
Moving on

"Now... who the hell are you?" Natsu set himself ablaze with his gold flames, looking dangerously towards the guy in white armor.

"Mhm?" The person in the white armor turned towards the fuming Natsu as he was about to speak, "I am Albion. My Sacred Gear is Divine Dividing, able to halve the enemy's power and transfer it to me. That's how I was able to stop your attack."

"Well, it's a good thing I don't give a fuck about your power or where you came from." Natsu's fire started growing to new heights while Albion didn't seem to acknowledge this, "But... you just stopped me from turning this guy into oblivion!" He pointed towards the terrified Kokabiel as Natsu got into a fighting stance.

"I wasn't sent here to fight anyone. I just need to take this person with me." Albion gestured to Kokabiel but it didn't get to Natsu while the pillar of fire around him just kept growing.

"Fire Dragon's..." Natsu's golden fire disappeared out of nowhere as he continued his speech, "Crushing Fist!" Natsu stayed where he was, uppercutting the air as nothing seemed to happen, confusing Albion. Suddenly, he felt a rumble underneath his feet but it was too late to move as a giant golden fist made of fire exploded from the ground launching him into the air.

"Divide!" Albion yelled out, sticking his hand on the giant fist of fire as it shrunk in size until nothing was left. Recovering from the attack, Albion saw that he had a small crack in his armor. "What is this?" He asked himself. Flying back down, he landed near the angry Natsu wanting answers. "You! Just what in the world are you?"

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, son of the Fire Dragon King Igneel!" Natsu boasted pointing his thumb towards himself, "Best remember it! Fire Dragon's Crumbling Fang!" Natsu swiped the air as huge claw-like waves of fire shot towards Albion. Quickly he activated his magic causing the attack to disappear. "Hey! Stop using those dirty tricks and fight me for real!"

"You made a good decision diminishing the attack, Albion." The sound came from Issei as his red gauntlet was back again glowing a soft green color.

"Ddraig! You spoke!" Issei yelled surprised.

"That boy's magic is harmful to us Dragons. In fact, it's made to kill our kind by making the user have more Draconic features and abilities." Ddraig spoke from the Sacred Gear as he continued on, "And especially don't underestimate this boy, Natsu. The magic he uses isn't the only thing that makes him strong."

"Yes, I've realized this. But he is still no match for me." Albion said turning to face Issei's Sacred Gear.

"You want to test that statement asshole!" Natsu yelled charging towards Albion.

"I know you're strong, Dragneel. I witnessed your fight with Kokabiel and saw that you still held back some of your power to keep your friends safe." Albion swiftly dodged Natsu's attempt at attacking him while he stopped, skidding on the ground with a flabbergasted face.

"How did you..." Natsu whispered to himself until something came to his realization, "Wait, you mean you were watching us the whole time!? You're saying that you could have come in at any time, but you decided to let Rias die!" Flames blasted from his body while his whole being started to morph and turn into fire himself. He then suddenly vanished from everyone's sight in a wisp of fire and appeared right in front of Albion, shocking him. "Fire Dragon's Grip Strike!" Natsu held tightly to the blue gem that was in the middle of the armor as a humongous blast of gold fire erupted from his hand, barraging him with a vast amount of flames that kept going on at point blank range.

"Divide!" Albion yelled while the torrent of flames that were hitting him got smaller by the second.

"Oh no you don't!" Natsu yelled, squeezing the gem even harder while the fire that was escaping from his hand got even bigger and brighter, temporarily beating Albion's magic. It was back and forth, with Albion using his magic to diminish Natsu's flames while he kept on putting more magic in his attack increasing the power of it greatly each time.

Having enough of it, Albion shoved Natsu off his him as the gem from his chest plate of his armor was torn off completely. "This is enough! I don't have time to play with you!" With that he dashed off with great speeds dragging Kokabiel and Freed with him, leaving a trail of bright blue light in the sky.

"That bastard." Natsu said under his breath growling, as he put the gem in his coat was until another thing popped into his head, "Princess!" He rushed towards where he last left her to find Asia trying to heal her with Koneko, Xenovia, Happy and Kiba surrounding the area. Issei followed his lead also running towards Rias. "Move!" He yelled as he looked at Rias's body. Kneeling down he placed a hand on her forehead to feel to find that it was cold. Asia kept doing her best while tears streamed down her face.

"I-I can't. I can't do it!" Asia cried as she stopped the healing and put her hands on her face trying to hide the tears.

"Yes, you can do it Asia! You have to! We... we gotta get her back!" Natsu yelled trying to encourage her but to no avail as she kept crying. "Happy!" He called out.

"Aye." Happy said shakily, wiping the tears from his eyes, walking towards his friend.

"We're going." Natsu said in a demanding voice.

"B-but where?" He asked, not getting an answer.

"Asia! You're coming too." Suddenly he picked Rias up bridal style while putting Happy on his shoulder. Asia complied with Natsu's demand, getting up quickly to be next to Natsu.

"Hold on tight Asia. I mean it, I don't want you to fall." Natsu said in a caring way as his last tone was completely gone and replace with a solemn one. He told Happy to get the Magic Transferring Paper out of his pocket, which he did.

"Where do you guys think you're going!?" Issei demanded walking towards the group.

"To save Rias." Natsu said simply, as a bright red light started to surround them with a Magic Circle beneath their feet.

"Wait!" Issei yelled jumping towards the group, but it was too late as they were gone in a flash of red light. "You better make this right, Natsu." He sighed.

Location in the Gremory Household:

"I hope they're alright." Venelana worriedly said clasping her hands together. The whole Gremory family-including Grayfia- were sitting down in their living room area waiting patiently with the others on a luxurious red couch.

"I'm sure our daughter and her friends are fine, dear." Zoticus said soothingly, sitting down next to his wife.

"I guess you're right. They'd have to be fine if-" Venelana was cut off by a servant bursting through the door gasping for air as his face was sweating and had a grieving expression on.

"Natsu!" He screamed urgently, "Natsu came back, but Rias is severely injured- could be dead in fact!" The butler regretted what he said instantly, as the whole group within the room raised their magic to a whole 'nother level.

"What'd you say about my sister?" Sirzechs asked threateningly towards the butler who already passed out.

"We have to go, son. We have to see what's happening for ourselves. Killing the butler won't help anyone," Zoticus said putting a hand on Sirzechs' shoulder, "And especially don't try to kill Natsu." He said squeezing his hand this time.

The Gremory family hurriedly teleported to where their butler said Natsu and the others were as they popped out of the Magic Circle right into an infirmary.

"Natsu, what's going-" Grayfia couldn't finish her statement as she saw what was in front of her. Rias' body was lying on the bed motionless with her skin being even paler than it was before. The most notable feature was the medium sized hole in the right side of her chest. "Rias-sama..."

Sirzechs' anger blew over the top this time. He screamed loudly flipping over the other beds and cabinets as he yelled some more, "Where's Natsu!?" He yelled fuming out loud.

"Sirzechs!" His father screamed trying to stop him.

"No! I need to know how this happened! He promised me, he would get her home safely!" Sirzechs bellowed, "He... he promised..." Tears started to form around his eyes threatening to spill but he pulled himself together knowing he had to set an example. Calmly he walked around the infirmary to find Natsu, Asia and Happy behind one of the curtains while Natsu was sitting on the bed facing away from him. Happy and Asia were sitting on the bed with him but on the other side, able to see Sirzechs, "Natsu. I demand to know what happened."

"I failed," He said with a cracky voice, "I wasn't s-strong enough."

"That's not an excuse. I said, tell me what happened." Sirzechs sternly said not caring for Natsu's current state.

"The guy Kokabiel was about to-" Happy's explanation was rejected as Sirzechs gave him a deadly stare.

"I said for Natsu to tell me." Sirzechs repeated. Natsu didn't bother to turn around as sniffling sounds came from him.

"Kokabiel... he almost killed me. I... I was fully prepared to die, knowing what I got myself into, but..." Natsu trailed off having Sirzechs tell him to continue, "But Rias took the hit for me. She risked her life... to save mine. I-I don't get it. I would have probably survived since one of my abilities include fast regeneration, but she did it anyway. I watched her being stabbed right in front of me, while I was on the ground helpless." Natsu explained, "I... I wasn't strong enough..."

"Then how were you able to get back here?" Sirzechs asked expecting an answer. Getting nothing from the man, he went to the other side of the bed but was stopped by Asia.

"Please sir... Natsu doesn't want anyone to see him right now. I know this means nothing coming from a person like me b-but please don't do it." Asia bravely took a stand, wanting to help her friend by going with what he said but Sirzechs didn't bother to consider her opinion as he continued walking to his destination.

"Natsu, answer me alrea-" Sirzechs managed to go all around the bed to find himself speechless at Natsu's state. He saw that his salmon hair was spikier and wilder than ever and his canine teeth were protruding a bit from his mouth even though they were closed. Natsu's pupils were black slits while the irises around them were glowing a soft bright gold. The most notable and frightening feature were the scales.

They lined up and formed around the most vulnerable parts of the visible parts of his body. The forearms, knuckles, back, ribs, neck and the sides of his face were cover in the thick, blood red scales except for parts of his chest and stomach. He could even tell that they were all around his legs because of the way Natsu's pants lifted when he sat down.

"Natsu... what happened to you? What exactly happened there?" Sirzechs asked worriedly. His other strict and angry demeanor was gone as he was scared for what was happening to his first real friend.

"Thanks, Asia... for trying," Natsu said smiling weakly at her, but it was gone as soon as he faced front. He hung his head down staring at the floor as he continued speaking, "That's why I didn't want you to see me like this. I knew you would get worried and I don't want that, especially when you have your sister to worry about."

"Natsu... that doesn't matter. You are family. I told you this before- we all think of you as a part of the Gremory family, even Rias." Sirzechs sid sitting down next to Natsu. "You don't have to worry either; I'm not mad anymore. That was just me, having my feeling take over my thoughts without trying to see the other perspectives. And just to let you know... no matter what you do, we'll always forgive you, even for this. We know it's not your fault."

The dam broke. Natsu's tears fell straight down on the floor he was looking on as Sirzechs gave him a hug to comfort him. Eventually, he too started crying as Natsu also began to engage in the hug.

"What are you two doing- get in here." Sirzechs said opening up his arm while Asia looked shocked. Happy gladly joined the hug, enjoying the warm and security his friends brought with them. Natsu jumped on the other side of the bed and practically dragged Asia over to the group hug, startling her. She was stuck in the middle- along with Happy- as she started to enjoy the sensation she felt too, unconsciously smiling.

The moment was ruined, however, when a nurse came in, "Sirzechs-sama, the Phoenix Tears have arrived."

"What?" He asked very confusedly.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I called everyone I knew in this world to come and help with our problem. But it turned out Ravel was the only one that had the medicine to actually help Rias. She said she'll bring them as fast as possible but I didn't think this fast." Natsu explained as Sirzechs looked at him with a very puzzled face.

"Where'd you get their contact information?" He asked.

"It wasn't hard. I just asked the maids, they know everything to know about the underworld." Natsu answered.

"And where'd you get that idea?" Sirzechs asked again.

"Well Grayfia is super smart, isn't she? So I just assumed that every maid was like that." Natsu said plainly. Sirzechs wanted to facepalm himself.

"Oh, and Asia-sama. We'll need you for this operation. Your heal abilities will make this much easier and safer." The nurse informed as Asia tensed in fear.

"Hey, don't sweat it Asia. I know someone just like you in my own world and she fad healing powers too. I can't tell you how many times she saved my life but one thing that always brought her down was fear of the uncertain, but that didn't stop her from healing me when I was injured." Natsu said placing a hand on her shoulder as they both locked eyes with each other, "You want to save Rias, I get that. But you're too scared that you'll mess up to through with it, I get that too. But fear will never help at times when you're faced with a challenge that's ahead of you. So whenever I'm uncertain of something I say "I;m fired up" to help face what's in front of me."

"Thanks, Natsu-san." Asia said smiling.

"Hey, we're not done. Come on, say it." Natsu said smiling brightly.

"I'm fired up." Asia said timidly, not used to this.

"That was weak, come on. Say I'm fired up!" Natsu cheered on.

"I'm fired up." Asia said a little louder than before.

"I said I'm fired up!"

"I'm fired up!" Asia yelled getting into the spirit.

"I'M FIRED UP!" Natsu screamed at the top of his lungs, throwing his arms up

"I'M FIRED UP!" Asia did the same as she walked out the with the nurse ready to go and heal Rias.

"You've got this in the bag Asia!" Natsu yelled supporting her.

"Aye! Go, Asia!" Happy cheered alongside his partner jumping up and down. Getting into the mojo of things, Sirzechs joined in.

"Go save my sister Asia!" Sirzechs cheered happily.

One day Later:

A day has passed since the incident and many things happened. The operation with the Phoenix Tears and Asia's Twilight Healing helped save Rias as everyone rejoiced at the news, but not as much as Sirzechs and Natsu. They partied that day drinking alcohol, making things explode and having a contest of strength and eating capacity(which Natsu won the latter obviously). When Grayfia ended their party- just when things got good and Zoticus joined with them- the three males went over to see Rias' condition. To their surprise, they saw that she had no mark, no scar, no nothing on her where she was struck!

Natsu proposed that they party again over this revelation which they all agreed to. The party ended with Venelana ending it this time causing both spouses to have an argument of whether or not Zoticus can cause damage to his own house. The boys slipped away from the fight as they hung out together while occasionally going to check up on Rias. The duo also trophied the blue gem Natsu got from the white armored dude.

Another thing that happened was when Ravel came, she decided to stay as she had nothing important to do except this. So she slept over in the Gremory estate while watching Natsu around the mansion without him noticing. She even dared to go into the same sauna as them but realized that she was going too far with her... uh, well, she doesn't really know but she knew that she'd gone too far with following Natsu(it's a crush if you couldn't guess).

But the one dreadful thing that happened- or stayed the same- was that Natsu didn't return back to normal for two days. Igneel explained that Natsu had inadequately or prematurely activated his stage two Dragon Force. So for three days Natsu stayed the same way with the scales attached to him until Grayfia found out a way to suck out the dragon energy from his body; three days Rias stayed in bed unconscious as the others waited patiently. It wasn't till the fourth day where Rais woke up from her slumber, had Natsu returned to his normal state.

"Ugh... what happened?" Rias asked, lazily sitting up from her bed. Opening her eyes, she saw that everyone, her whole Family including Natsu, Asia, Grayfia and Happy standing around her with smiles on their faces.

"Rias! I'm so glad you're back!" Aisa cheered in delight.

"Back from what?" She asked again.

"Oh Rias! I missed you so much! Watching you die felt horrible!" Happy cried as he jumped into Rias' breasts.

"What! Dying!?" Rias jerked up from the news as everyone facepalmed at Happy's bluntness.

"Oh, right. I wasn't supposed to say it until the end. My bad?" Happy said sheepishly while Natsu just flicked him in the forehead, "Ow! I guess I deserved that." Happy sighed.

"So will someone explain?" Rias asked again, really hoping to get an answer. Being the one who blurted it out anyway, Happy explained the whole story to her as the spectators saw the different reactions Rias made. "I... I remember now... what happened... Natsu?"

"I'm sorry." He said shamefully, putting his head down.

"Natsu, come here," Rias ordered as Natsu did as he was told. Looking at him sternly, Rias' eyes turned soft as she smiled. Pulling Natsu down from the side of her head, Rias placed him head right in between her chest. "There's no need for you to be sad Natsu. I did what I did and I don't regret any of it."

That's when Natsu remembered back at the Tower of Heaven again, even with everything going on, he still risked his own life to save Erza's. He did what he did and he doesn't regret it either. Rias let go of Natsu, smiling at him while she began to talk again.

"Anyway, I heard from Happy that you got a "super mega extremely fantastically awesome new badass form of Dragon Force that can beat anyone or anything"." Rias quoted directly from Happy's choice of words as everyone giggled at the end. "What's Dragon Force anyway Natsu?"

"Well, it's hard to explain when I barely understand it myself, but it's like the highest and ultimate state of Dragonslayer Magic. The user is able to take on some characteristic of a Dragon like scales and fangs but in a much more humanoid way." Natsu explained, trying his best to not confuse the people around him, "Igneel told me that there are three stages. The first has you gain scale lines around your body while increasing your prowess and other abilities. Uh, the second one is similar to the first one as you gain scales and stuff but Igneel said that the scales take on a color depending on your element and that the element you use become a part of you. Whatever that means."

"What's the third stage?" Zoticus asked getting interested in this new magic.

"Oh, the third stage is like the closest you can get to a Dragon. Not only do you get scales but wings too! Your senses are enhanced tenfold along with your other abilities! I could even get horns!" Natsu said giddily. "Except there's a downside. If I don't get out of that stage when my magic is finished then I would be stuck like that forever and they'll be no way to stop my Dragnification." Natsu said sadly.

"What?" Rias asked.

"That's when Natsu will turn into a real Dragon! But also might become a bloodthirsty animal of destruction!" Happy chimed in while Natsu flicked him again.

"That seems pretty serious, Natsu." Sirzechs said.

"Yeah, I know," Natsu answered leaning into Sirzechs' ear, "But to let you know something, that's what Acnologia is. He's actually a Dragonslayer that turned into a Dragon. And he hunts them to for no reason." Nodding in understanding, Sirzechs pulled away from Natsu.

"Well Rias, I think that you should get your rest now. I want you raring to go before you get your new Devil pieces." Sirzechs said while tucking in his sister.


A week Later in the club room:

Time passed since Rias' awakening. She recovered fully after two more days as she returned to her duties in the club as president once again. When the rest of the peerage found out the great news, they all spent time with Rias in some way, enjoying the feeling of when she was around. Natsu joined the group, trying to show them how to celebrate "Fairy Tail" style like with Sirzech and Zoticus, but Rias strongly disagreed saying that it's just an excuse for Natsu to destroy things. Happy also tagged along saying that he didn't want to miss any of the action so he too is staying with Rias in the human world. Although something unexpected was going to happen today, that was actually predicted by Sirzechs.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to our new companion and Knight of Rias Gremory," Rias announced from her chair in the head of the room, "Xenovia." Just as she said this, said person walked through the door wearing a Kuoh school uniform.

"EH!? What's she doing here!?" Issei yelled, pointing towards Xenovia.

"Like I said, she's my new Knight along with Kiba." Rias explained. Xenovia didn't bother to pay attention to Issei's boast as she turned to look at Natsu.

"Hello, Prince of Fire Dragons." She said bowing a bit. This got Natsu a bit startled.

"W-what? Prince?" Natsu asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, prince. You said your father was the Fire Dragon King, so you must be the prince since you're his son." Xenovia explained as Natsu scratched his head in confusion.

"I never thought of it that way..." He said while Happy consulted him trying to help his friend understand.

"Wait a second, if you're a Knight then..." Issei started to study Xenovia until she suddenly sprouted Devil wings, "You really are a Devil!"

"Let me explain. Since the high Angels know that I have unwanted information about their secret, they told me to go serve under the Gremory as they would take of me." Xenovia retracted her wings while everyone looked at her in surprise.

"You got kicked out?" Kiba asked putting down his cup of tea.

"Not per say. I mostly volunteered to do this because some of them suggested erasing my memories, but I disagreed, wanting to see how this will all work out," Xenovia explained while walking up to Asia, "Asia Argento, I'm sorry for calling you a heretic and a witch. When I proposed to kill you for your sins, I apologize for that too." She bowed towards Asia while she stood up to confront her.

"There's no need to apologize Xenovia. I'm very happy we how things are right now. This life has lent me some of the best friends that I could ever ask for. I just wish the same can happen to you." Asia said lifting Xenovia's head.

"If that's the case I would like to ask you a favor," Xenovia said smiling, "Would you do the honors of being my first friend?"

"Of course!" Asia said happily. Feeling the good vibes, Natsu joined in the conversation wrapping his arms around both women's neck bringing them closer together.

"Isn't this the best! Getting a new friend, having parties, and just goofing off in general!" Natsu said as he swung side to side merrily, having the two girls under his arms sway with him.

"Aye, sir!" Happy yelled, flying towards them while Natsu let go of Asia and Xenovia. Unfortunately, the duo started singing a silly song.

"Oh, mighty Dragon, come and save me! Soar free in the sky with your glorious wings! Breathing hot fire-!"

"Natsu, stop it!" Rias screamed irritated, "Your song is terrible! So is your singing!"

"You want to take this outside, Princess!?" Natsu yelled in her face while the two had a heated argument.

"Anyway..." Xenovia turned away from the awkward fight and went to talk to Asia again.

"You're so damn careless!"

"You think I care!? I'm just awesome like that and you're just jealous!"

"You dumbass!"

"...Can you give me a tour of the school? I'm pretty lost." Xenovia said while Asia nodded her head rapidly. "Oh yeah, I also have to mention, I applied for a third year in this school."

"This is it!" Rias yelled hitting Natsu in the head with magic, instantly knocking him out.

"Uh, sure. That would be great!" Asia said happily.

"Attention everyone!" Rias yelled standing on top of an unconscious Natsu, "Now that we have a new Knight and everything has returned back to normal, let's get back to doing our club activities!"

"Yes, President!"

"Aye! Natsu, are you alright!?"

"So much like Erza... scary."

Next chapter