
The Future of Konoha


Even though he had been away from Konoha for less than a week, he still longed for it.

He was worried for his home

Does it still exist?

Did we win?

Is everyone safe?

Questions like this kept Naruto from truly relaxing in this unknown world.

He wanted an answer.

He wanted to know if his home was still there for him when he goes back.

'But I don't need to worry anymore.'

In front of him, the bedroom, was his old room.

Even though it was a horrible apartment with a horrible landlord, it was still a place that accepted


He crawled on top of his old wooden bed and looked outside the window.

The same old place that he loves.

The massive trees, the steel buil—hold up.

"What?! When did we have steel buildings?!"

Naruto ran back to the living room to get a better view of the place.

People were dressed more 'modernly' like the people of the world he's currently in!

"What's with those portable electronic devices?!"

"Huuuuuuuuuh?! The Spring Country's trains improved and are now everywhere?!"


Naruto focused on the seventh face on the Hokage monument.


The face was oddly familiar.

Three whisker-like marks on both sides of the cheeks.

But at the same time, it was oddly unfamiliar.

For example.

The face.

Oddly feminine.

Too feminine actually.

Kind of like his sexy transformation jutsu except it was much cuter and softer..


[Do you want the long answer or the short answer?]

"One that I can understand!"

[The short answer it is then. For every reality, there is one where the gender is all flipped. Because you disappeared from your reality, your 'female' form got sent to replace you.]

"So… I'm a girl?"


"And everyone just accepted it?"

[The Sage of Six Paths had to pull some strings, you're lucky that the reality where your female world came from had defeated Kaguya months earlier.]

"What about Sasuke?"

[The Sage of Six Paths couldn't change his memory because his impression of you was too strong, it would be like changing his soul.]

"Is… he alright?"

[He believed that you died and is trying to make amends by protecting both Konoha and the Elemental Nations from internal and external threat.]

"Wait, what about that 'other' Sasuke?"

[She's a special case, but she's doing fine. ]

"That's good. What about the female me?"

[Your female form goes by the name Natsumi, through some altering, she has now settled down with

Hinata and has two kids.]

"What are their names?"

[Boruto and Himawari.]

"Who named Boruto? Must be an idiot, could have named him Menma or something."


"You know, now that I thought about it, Boruto is actually a really good name. A bolt that holds Konoha together or something. Yeah… really uhhh, what's it called? Metaphor I think."


Naruto coughed into his palms. "So… can I go out?"

[Only for 5 minutes once a month.]


[7 minutes, no more no less.]

"I love you!"

[You're welcome.]

"Wait, how much time has passed?"

[Roughly 10-11 years, it took a while to stabilize the would-be absurd chakra influx as I directed it into strengthening the foundation to allow for other—]

"Yeah, yeah, but, does Ichiraku still exist?"


Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. "Is there a queue right now?"

[Should be around 10 minutes, it got quite popular after you became Hokage.]

"Crap, what am I going to do then?" He glanced at the Hokage Rock.

"Can I go now?"

[Any time you are ready. None of them will recognize who you are, not even your alternate form since her mind had been altered as well. All but Sasuke.]


[Remaining Duration: 06 Minutes and 59 Seconds.]

Naruto slid his window panel open and jumped outside.

He rushed for the Hokage Rock.

Using the shortcuts and paths that he had used as a kid, he quickly reached the Hokage Rock. It seems as if the security had been toned down by a lot after the war.

'System, how much for an orange tracksuit?'

[50 IP for the large version of your previous tracksuit, why?]

'Orange blends into the Hokage Rock, that's why I've always worn orange back then. Actually… I won't even need it.'


'How much for some buckets of paint?'

[I don't think you need to worry about that, look above you.]

Naruto looked above, to see a kid with yellow hair sneaking around with two buckets of paint. The

kid wore an unzipped black tracksuit with dark pink stripes and with an red fire symbol.


The kid jumped, almost spilling the paint.

"What?" The kid asked as his eyes searched for any incoming patrol.

"Can I join?"

The kid smiled.

"Only if you promise to not paint my mom's face!"


"Natsumi, your kid is about to paint the Hokage Rock again, with a strange blonde guy too, but he's a resident so he's not dangerous." A lazy voice rang throughout the small room. Paper was littered all over the floor, some were even taped on the windows behind the desk.

"It's the fifth time this week." A softer voice replied.

The man with the short goatee sighed, "You know I can take over from time to time, right? Go hang out with your family, take them out to barbeque or something."

"Shikamaru, the village is my family."

The man sighed again.


"Mom's still ignoring me!" The blonde kid complained as he laid on the rock with different colors of paint splashed all over his body.

"Yeah? You want to know a good way to get her attention?"

"You know a way?"

"Of course, I know your mom better than anyone."

"Yeah, you look familiar to her. You might even be my uncle!"

"Haha, listen, the best way to prank your mom is to put a chalkboard eraser on top of the door so that when your mom opens it'll fall right on her!"

"I don't think that'll piss her off more than anything…"

"Then you can swap the milk for expired one!"

"Ooooooh! And then I can set up a trap in the bathroom when she uses it! I'm gonna go right now!"


The blonde kid quickly disappeared from his sight. Naruto fell flat on the ground, gazing at the clouds floating about.

[Remaining Duration: 00 Minutes and 03 seconds.]

Then he teleported back to his house.

[Enjoyed your time?]

"Wish I had more."

Naruto was immediately teleported back into his room. He smiled as he watched the bustling streets of Konoha under him.

"Hey, hey, System-chan, roll."

[As you wish.]

Naruto watched as the imaginary ball spun in his head, then suddenly a box appeared right next to him on the bed.

As Naruto prepared to open it, he suddenly stopped.

"It won't be another pair of panties, right?"

[You would have to open to find out.]

Took a while to release this because my chapters got deleted and I had to retype from memory, sorry.

Back to the DxD World!

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