

**Chapter 1142: I Want to Take Both Paths**

As the strength of his skin, flesh, and bones continued to increase, they finally reached the same level as his internal organs. Lin

The previous sense of division instantly disappeared, and his whole body felt integrated, bursting with a sense of power.

Lin Moyu even felt that he could shatter a star with a single punch.

It wasn't an illusion; it was his real feeling.

With his current peak True God realm physical strength, even without mobilizing any laws or using any spells, he had the power to shatter stars with pure physical strength.

Pure physical strength had transformed from quantitative to qualitative change.

Although it lacked laws, it was superior to laws.

Lin Moyu vaguely felt that if his physical body could continue to grow stronger, he might truly achieve the legendary state of becoming a saint with his physical body, impervious to all laws.

Lin Moyu's whole body radiated a dazzling brilliance. When he exerted force, layers of flowing silver light appeared, like a waterfall of stars, extremely magnificent.

With the cultivation of the True God fourth stage and the physical body at the peak of the True God realm, Lin Moyu had completely turned the tables, with his physical body surpassing his soul cultivation.

Zhu Qiwu smiled and generously praised, "Not bad, not bad. Your physical body has reached the peak of the True God realm. With a bit of opportunity, you might break through to the God King realm."

Zhu Qiwu looked at Lin Moyu as if he were a rare animal.

Among the human race, those who cultivate their physical bodies are extremely rare, and those who succeed are even rarer.

Lin Moyu was a rare breed.

Lin Moyu knew that it wouldn't be long before he reached the God King realm.

His Heart of Flame beat powerfully, and the blood it pumped faintly glowed with a golden light.

A body of flowing gold was the hallmark of the God King realm physical body.

The physical bodies of most deities were only at the True God realm.

Only a few deities had physical bodies that reached the God King realm, and they were often at the peak of the deity realm.

Zhu Qiwu looked Lin Moyu up and down and clicked his tongue, "Kid, the more I look at you, the more you seem like a monster."

Lin Moyu ignored Zhu Qiwu's words and instead asked, "I feel that having a strong physical body has many benefits and greatly enhances combat power. Why don't we humans cultivate both the soul and the physical body?"

Zhu Qiwu laughed, "Do you think it's because we don't want to? It's because we don't have the ability or the resources."

"Cultivating the physical body requires consuming a large amount of resources and treasures to achieve success. Do you think everyone can be like you, finding flash stars and flash fire to cultivate their physical bodies?"

"Here, even a God King would struggle if hit by a flash star. If they're unlucky, they might lose half their life."

"Moreover, the physical body naturally strengthens with cultivation. So most people choose to cultivate the soul and let the physical body naturally grow stronger."

Lin Moyu understood this reasoning but had his own thoughts, "That's true, but I still feel something is off."

Zhu Qiwu laughed, "There's nothing wrong with it. Having a strong physical body is certainly good, and no one would refuse it. But if it can naturally grow stronger, that's good enough."

"Here, with flash stars and flash fire, you can cultivate your physical body, but the peak of the True God realm is the limit."

"If you want to continue to grow stronger, you'll need other opportunities, and those are hard to come by."

"Think about it. You put in a lot of effort to cultivate your physical body to the peak of the True God realm. But others, after reaching the deity realm, naturally have a True God realm physical body. It might not be as strong as the peak of the True God realm, but it's not far off."

"In that case, who would be willing to put in the effort to cultivate their physical body?"

Lin Moyu wanted to say more, but Zhu Qiwu didn't give him a chance and continued, "I know what you want to ask. You want to know about becoming a saint with your physical body, impervious to all laws. How many people in history have achieved that?"

"Check the records. Those who have achieved it either belong to races with naturally strong physical bodies or have had extraordinary encounters."

"Even among the races with the strongest physical bodies, like the Peng race, not many of them cultivate their physical bodies. For us humans, it's even harder."

Lin Moyu couldn't help but smile bitterly, "So, am I just wasting my time?"

Zhu Qiwu shook his head and smiled, "Of course not. Having a strong physical body has great benefits for both your current strength and future cultivation. It's just that cultivating the physical body is difficult, so most people choose the easier path."

"You'll understand the reasoning in the future. For now, just follow your own path."

"From what I can see, your path is not wrong." Whether Lin Moyu understood or not, Zhu Qiwu had said all he could. Lin Moyu nodded, having his own understanding and guesses. In his view, the soul and the physical body are two different paths. They are distinct but interconnected, mutually dependent, and complementary. If forced to choose one, the soul path is naturally the choice. But if both can be chosen, that's the best. So his path was not wrong. The soul must grow stronger, and so must the physical body. The return journey was much faster than the way there. After more than 100 days, Lin Moyu returned to the fourth stellar essence fire cluster. After a year, the fourth stellar essence fire cluster welcomed new visitors again. The danger caused by the Abyssal Dragon Demon had long been buried in the river of time. Lin Moyu passed through the fourth stellar essence fire cluster and continued his return. The journey back was increasingly fast. He no longer needed skeletons to clear the way. Even if there were dark stars, he would crash through them without stopping.

With his peak True God realm physical body, ordinary dark stars couldn't stop him.

They were either directly shattered by him or broken into pieces.

With a peak True God realm physical body, he could truly destroy the heavens and the earth, shattering stars with ease.

During this time, he fully adapted to the changes brought by his enhanced physical body, and his physical strength became more and more at his command.

By the time he returned to the first stellar essence fire cluster, his control over his physical body had become meticulous.

Zhu Qiwu, following far behind Lin Moyu, nodded in approval, acknowledging Lin Moyu's adaptability.

Returning from the most dangerous essence fire source to the first stellar essence fire cluster, Lin Moyu couldn't help but feel a bit emotional as he looked at the sparse ordinary essence fires.

This mission, which took more than a year, was the longest task he had ever undertaken.

More than a year, even in his short cultivation career, was not a small amount of time.

"Time flies," Lin Moyu sighed softly.

In the battlefield, the passage of time was no longer so precise.

Lin Moyu instinctively wanted to check his status panel.

He remembered that the attribute panel provided by the Human Emperor Network recorded his age.

However, he failed to check it. Without the Human Emperor Network, he couldn't bring up the panel.

He could only wait until he returned to check it.

Silently calculating in his mind, "I should be almost 33 years old."

Lin Moyu murmured to himself, his voice very soft, but unconsciously, he used his soul voice.

In the starry sky, ordinary voices couldn't be transmitted, so he had long been accustomed to using his soul voice.

When something becomes a habit, it's hard to change.

His words fell into Zhu Qiwu's ears, and Zhu Qiwu's eyes immediately sparkled with golden light.

"33 years old... this kid is only 33 years old."

"Right, I haven't checked his bone age."

"If he's really only 33 years old, this kid's cultivation talent far exceeds my expectations. He might break the history of the human race."

Zhu Qiwu's heart was in turmoil, unable to calm down.

At this moment, a loud shout came from the side.

"Lin Moyu!"