
Chapter 1: The Crowning of the Prince

The sun began its descent over the Nebula arena, casting an orange glow across the vast expanse of Neo Space. Spectators filled the arena, eagerly anticipating the battle that would determine the next prince of Neo Space. Howl, A fierce 10-year-old Neo-Spacian with black spiky hair that spiked upwards with a stylish curve, has an aura of undeniable charisma. Facing him, with short orange hair that matched his ferocious spirit, stood Rylan, a seasoned adult Neo-Spacian.

Howl channeled his energy, drawing upon the boundless power of Neo Space. His hands ignited with a brown-colored ball of neos power. He throws the ball of power up and down within his hands with a grin etched upon his face.

"Now you'll see how a pro uses their Neos energy effectively!"

With a resolute shout, he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts towards Rylan, each one tearing through the air with explosive force, captivating the attention of every spectator in the Nebula arena. The fate of the Prince of Neo Space hung in the balance.

Rylan, a seasoned warrior, responded swiftly, harnessing the power of Neos within himself as well. He raised his hands, palms outward, and summoned the energy of the cosmos that coursed through his veins.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, kid."

A colossal orange wave of pure energy surged forward, colliding with Howl's energy blasts in a spectacular display of power and brilliance. The clash of energies erupted in a blazing explosion.

Howl's resolve only intensified. He concentrated his energy, forming a protective shield around himself as another cosmic wave was released by Rylan. The shield shimmered, deflecting Rylan's wave entirely.

Howl then tapped into his true power. He focused his energy into his fists, encasing them in a glow of Neos energy. With each strike, his punches grew stronger, amplified by the surrounding energy. The impact of his blows can be felt through the air, sending shockwaves cascading across the battlefield.

Rylan gritted his teeth as he is hit back to back with multiple blows. He could feel the strength emanating from Howl, surpassing his own and soon enough, he fell to one knee.

"How is this possible? You're just a child!"

Howl's grin widened, as a brown aura of neos power pulsated around him with great intensity.

Refusing to be outdone, Rylan channeled his energy once again while getting up, determined to regain the upper hand by sending blasts of energy at Howl, but Howl's defense proved impenetrable, his defense against the energy attacks displaying an unbreakable wall.

"That's all you got?" Howl stated, his voice mocking Rylan. He focused his energy into his fists, once again surrounding them with a glow of Neos energy.

Howl's punches once again grew stronger, and Rylan found himself being pushed back. His own attacks faltering against the young warrior's relentless assault.

Rylan's frustration reached its peak as Howl unleashed a devastating blast of Neos energy, engulfing him in an explosion. When the dust settled, Howl Stood Triumphant, a victorious smirk gracing his face.

Rylan staggered to his feet, his eyes filled with frustration. He couldn't comprehend how this mere child could possess such raw power and surpass his own abilities. Doubt began to creep into his mind, gnawing at his confidence.

Howl, basking in his victory, approached Rylan with a cocky grin.

"What's the matter, Rylan? Can't handle the fact that a young Neospacian like me outshines you?"

Rylan's jaw tightened, his gaze narrowing at Howl's audacity. "Don't underestimate me, kid. I have more battle experience than you. You got lucky."

Howl scoffed dismissively.

"Tch…You 3rd rate Neospacians are all the same—weak and feeble compared to someone like me, A Celeston!"

Rylan's fists clenched, his patience wearing thin.

"You only won bec--"

"-- Save your lame excuses for someone who cares, Rylan. I've shown you who's truly superior here, and there's no debating that" he declared loudly, as he begins to walk away.


The scene is now set in a grand hall where the crowning of Howl as the Prince is about to take place. Neo-Spacians from all walks of life have gathered, with the exception of those living in poverty. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation and curiosity.

At the front of the hall, seated on chairs by the Queen's side, are several notable characters:

Westrow: The Knight of Queen Xinia, Westrow is a handsome man with black hair and a well-built physique. Known for always coming to the Queen's aid, whether asked or not, he now appears dressed in formal attire. Today, he seems to be preoccupied and worried, his mind burdened by something unseen

Alery: Westrow's wife, Alery sits on his lap. She is an affectionate woman with a slightly mischievous demeanor, but when provoked, her anger can be fierce.

Queen Xinia: The reigning queen of the planet, Queen Xinia makes her entrance. She wears a magnificent wedding-like dress, and her short purple hair adds to her regal appearance. As the ruler of the planet, she holds immense power and authority.

Among the eagerly waiting crowd, a seven-year-old girl named Wendy stands mesmerized. Her short pink ponytail bounces with every movement, and she wears a beautiful pink battle dress that mirrors Queen Xinia's regal attire. Wendy's a striking resemblance to her mother.

The crowd murmurs in anticipation. Alery, seated on Westrow's lap, leans in close to him and playfully whispers, "Once this event is over, we should find some time to have fun, don't you think?" She gazes at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes, expecting a playful response; however, Alery quickly notices that Westrow's attention is elsewhere. His usually lively eyes are distant, his mind seemingly lost in deep thought. Confused by his lack of response, she follows his gaze and notices his eyes fixed on a young girl among the crowd: Wendy.

Alery's curiosity piques, and a hint of concern creeps into her voice.

"Westrow, darling, what's the matter?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity. "You seem 'preoccupied'. Is something bothering you?"

Caught off guard, Westrow tears his gaze away from Wendy and turns his attention back to his wife, Alery. He puts on a faint smile, attempting to hide his inner turmoil, but she can sense something is amiss. "I...It's nothing, my love," he replies, his voice slightly strained. "Just.. lost in thought, that's all.."

Alery's intuition tells her there's more to it, and she gently presses further. "You've been distant lately, Westrow. Is there something you're not telling me? We've always shared everything, haven't we?"

Westrow hesitates. He takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words.

"There are… 'Things 'on my mind, Alery, but they're not something I can burden you with right now. I promise, when the time is right, I'll share everything with you."

Alery places a gentle hand on his cheek, her eyes filled with understanding. "Alright, Westrow. I trust you. Just remember, I'm here for you, no matter what it is. You can tell me anything, love."

With a small nod, Westrow leans into Alery's touch, grateful for her unwavering support.

"Please welcome the Deity Queen Maer!" a guard says as they allow them into the Royal Palace.

The crowd's chatter slowly dies down, a hush falls over the assembly as the imposing figure of the Deity Queen enters the room, accompanied by her sons, Howl and Yenza. All eyes are drawn to her appearance. Her hair, a wild and bluish tangle, defies the conventions of styled elegance observed by others in the room.

As the Deity Queen and her sons make their way towards the Queen's side, a daring voice breaks the silence.

"The Deity Queen!? She's not supposed to join in Royal affairs.. Why the hell is the Deity Queen here? What business does she have meddling in our affairs?!" the Neo-Spacian blurts out.

In an instant, the atmosphere becomes intense with the Deity Queen's presence being unnoticed by anyone. Her piercing gaze locks onto the outspoken Neo-Spacian, her eyes gazing with anger and superiority. The room collectively holds its breath, sensing the danger in challenging this formidable figure. Just what had this Neo-Spacian done?

Howl, standing at his mother's side, smirks with an air of superiority. He leans towards the Neo-Spacian and scoffs, his voice filled with disdain, "You dare question my mother's presence at all?! Have you forgotten the power she possesses? Show some damn respect, you insignificant fool!"

Yenza, on the other hand, bristles with barely contained anger. His delicate features contort with fury, and his eyes narrow on the daring Neo-Spacian. His voice trembles with an indignant rage as he joins his brother, "You should be grateful for our presence, you worm! Do not forget your place!"

The room falls silent once more, the defiant Neo-Spacian shrinking under the weight of their words and the fear that permeates the atmosphere. With a satisfied smile playing on her lips, the Deity Queen continues her regal stride towards the Queen's side.

Queen Xinia's eyes meet those of the Deity Queen, and a flicker of recognition passes between them. It is a silent acknowledgment of their shared history and the weight of their respective roles in the past.

"Maer, It has been quite some time since we last stood face to face, and since you made the decision to remain out of Royal Affairs as the Queen of Deity's."

Maer nods her head in response to Queen Xinia's greeting, acknowledging the past they both carry.

"Yes, Xinia, it has been long indeed.I see you have grown in power and wisdom since those days."

Queen Xinia's eyes drift momentarily towards Wendy, her daughter before refocusing on Maer.

"And you, Maer, have returned with new powers and a new purpose, But why grace us with your presence now? What brings you to this gathering?"

Maer's gaze sweeps across the room, her eyes lingering for a moment on Howl and Yenza, before she gestures subtly to her sons, signaling them to withdraw to a designated area away from the throne. They comply, casting one last disdainful glance at the gathered Neo-Spacians before retreating. "It is a momentous occasion, is it not? My son, Howl, is to be crowned the Prince today. I couldn't miss the opportunity to witness this historic event and ensure his path remains unhindered."

Queen Xinia's expression remains neutral. The Queen hadn't known that this self-proclaimed 'Deity Queen' had children yet. She observes Maer closely, sensing the underlying purpose in her words.

"Your dedication to your children is admirable, Maer, but let us not forget that which lies beneath the surface. Our secrets and choices have far-reaching consequences."

The sharp gaze of the Deity Queen, Maer, lingers on Wendy. Maer's curiosity gets the better of her, and she can't help but address the elephant in the room.

"Speaking of which…. Xinia," Maer begins, her voice tinged with intrigue, "it seems we have another member of my Celeston bloodline among us. A child blessed with the Deity Gene."

Queen Xinia's composure wavers for a moment, a flicker of nervousness crossing her face.

"You have a keen eye, Maer," Queen Xinia responds cautiously "The bloodline of the Celestons runs deep, and it seems fate has intertwined their legacy once again."

Maer's lips curl into a faint smile as she spoke softly.

"Indeed, the Celeston bloodline has always been intertwined with destiny and power. But tell me, Xinia, who is the real father of this intriguing child? Whose touch is it that made her? I already know the father is not the pathetic King Utsu."

Queen Xinia's eyes dart nervously around the room, briefly landing on Westrow, who averts his gaze in response. The weight of the revelation hangs heavy in the air.

"That, Maer,is a secret....and....urp!"

Maer tilts her head slightly, her gaze unwavering. Queen Xinia instantly feels a shiver run down her spine. The intensity of Maer's stare is like a weight upon her shoulders, bearing down with an unspoken threat that hangs heavily in the air.

"Xinia," Maer begins, her voice soft yet laden with a foreboding edge, "I have always respected your judgment and wisdom. But you must understand that the truth has a way of finding its way to the surface. Secrets, no matter how well-guarded, have a tendency to slip through the cracks."

Her words strike a chord within Queen Xinia, stirring a dormant fear of her that she has long sought to bury. Before she can respond, however, Maer's grips Xinia subtly

"Maer, please..."

But Maer's grip only tightens further, her gaze piercing through Queen Xinia's defenses with relentless determination. Maer begins to whisper,

"Xinia, someone from the Celeston bloodline has committed a grievous 'sin' against our sacred laws. You cannot expect me to turn a blind eye to such transgressions as the Deity Queen. And you wonder why I am here now...The Blood of the Celestons was not meant to be given out so casually. I will find out the truth, and when I do..."

A flicker of darkness passes through Maer's eyes, a shadow of the depths of her wrath waiting to be unleashed upon the perpetrator of this 'sin'. It is a side of Maer that Queen Xinia knew all too well.

"And when you do?" Queen Xinia echoes, her voice barely above a whisper, "What then, Maer? Will you cast judgment upon both of us..? You know, I am the Queen... without me..."

Maer's grip tightens, her eyes flashing with an intensity that sends a chill down Queen Xinia's spine.

"Without you, the delicate balance we have maintained for centuries would falter, unless I were to take your place, which I have no intention of doing," Maer interjects, her voice low .

"But make no mistake, Xinia, my loyalty to our kingdom does not absolve those who defy the sacred laws of the Celeston Family. Not even you as the Queen of Neospace are above my Divine family. I WILL kill you if I have to."

Queen Xinia's heart races, her mind racing with the weight of Maer's words.

"Maer, damn it," Queen Xinia curses, her voice getting desperate. " You always find a way to get like this... You know the consequences of such revelations. The stability of our kingdom—"

But Maer cuts her off with a sharp glare, her grip tightening to the point of pain. "The stability of our kingdom rests on the foundation of truth, Xinia," Maer retorts, her voice a low growl of warning. "And if I must tear down the walls of deceit to uphold that truth, then so be it. The longer you take to tell the truth, the worse off you'll be in the future, because I intend to stay around for a long time. "

Maer gracefully steps aside, allowing the spotlight to shift towards the forthcoming crowning of Howl. There was high anticipation in the air, and all eyes are fixed on the young prince-to-be.

"And now, I call forth Jim," Announces Queen Xinia

The crowd parts, making way for the knight Jim as he steps forward. His humanoid form has an air of wisdom and power, resembling a NeoSpacian despite having the origins of a monster with scars etched upon his body. Jim's eyes, a striking shade of amber, survey the room with a keen intellect that surpasses the expectations of his kind.

Jim approaches the platform where Howl stands. His gaze meets Queen Xinia's for a fleeting moment, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. With a graceful motion, Jim raises his hand, revealing a jeweled crown gleaming with ancient magic. It radiates with a faint luminescence, a symbol of the authority and destiny that awaits Howl.

Jim lowers the crown onto Howl's head, their eyes meet for a brief moment. Howl, unable to contain his thoughts, speaks with a tone of veiled disdain. "So, a monster like you gets to play the role of the Queen's lapdog, huh?"

Jim remains calm. He meets Howl's gaze, and his voice carries a deep resonance as he replies "Young prince, remember that power resides not only in physical strength but also in the wisdom to discern friend from foe. Prejudice is what blinds the mind and hampers progress."

Howl's expression briefly shifts to one of suprise before turning into a scowl.

"Choose your battles wisely, Young Prince. There are greater threats out there than the people you may currently despise. Should you wish to prove yourself, remember that true strength lies in unity and understanding."

With those words, Jim takes a step back into the background once more. Howl stepped back to contemplate the encounter.

As the ceremony reaches its conclusion, Queen Xinia's voice resounds through the grand hall, commanding attention and stirring many emotions within the gathered Neo-Spacians.

"My loyal subjects, I must depart on a journey, alongside King Utsu, to address matters that require our immediate attention! In my absence, I leave the kingdom in the capable hands of our newly crowned Prince, Howl!"

The crowd reacts with a flurry of murmurs, their expressions reflecting a range of emotions. Some wear disappointed expressions, longing for Queen Xinia's continued presence and guidance. Others show anger, their voices rising in protest at the sudden departure of their beloved queen.

King Utsu stands, his confidence faltering. His gaze is fixed on Queen Xinia. For so long, he had admired her, yearning to embody her strength and grace. Yet, in this moment, he feels the weight of his own inadequacy. He wonders if he was truly the one deserving of his position.

Queen Xinia turns her gaze towards King Utsu, noticing his lack of confidence. "King Utsu, you have shown unwavering dedication and loyalty. Believe in yourself, for your potential far surpasses what you perceive. Trust in your abilities, and you shall find the strength to overcome any challenge."

King Utsu's gaze meets Queen Xinia's, and for a fleeting moment, he glimpses the unwavering belief she holds in him. Encouraged by her words, he straightens his posture, determination flickering within his eyes.

A Person hidden beneath a Dark cloak, quietly slips away from the commotion, his footsteps barely audible against the polished marble floor. His presence goes unnoticed by most, but a keen observer catches a glimpse of his departure. Yenza, with his inquisitive nature, catches sight of the cloaked figure and feels a tingle of curiosity.

"Hey, Howl," Yenza whispers to his brother, leaning closer. "Who's that? The one in the cloak who's leaving?"

Howl turns his gaze in the direction Yenza is pointing and squints, trying to make out the figure in question. The Figure blends seamlessly with the background, his departure seemingly unnoticed by everyone else.

"I don't know, Yenza, but something about 'that' person seems off. Let's keep an eye on them."

Yenza nods in agreement, his young face showing excitement. The mysterious stranger has piqued his curiosity, and he's eager to uncover the secrets that lie beneath the cloak.

The ceremony concludes, Howl and Yenza exchange glances, silently acknowledging their shared curiosity. Just who was that person?

Next chapter