
The Third Wheel

Christian was asking me out to a date.

Ok, it was more like, a third wheel to a date.

"Please?" he asked, flashing his cute puppy dog eyes at me and gently squeezing my hand. I notice some of the coffeeshop's customers check us out, probably thinking how a normal looking girl like me land a hot guy like Christian. It wouldn't be a surprise if strangers would have mistaken us for a couple, the way we sat close to each other, his hand holding mine. Even I would have made a mistake.

But we weren't even dating

We were just friends.

I pulled my hand away from his hold. My heart was already starting to flutter, so I scoffed.

"Where'd you meet her anyway? I thought you were done dating after Ramona."

He leaned back, looking pensive as though trying to remember something.

"Ramona who?"

Right, I thought, rolling my eyes. Don't tell me you've forgotten all about her. I could still remembet all the late night drinking, the midnight calls and the text. I don't I can go on Cel. And me, like an idiot, rushing over to his place to take care of him, clean his place, get him to bed, make everything all right. A month of that and how does he repay me? By asking me to be a third wheel.

"So, who's the new lucky girl?"

He smiles boyishly, displaying his dimples and a set of perfect white teeth.

"Jenna. I met her online"

"Ha. Well, that can't be good"

"No, she's great. She's a doctor like you. Really smart and really hot..."

I looked away, unable to stand his drooling. Christian and I had been friends for nearly ten years. We met at med school, where he stood out like a greek Adonis amongst us the geek plebians. Tall, smart and good-looking with an easy confidence that made him even more attractive. We were seatmates for 3 yeas until he decided to drop out and become some model/entrepreneur/artist because he was rich and handsome that way. I continued on to become a doctor. But we kept in touch and remained the best of friends.

Still, I always wished we'd become more than friends. But Christian always had a steady round of hot models and actresses, and against them I was nothing but the short, mousy nerd best friend.

I sighed. "I can't"

Christian finally stopped talking.

"Why not?"

"Why do you even need me there? I'm tired of being your third wheel."

"For support, bes," he said. "You know how crazy women can get, especially around me. I need my best girl to be looking out for me."

Honestly, if I weren't so in love with him I'd think Christian was a jerk.

"I can't," I repeated, smiling coquetishly. "I've got plans"

He looked at me, incredulous.

"What plans? Like a date?"

Not really, I thought, more like netflix by myself at home. A typical quiet friday night for someone who's been perrenially single.

But the way he looks at me, wide eyed as though seeing me for the first time; butterflies suddenly fill my stomach and I nodded.

"Yup. A date"

He can't take his eyes off me.

"Do I know him?"

"Of course not"

"How'd you meet?"

I coughed our a chuckle. "How does anyone meet anyone nowadays? Online, of course"

"And you're going to meet him alone?" Christian shook his head. "That's not safe, Cel. That's exactly how most horror movies start out. No."


"You can't go and meet him alone. See, I know you, Cel. You've never had a boyfriend and you're craving to finally get out there. But you're naive when it comes to dating. Most men aren't like me, a gentlman. Most men would try to take advantage of you. That's why you shouldn't meet this guy alone." He smiled. "I've got it. We should double date."

I choke on my coffee. "What?"

"Its perfect. That way, we can look out for each other." Christian is on his feet before I could say another word and kisses me on the cheek. "I'll set it up. You needed worry about anything, okay. I'll pick you up at your place tomorrow night."


It's too late. Christian is already out the door.

I sighed.

So much for a quiet Friday night