

"SLAM" went the door as Erin walked through it everyone went quite. Nobody messed with Erin because he was always so mean and upset. Before their parents died in the war he was planning to go to a college across seas. But then he heard the news and had to stay to take care of Josh and Gemma. That's was 2 years ago. "Um I'm going to go to school now," said Josh there is 2 times for school there was the 10-14 year olds in the morning at 8 o clock and 15-19 during the afternoon at 3 o clock. Josh was lucky he got to escape from Erin to go to school. Erin has dark black hair and is tall he also always wore a jean jacket and looked like he was always causing trouble. This was a different style as Gemma and Josh because Josh was a nerdy kid that always wore a blue shirt and jeans with glasses, is an average height, and has dark brown hair. Gemma also has brown hair, but light brown she is an average height and always wears a purple dress that almost looks like a shirt, and black pants. The only thing that have in common is dark green eyes and white slightly tanned skin. Their personality's are all different. Leea almost looks like Erin but is way nicer. She has dark black hair wears a leather jacket with a small brown dress with jeans, and has an eyepatch over her right eye. She also has light brown skin and dark brown eyes. Now that Josh left that just leaves Leea and Gemma and Leea will leave soon so that just leaves Gemma and Erin.

So I just wanted to say that the first 3 to 4 chapters is just getting used to the characters and what their like. There’s quite a few characters I consider main characters so the main story will start soon I just wanted to say that. :)

katelyn_weazelcreators' thoughts