

**Chapter 1769: I Have Arrived, Bringing Slaughter**

Zhu Qiwu approached, "Judging by your expression, this guy should be pretty good, right?"

Lin Moryu nodded, "Both offensive and defensive, very good."

Zhu Qiwu didn't ask further but instead commented on Lin Moryu's spell, "Your spell is truly impressive. When you were using it just now, I felt a peculiar power."

"It's not a law, nor does it seem like a rule, a very strange power."

Lin Moryu also felt it, a mysterious power seemingly from ancient times, different from laws and somewhat different from rules.

But Lin Moryu couldn't pinpoint the true source of this power.

Zhu Qiwu's words reminded him of the long-absent "system."

The last time the "system" appeared, it killed the soul of the Kongwen Buddha.

A fourth-tier soul of a God Sovereign seemed extremely fragile before the "system."

The power of the "system" still shocked Lin Moryu when he thought about it.

Lin Moryu had to consider whether the power of the spell came from the "system."

But upon careful reflection, it didn't seem quite right, giving a sense of confusion.

"In the end, it's still a matter of not being strong enough to see clearly!"

Lin Moryu suppressed his thoughts and said to Zhu Qiwu, "Next, we should get down to business and first inquire about the Vermilion Bird Egg."

Saying this, he took out the corpse of the Pagoda Buddha.

The corpse was already shattered, but that didn't matter.

Even a piece of flesh was enough to cast a spell.

Stellar-level spell: Resurrection of the Dead!

The immortal flame burned again, and the flesh of the Pagoda Buddha was reborn, with the extinguished soul reappearing under the mysterious power.

Zhu Qiwu praised, "What a magical spell, resurrecting the dead. I've never heard of such a spell."

"I highly suspect you possess the bloodline of some ancient powerful being. These spells shouldn't exist in this era."

Lin Moryu smiled and shook his head, "I don't know either. When I find the answer, I'll let you know."

Zhu Qiwu chuckled, "When you find the answer, I'll have to call you senior."

Lin Moryu replied without hesitation, "That day will come."

Zhu Qiwu was momentarily stunned, knowing he had been taken advantage of, "You really are impolite, kid."

In the flames, the Pagoda Buddha transformed into a resurrected being, kneeling quietly at Lin Moryu's feet.

As Lin Moryu had judged, he was a God King, and the Resurrection of the Dead was enough to revive and control a God Sovereign.

Even a peak God Sovereign could be controlled.

However, if it were an Other Shore Realm being, it wouldn't work. The Other Shore Realm was too strong and would break free from the control of the Resurrection of the Dead, possibly even attacking the caster.

Although the spell would eventually counter-kill, even a second of loss of control would be extremely dangerous.

Lin Moryu asked, "Tell me how to obtain the Vermilion Bird Egg."

The resurrected Pagoda Buddha couldn't disobey Lin Moryu's command and immediately revealed what he knew.

The method was actually simple. They had discovered a material in a mysterious place that they had never seen before.

By integrating this material into the soul world, it could make the soul world incredibly strong for a short time.

The most troublesome part of obtaining the Vermilion Bird Egg was its flame.

The flame not only burned the flesh but also the soul.

As long as the flame could be resisted, obtaining the Vermilion Bird Egg shouldn't be difficult.

To protect the flesh, the Pagoda Buddha had the Starlight Pagoda, which wasn't a big problem.

Combined with the newly discovered material, the soul world could ignore the flame's burning for a short time.

Moreover, his purpose this time wasn't to take the Vermilion Bird Egg but to try to approach the Vermilion Bird.

The one who would actually take the Vermilion Bird Egg wasn't him but another Buddha.

Coincidentally, the Demon Clan had contacted the Buddha Clan, intending to ambush Zhu Qiwu in the Vermilion Bird Battlefield.

So this matter was also handed over to him.

Unexpectedly, the Pagoda Buddha died at Lin Moryu's hands and revealed the Buddha Clan's method.

From the storage items left by the Pagoda Buddha, Lin Moryu found the material.

It was a silver liquid, only the size of a fist.

It was thicker than water, slightly sticky, and nothing else could be discerned.

Detection spells yielded no results, only indicating it was an unknown substance.

Zhu Qiwu curiously looked at the silver liquid, "What is this? I've never seen it before."

Lin Moryu hadn't seen it either, but it felt familiar. After thinking for a moment, he said, "It seems somewhat similar to the Myriad Colors Water."

Zhu Qiwu nodded, "Indeed, it does seem similar. Could it be a treasure of the same level as the Myriad Colors Water?"

But he wasn't very sure and was somewhat uncertain.

He thought for a moment, "How about I try it?"

Lin Moryu shook his head, "Better not. There's only one portion of this material. Once used, it's gone."

"The resurrected being won't lie. I plan to take it back to the Saint Sovereign for research."

Zhu Qiwu thought it made sense, "Alright, take it back for the Saint Sovereign to study."

Lin Moryu put away the silver liquid and then took out the corpse of the Flame Demon.

He cast Resurrection of the Dead again, reviving the Flame Demon.

Looking at the Flame Demon and the Pagoda Buddha kneeling side by side, Lin Moryu couldn't help but sigh.

Two peak God Sovereigns who had wanted to kill him were now kneeling before him.

The Great World was indeed cruel, with life and death in an instant.

Lin Moryu asked, "Tell me the location of the Demon Fortress in the Vermilion Bird Battlefield."

This was the purpose of reviving him, to reveal the location of the Demon Fortress so Zhu Qiwu could go and kill, paving the way with blood. Reciprocity, as they say.

But this time, Lin Moryu didn't get an answer.

The resurrected Flame Demon shook his head vigorously, "Master, I swore an oath and cannot say."

Lin Moryu and Zhu Qiwu exchanged a glance, immediately understanding why he couldn't speak.

He had sworn a Great World oath, and even before revealing the location, the oath would backlash.

Even a peak God Sovereign couldn't withstand it, and his soul would be annihilated instantly.

But it didn't matter if he couldn't speak; Lin Moryu had other methods.

"Return to the fortress."

A new command was issued, and Lin Moryu found a Demon Clan warship from his storage items.

The Demon Clan's warships were made using methods stolen from the Human Clan.

Their performance wasn't as good as Human Clan warships but better than Golden Eagle Clan warships, sufficient for travel.

The group boarded the warship, piloted by the Flame Demon, heading towards the fortress.

The warship jumped and flickered in the void, constantly approaching the Demon Clan fortress.

In the battlefield, once a fortress's location was exposed, it would face full-scale attacks from the enemy.

The Human Clan's No. 10 fortress had been exposed once, but Zhu Qiwu had guarded the starry sky, waiting until the fortress changed location.

The Human Clan had been searching for the Demon Clan fortress but had never found it due to the vast battlefield. Now, they were finally about to find it.

Zhu Qiwu's arrival also meant the arrival of slaughter.

In the Buddha Clan star domain, the Ancient Buddha was preaching to his disciples.

Suddenly, he frowned, and his preaching was interrupted.

He then said in a deep voice, "You must comprehend on your own. I have something to attend to."

As he spoke, he disappeared, arriving in another space.

Here, the aura of ancient Buddhas filled the air, with statues of ancient Buddhas in solemn poses.

Even at the highest position, three Buddhas sat.

Seeing the Ancient Buddha, one of the Buddhas spoke, "Ancient Buddha, why did you interrupt your preaching? Is something wrong?"

The Ancient Buddha bowed, "Indeed, something has happened."