

Chapter 324: Just a Bunch of Pseudo-Gods

The speed of a divine-level expert was truly astonishing to Lin Moyu. In the blink of an eye, they could travel dozens of miles.

A tremendous wind pressure rushed towards him, almost crushing him.

His ears were met with complete silence, as all sounds were left far behind.

In his vision, the Bloody Lands had already disappeared, leaving only a vast expanse of emptiness.

Lin Moyu saw what seemed like a glass-like material enveloping the entire world.

Outside this glass-like barrier appeared to be another kind of world.

That other world seemed vaguely familiar to him...

He remembered - after the instance dungeon exploded, he had fallen into the void space.

Outside the glass was the void space.

In the void space were terrifying streams of chaotic energy that had almost killed him before.

This glass-like material was blocking those chaotic energy streams.

"Teacher, what is that?" Lin Moyu asked, as a good student should when they don't understand.

Yan Kuangsheng, being a good teacher, explained, "That is a spatial barrier. Outside the spatial barrier is the void space."

"Don't let its glass-like appearance fool you. It's extremely sturdy - even I would have difficulty breaking through it."

"But this is too early for you to worry about. You don't need to concern yourself with it."

"For now, let's just watch the show."

Watch the show...

Lin Moyu looked in the direction Yan Kuangsheng pointed.

A warship flew by at an incredible speed, leaving a brilliant trail of light behind it.

On the warship stood several imposing figures with formidable auras.

Lin Moyu couldn't accurately judge their levels, but he could sense that they were at least top-tier professionals above level 80, possibly even divine-level experts.

However, judging from the disdain in Yan Kuangsheng's eyes, they clearly weren't stronger than him.

"Those old geezers up ahead are elders from the empire," Yan Kuangsheng said dismissively.

Lin Moyu felt a sense of reverence. The elders of the empire were essentially retired members of the Twelve Councilors, the highest governing body.

Although they no longer governed directly, their status was still highly esteemed.

At times, the Twelve Councilors would still consult them on major decisions.

The structure of the empire was quite complex, and Lin Moyu only had a rough understanding of its public facade.

"Teacher, are these elders all divine-level experts?" Lin Moyu asked, as a good student should when seeking knowledge.

Yan Kuangsheng, being a good teacher, answered readily, "Divine-level? Don't be ridiculous. Have you ever seen a Councilor who was a divine-level expert?"

"Only those with no hope of reaching the divine realm would become pathetic Councilors."

"When those Councilors retire and become elders, they still have no hope of divinity."

"At best, they're just pseudo-divine at level 90 - a bunch of nobodies."

Yan Kuangsheng's tone was filled with disdain, showing his utter disregard for these so-called elders.

As a level 95 divine-level expert himself, standing at the pinnacle of the world, he had even slain several Demon Kings from the abyss.

It was only natural for him to look down on these pseudo-divinities.

Lin Moyu asked, "Why do you call them pseudo-divinities?"

Yan Kuangsheng scoffed, "A bunch of losers stuck at level 89, relying on drugs to reach 90. With no path forward, unable to fuse their skills - what else could they be but pseudo-divinities?"

"Is there a big difference between pseudo-divinities and true divine-level experts?"

"A world of difference. At the same level of 90, a true divine expert could crush them, taking on dozens without fear."

Although Yan Kuangsheng spoke of these pseudo-divinities with such contempt, to Lin Moyu they still exuded an aura that made his heart race. Their auras were not much different from true divine experts - at least strong enough to toy with Lin Moyu's life.

As Yan Kuangsheng observed them, the elders also turned their gazes towards him.

Each of them revealed a smile as their voices carried through the void, "We pay our respects to the Divine Lord Kuang."

Though they were elders, they still showed deference when faced with the true divine expert Yan Kuangsheng.

Yan Kuangsheng responded casually, "You do your thing, I'll just observe with my disciple here."

Saying they would observe was just a polite way of saying they would watch the show.

Upon hearing that Lin Moyu was Yan Kuangsheng's disciple, the elders immediately regarded him differently.

These elders, despite their lofty status, still had to show respect to Yan Kuangsheng.

After all, in the end, power spoke louder than status.

A slender figure appeared at the bow of the ship - a beautiful young woman with an exquisite figure. She approached the front, her gaze filled with curiosity as she looked towards Yan Kuangsheng and Lin Moyu.

Yan Kuangsheng coldly asked, "Is this all for her, to hunt the Blood Python's flesh?"

One of the elders answered, "Divine Lord, this is Princess Yao."

Yan Kuangsheng shook his head, "Never heard of her. Is she the daughter of that brat Dongfang Yi?"

The elder replied, "Princess Yao is the younger princess of the Sovereign. She just turned 19 this year."

Yan Kuangsheng waved his hand dismissively, "That Dongfang Yi has no other talents except procreating."

Dongfang Yi was the Sovereign of the Divine Summer Empire, but despite his status, he rarely governed directly, leaving most matters to the Twelve Councilors.

Though his status was extraordinary and his word held sway in the empire, in Yan Kuangsheng's eyes he was just "that brat" or "that kid."

Status and identity meant little in the face of true power.

Princess Yao gracefully curtsied to Yan Kuangsheng, "Princess Yao pays her respects to the Divine Lord. I often hear my father speak of your great name."

Yan Kuangsheng laughed, "What's there to speak of me? How I disciplined him back then, beat him until he cried for his mother?"

Princess Yao's face showed a hint of embarrassment.

Yan Kuangsheng truly lived up to his reputation of being arrogant and outspoken, just as her father had described.

Princess Yao revealed a smile, "Of course not. In my father's words, the Divine Lord is the pillar of our empire."

"Enough with the flattery, it won't work on me. You all just go about your business and leave us be," Yan Kuangsheng dismissed them curtly.

Princess Yao didn't dare continue. With her beautiful eyes, she curiously studied Lin Moyu, who appeared around her age yet was Yan Kuangsheng's disciple. This person must have incredible talent.

Princess Yao never underestimated herself - she considered herself a top-tier genius.

As a Legendary-tier professional, she had already cultivated to level 36 in just over a year since her job change.

At most, it would take another two months before her second job change.

She would become an Advanced-tier professional before turning 20.

Even in the top three academies of the Divine Summer Capital, it would be difficult to find anyone on par with her.

Her father, the Sovereign Dongfang Yi, a true divine-level expert, had praised her as a genius unseen in a century.

Princess Yao had her own pride.

Even the recently famous Lin Moyu was not someone she looked up to. The higher her level and strength grew, the more her talent would shine.

She was destined to become a divine-level expert in the future.

As for Lin Moyu, while a genius now, his future was uncertain.

Lin Moyu, oblivious to her thoughts, couldn't care less about her gaze.

Let her look if she wants - he couldn't control others' eyes.

Yan Kuangsheng laughed, "Little Lin, this princess isn't too bad looking. Interested?"

Lin Moyu shook his head, "I already have someone I like."

Yan Kuangsheng's eyes burned with curiosity, "Who is it? Is she pretty?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "Very pretty."

Yan Kuangsheng said, "When are you getting married and having kids?"

Lin Moyu didn't know how to respond.

This teacher's thoughts seemed to jump around too quickly for Lin Moyu to keep up.

Suddenly, a hoarse hissing sound echoed through the void.

Like the hiss of a serpent, but deeper and more oppressive, making one's body feel heavy and uncomfortable.

Yan Kuangsheng's expression immediately turned serious.

"The Blood Python is here!"

Even a top divine expert like him had to be on guard, risking injury.

Lin Moyu didn't know about the other pseudo-divine elders - according to Yan Kuangsheng, they were no match for the Blood Python.

There must be something Lin Moyu didn't know about them.

A gigantic serpent over 200 meters long appeared in their vision.

Its eyes glowed red, with two sharp horns protruding from its head. Its body was covered in thick, sturdy scales.

Beneath its belly were sharp claws that looked incredibly sharp.

With its appearance, the void was filled with an intense bloody scent.

This scent... Lin Moyu was all too familiar with it - the same bloody smell that permeated the Bloody Lands.

Lin Moyu realized that a large number of Blood Pythons must have died in the Bloody Lands, resulting in the ever-present bloody stench.

As the Blood Python appeared, Yan Kuangsheng had already swiftly retreated with Lin Moyu.

"This time, we'll just watch. Let them deal with it."

Yan Kuangsheng had no intention of getting involved himself.

In Lin Moyu's eyes, the warship carrying Princess Yao had already charged towards the Blood Python.

A circular shield appeared around the warship, protecting it entirely.

Lin Moyu could see that this circular shield combined human arrays, abyssal wards, and draconic energy sources.

A true fusion of the strengths of the three races.

A thin beam of light shot out from the warship, striking the Blood Python like a bolt of lightning.

The massive body of the Blood Python trembled violently, letting out an even deeper, hoarser hiss.