
The End or a new Beginning

Hello dear Reader, this will be my first fanfiction so please don't be so strict with me also keep in mind that English is not my first language. Please read the summary at the beginning. But that's enough for now so lets start with the real reason your here...

Hey my name is Ari Kabayasha and I'm 17 years old. I'm quite the common girl in my opinion but others might think different of me. They say I'm weird, different but I think it's a good thing to be different. At least my look say the same about me too. I have long light brown hair with some white in it but whats really uncommon about me are my eyes. I have golden eyes and sometimes you can see shimmers of green and blue in them. I love the nature but I'm really shy and afraid of people. My hobbies are drawing and dancing. But that's enough about me for now.

Well today it's just a normal day like always. It's winter and school was canceled because of the snow at least. So I' m quite bored laying on the couch in my small cheap apartment and then I had the bright idea to go outside and take a walk around the park nearby. I have the habit to feed the animals there birds, dogs and everything that lives there I just can't see them suffering when I could help them. 

So that's were we are right now. I chose to wear my blue warm mantle and just griped my keys and ran to the park. It's quite cold and I can see my breath but at least the park is not far away. I'm now there after maybe 5 minutes and go to my little secret spot behind the lake. It's the quietest spot here and it's hidden behind the trees from others. Every time I go there and see the animals waiting for me. Today it's the same the fox family is always on time like they know I'm coming and the the lonely deer is there too. She is like a mother for them, she protects them and takes care of others, even me. I gave her the name Iris because I really respect her for the things she does for all the animals here. "Hey how are you all today I hope its not too cold for ya out here." While saying that I sit down next to Iris and she lays her head on my legs. 

"Here I brought you some food I hope you like it." I take out all the food and set up a small picnic for us. There are some seeds for the birds, meat for the foxes and salad, berries and hay for the others. It might be cold but I can't feel it, I'm just happy to be here.

I don't have any friend an I'm the lonely kid at school because I'm to shy and afraid to mess up but at least I have them, they're my family I never had. I enjoy my time and talk to them even when they can't talk back I still get the feeling that they can understand me. It's getting dark now and I completely forgot the time. "Shit, I have to go now take care and keep each other warm." I jump up get my things and run home or that was my plan. 

Out of nowhere I hear a cracking and howls. A wolf pup fell into the lake. As fast as I can I run across the frozen lake only to stop a few meters away. The ice is cracking but I still go on. I know I'm stupid but I have to save it, my family. "Only a few meters, there I got you." I have him in my hold but the ice is near it's breaking point and I know it will break soon. Without thinking I take the pup and let it slide to the safe lakeside. Suddenly the ice breaks and I'm drowning. I try to keep my head above but its no use, its to cold and I'm loosing my strength. 

At least I could save my family but well it seems like this is it for me too and everything goes black. 


"Not yet my child you still have a hole life ahead of you."

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