level beings could dodge.

Lin Moryu could even imagine the enemy being torn to pieces under the bone spear.

But now, the situations where he needed to act personally were becoming fewer, and the chances of using the bone spear were not many.

Lin Moryu wanted to experiment with the skill but had no target.

Seeing the meteors falling from the sky, Lin Moryu took them as targets.

The meteors were very fast, several thousand meters per second.

But compared to the bone spear, they were far inferior.

Since it was also training the skill, Lin Moryu played around, pointing his fingers like a gun at the meteors.

Booming sounds kept ringing, and bone spears whistled out, piercing the air, and shooting towards the meteors.

For a while, bone spears flew wildly in the sky.

Both were very fast, and the meteors were smaller than a fist in sight, making it difficult to hit.

Lin Moryu treated it like a game, constantly chasing the meteors.

The level of the bone spear unknowingly increased.

After thousands of failures, Lin Moryu finally hit a meteor by chance.

With a loud bang, a mushroom cloud rose in mid-air.

Various elements exploded in the air, with colorful lights flashing.

Lin Moryu's sharp eyes saw something falling from the explosion, landing not far from him.

Lin Moryu immediately rushed over and found it on the desolate ground.

It was a fist-sized crystal stone, covered with various colors, like many impurities, without any purity.

Lin Moryu felt various elements from the crystal stone, including wind, water, thunder, and fire.

He hadn't used the detection technique for a long time and activated it.

**Starry Sky Crystal: Transformed by the divine power of the Starry Sky God, possessing the power of the Starry Sky God.**

Starry Sky God?

It was the first time Lin Moryu had heard of this god.

In all the information he had read, there was no record of the Starry Sky God.

Either this god was very low-key, or this god was very weak.

But even weak gods like the Fire God and Water God had records in history.

Lin Moryu instinctively felt that the Starry Sky God should be a low-key god.

But how did its divine power appear here?

The meteors still existed in the sky, each fall bringing a violent explosion.

The Meteor Continent had long become desolate after countless years of bombardment.

The monsters that could survive in the Meteor Continent were at least BOSS level, and most were world-class BOSS.

"Could it be that the true nature of the meteors is the divine power of the Starry Sky God?"

"Have the meteors that have lasted for countless years been the divine power of the Starry Sky God?"

Lin Moryu held the Starry Sky Crystal and looked up at the sky, unable to understand for a moment.

"Let's try again!"

Lin Moryu used the bone spear to attack the meteors again.

In the distance, another aura approached, a familiar aura, a familiar taste, more dragon clan members had arrived.

Separated by thousands of meters, the bone spear had already shot out.

Lin Moryu turned his gun and used the dragon clan members as test subjects again.

At such a distance, the dragon clan warriors had just seen Lin Moryu's figure when a white light flashed before their eyes.

With a bang, a dragon clan warrior exploded on the spot, turning into a blood mist.

"What happened!"

"I don't know, I didn't see clearly!"

Then white lights shot over, and the remaining few were terrified, quickly dodging.

Lin Moryu used both hands, bone spears flying out continuously.

It looked like a child playing with a slingshot.

They were extremely embarrassed, flying around in the air.

After all, the distance of thousands of meters was a bit far, and Lin Moryu's accuracy needed improvement.

"If the distance was within a kilometer, they wouldn't be able to dodge."

Lin Moryu muttered to himself, his mind moved, and the skill switched.

The sky suddenly darkened, the undead world appeared, and then a large door burning with silver-white flames appeared in the sky.

The door opened, revealing a pure white eye.

The dragon clan warriors, who were dodging in panic, suddenly trembled, and then one by one fell down.

Their souls were obliterated, and they died instantly.

Although there were no wounds on the surface, they were dead, with no chance of resurrection.

Lin Moryu acted as if he had done something trivial, and continued to use the bone spear to hit the meteors.