
chapter one

Natalie POV;

Natalie (knocking on mum's door)

Mum said. Good morning mum, how was your night? and how are you feeling today?

Morning darling, my night was okay but my health condition is getting worse, I had a serious headache all through the night "Mum replied""""

So sorry about that mum, I'm trying my best to raise the money for your surgery but all to no avail, I don't know what else to do…I plan on telling my boss to give me my salary for 4 months ahead so I can deposit for your surgery.

I don't know what to say, mum replied

Everything will be fine mum, I'm off to work now I'm late already, your food is at the dining

Okay my dear, God bless you for me and please stay out of trouble "Mum said"

Sure mum I will(Natalie rushes out)

Good morning Luna, how are you doing?

Morning Natalie. I'm fine thank you, you're late today again what's the problem?

It's still about my mum's surgery, I haven't been able to raise the money for her surgery" Natalie said to Luna " Is the boss around?

Oh, I almost forgot about that, how is she? And yes boss is around, what do you want him for?

She's not getting any better, I want to ask my boss if he can pay me ahead of my salary ….

Okay dear" Luna said "

Natalie (knocking on the boss's office)

Who's there? Come in "Natalie's boss replied"

Good morning sir, please sir I need a favor from you

Morning Nat; what favor is that?

Sir please my mother is sick and I need your help

Go on I don't have all the time to listen to you

Sorry sir. Please, sir, I want you to help me with my 2 months' salary and extra months ahead. My mother is sick and I have to pay for her surgery.

Well sorry Nat, this is the wrong timing I've invested all the money I had with me in my business

Sir please, I beg of you I need this money and I promise to work for it, sir.

I'm sorry there's nothing I can do

Please please help me please (Natalie crying and pleading)Sirr please, sir, please!!

Get out of my office now "Nat's boss replied"

Natalie cried out profusely…..

Luna; why are you crying and what did the boss say about the salary?

He refused Luna, he refused. What should I do now? Oh my God

I can't stand to lose my mother

You won't lose her, nothing will happen to her. Everything will be fine in no time

"Luna continues to console me, everything will be fine….

It's time to go home after a very stressful day at work. I stood under the scorching sun to wait for the bus, oh here it came I entered and swiped my card.

"A few minutes later"

Mum, I'm home. Where are you?

Knocking on mum's door; Mum are you in? Mum opened the door I'm back…with no response, I immediately pushed the door and found my mum on the floor lifelessly

Mum!!!!! I screamed, crying profusely, Mum please get up don't do this to me. I immediately picked up my phone and called for help " 911"

Nurse Nurse Nurse!! I screamed. A nurse ran out immediately and took her immediately to a ward. I was asked to stay outside. After a few minutes, the doctor came out.

"Doctor replied"See me in my office immediately.

I hurriedly ran after him to his office, sir what's the problem with my mum?

Hey miss calm down and sit "the doctor said"

Ok sir I'm seated now, what's wrong with my mum, I left her this morning strong only to come back home and meet her on the floor unconscious.

Your mum's Kidney has been affected badly and she needs immediate surgery. She has just a few days to live and if the surgery isn't commenced in 3 days life has become low, so you have to deposit as I told you before.

Sir I know, but I don't have such a huge amount of money now, I said to the doctor

Then I'm sorry there's nothing I can do. You can go see your mum, but please she needs to rest

Ok doc, I said thanks and walked out to go see my mum in her ward; Mum you're awake, how are you feeling now ?

Oh, my sweet Natalie, I'm fine

Mom, let's cut the pretense. It's obvious that you're not fine. I'm going to grandpa's house to see if he can help me with the bills.

Your Grandfather? You know he wouldn't even want to hear my name "Mum said anxiously"

I know Mum, we don't have a choice as it stands so I'll leave first thing in the morning.

The doctor advised me to get you some fruits. Therefore, on my way back, I will also bring some clothes for you to change into. My friend Luna will take care of you throughout the night so that I can tidy up the house and leave early for Grandpa's place tomorrow.

Without wasting any time, I rushed home to grab some fruit and clothes. I knew I couldn't do it alone, so I called my friend Luna for help. I picked up the phone and dialed her number. "Luna, I need your help. Can you do me a favor?" I asked in a confident tone.

"What do you need?" Luna replied.

"I need you to stay with my mom tonight. I have to clean the house and then head to my grandpa's place for assistance. Can you handle it?" I asked assertively.

"Sure, no problem. I'll be at the hospital," Luna said.

"Great, thank you so much," I replied, feeling relieved.

Without wasting any time, I picked up the clothes, washed the fruit, and headed straight to the hospital. When I arrived, Luna was already there, taking care of my mother. "Thank you so much, Luna," I said, expressing my gratitude.

"Don't mention it. Your mom is like a mother to me too," Luna replied.

"Okay, Mom. Here are the clothes and fruit. I have to hurry home before it gets dark and the traffic gets bad," I said, sounding confident and assertive.

Okay dear stay

safe "Mum said"

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