

 Chapter 2041: Runes Formed by Planets!

The bodies left behind by the Star Fire Clan after death are not true physical entities.

Although visible, they exist between reality and illusion, and what is seen is not what is obtained.

Lin Moyu removed all defenses and reached out to touch the flames, feeling no temperature at all.

He tried to envelop the flames with the Bone Hell, but the flames did not cause any substantial damage to the Bone Hell, nor could the Bone Hell lock them in.

The previous white star, when it exploded, the mark disappeared, and the soul also lost its lock.

Lin Moyu tried to use the Explosive Luck Technique, but without a lock, the technique was unusable.

"The star is indestructible, the starfire is eternal. It seems it's not just a slogan."

"I wonder how they were killed in ancient times."

From billions of clan members to less than a hundred thousand now.

Ninety-nine percent of them died. If they were truly unkillable, how did those Star Fire Clan members die?

Lin Moyu was one hundred percent sure that the Star Fire Clan was not truly unkillable; he just didn't have the ability to kill them at the moment.

In other words, he hadn't found the method to truly kill them yet.

What puzzled him was why, in ancient times, they left behind these hundred thousand Star Fire Clan members and sealed this space.

The fact that the Star Fire Clan was reduced from billions to less than a hundred thousand indicated that the humans at that time definitely had the ability to exterminate the Star Fire Clan.

But why did they spare them and leave them behind?

What was the reason behind this?

Lin Moyu changed his perspective and stopped thinking about how to kill the Star Fire Clan. Instead, he pondered the reason for leaving the Star Fire Clan behind in ancient times.

He summarized all the information he knew about the Star Fire Clan and re-examined the information recorded on the stone tablet.

Lin Moyu finally discovered a clue.

The stone tablet mentioned that the Destiny Heavenly Sovereign saw a future fragment from the river of destiny, indicating that someone would enter this place.

Lin Moyu believed that the Destiny Heavenly Sovereign did not just see some future fragments here but possibly saw more of the future.

Lin Moyu had reason to suspect that it was based on the future scenes seen by the Destiny Heavenly Sovereign that the mysterious master made various arrangements.

Leaving some residual power of the Star Fire Clan, waiting for his arrival.

Lin Moyu thought of the events in the Soul Spirit Warship and the things left behind by the Saint Rune Heavenly Sovereign.

It seemed that those Heavenly Sovereigns also made some arrangements for the future.

Moreover, this stone tablet was obviously erected after the war.

"There should be something left here."

Lin Moyu's heart moved, and the Skeleton Generals immediately dispersed, starting to search this world.

Lin Moyu always held great respect for the mysterious master of ancient times.

From the information currently known, the mysterious master held a very high status, seemingly even higher than the Heavenly Sovereigns.

Moreover, under his command, there was a terrifyingly powerful army, which had many similarities with his own undead army.

Lin Moyu even suspected that the profession he awakened to might be a legacy from that mysterious master.

Heavenly Sovereigns could leave this world and leave behind legacies, so there was no reason the mysterious master couldn't do the same.

The more he thought about it, the more curious Lin Moyu became.

Billions of Skeleton Generals conducted a carpet search of this world, not missing a single clue.

In the warship, Qing Fei and Shui Zhilan didn't know what Lin Moyu was doing.

However, they were sensible enough not to ask since Lin Moyu didn't say anything.

Because of Lin Moyu's arrival, they were saved.

Looking at the dozen or so survivors in the warship, all unconscious, their lives were saved, but whether they would wake up was still unknown.

Compared to them, they were already considered lucky, so there was nothing more to ask for.

In the recent battle, they narrowly escaped death again, their luck already at its peak, and they wouldn't ask for more now.

Lin Moyu disappeared from their sight, not knowing where he went.

They didn't know where Lin Moyu went, but it didn't matter. As long as the skeletons were there, Lin Moyu was still there.

Lin Moyu randomly chose a direction and moved rapidly. With the blessing of the Three-Light Talisman, his speed was astonishing.

He wanted to see how big this world was.

The flames were left behind, disappearing from sight in an instant.

The distance was too far, and the firelight couldn't reach, making the surroundings dark and cold again.

The Star Fire Clan's world was larger than Lin Moyu expected, bigger than any secret realm he had experienced.

Apparently, after plundering the essence of the Star Fire Realm, they still left a vast living space for them.

Lin Moyu traveled over a trillion kilometers and finally reached the edge of the Star Fire Realm.

A powerful invisible barrier blocked Lin Moyu's path. This was the world barrier, also known as the world wall, extremely sturdy and difficult to break even for a Saint Sovereign.

Only those who had walked the path of the gods, the Supremes, had the ability to break the world barrier, and even then, only the powerful Supremes could do it.

Lin Moyu touched the world wall. This was once a world, a real world like the great world, not a small world.

But they were not as strong as the great world and were eventually plundered and annexed by the great world.

However, the humans still gave them enough space to live freely.

At the same time, the great world also protected them from being annexed by other worlds.

Who was right or wrong, whether it was kindness or hatred, was unclear.

As a member of the great world, Lin Moyu wouldn't distinguish right from wrong. What he had to do was protect the great world, which was the most correct thing for him.

"What is outside?"

Lin Moyu muttered to himself, pressing his hand against the world wall, trying to sense the outside world.

The wall was not transparent, so he couldn't see with his eyes.

However, with his extremely sensitive soul, Lin Moyu still sensed something.

The world wall seemed to be constantly vibrating, as if something was hitting it.

This impact was continuous, and the world wall kept shaking.

Apart from this, Lin Moyu couldn't sense much more.

With just this information, he couldn't judge more, so Lin Moyu had to let it go.

Then he used another Three-Light Talisman and headed in another direction.

He measured the starry sky with his steps, drawing the outline of the Star Fire Realm.

Gradually, the size and scale of the Star Fire Realm took shape in Lin Moyu's mind.

The Star Fire Realm was circular, with a diameter of about two trillion kilometers.

Compared to secret realms, the Star Fire Realm was much larger.

Even with a billion Skeleton Generals, it wasn't enough to cover this world.

Although Lin Moyu was not in a hurry, he didn't want to waste too much time.

He released all the Skeleton Generals, a total of five billion, to search together.

Finally, the Skeleton Generals made a discovery.

In the Star Fire Realm, besides a white star and nearly a hundred thousand stars, there were also some planets.

These planets looked no different from ordinary planets, and according to the information on the stone tablet, the Star Fire Clan members who hadn't become stars were in the form of planets.

So Lin Moyu initially ignored them.

When the Skeleton Generals had explored most of the Star Fire Realm, a map formed in his mind.

Lin Moyu suddenly discovered that the positions of these planets formed a rune!