

Perhaps calling it 'small' was an understatement. It was huge. Almost the size of a mansion as it towered over the rest of the buildings the street over.

The architecture of the building made it look like it was frozen in time for hundreds and hundreds of years. The mansion-sized building had a classical Japanese-style design, with a garden and koi in the behind it.

There was even an engawa if he just wanted to enjoy the view. There was an indescribable feeling of nature and architecture perfectly blended together. Imagine Naruto's surprise when he had even found a dojo in the back!

There was also an ominous warehouse that he felt was calling out to him as if it had wanted—no, practically begged him to open the lock…

But Kurama did it to him all the time, so it didn't phase him much~

But the most attractive feature of the compound was the cherry blossom tree next to the building; it was massive—almost as high as the mansion itself. Even though Naruto had only been here once (when he was dropped here), he felt as if he had lived there his entire life—he was sure he could sleep under the tree without getting a cold!

The gate opened as if it had detected his presence and the rightful owner entered.

As Naruto went into his house, he made sure to take off his shoes and put them on the indoor carpet as he stepped on the elevated platform that the rest of the house was on. He walked into the dining hall and plopped onto the tatami, he made sure to feel the grainy texture and realized that there wasn't even a speck of dust—not like he cared though.

[Achievement Unlocked!]

[Opened the Shop]

[Reward: x1 Gacha Ticket.]

'What's this? And why is this notification so late?' He wondered.

[A [Gacha Ticket] is used for the lottery. The lottery can potentially give the user anything from the shop and even items that are not currently available in the shop. The notification was late due to the system deeming it unfit to notify the Host when he was in the act of running desperately.]

"C-can you not mention that?! But, I don't want to be like baa-chan though." Naruto said as he remembered how bad gambling is as apparent by the debt that Tsunade was always swamped in.

[The Host will always receive something, whether it be of no current use or potentially beneficial. One thing for sure is that the Host will never receive anything that is 'defective'.]

"Well… if you say so… Roll!"

Suddenly in his mind, a sphere of different runes engraved on it appeared out of nowhere and started to spin. It spanned and spanned until the runes began to glow with colors all over the spectrum. The sphere started to unravel on itself as in its remnants, was a small wooden box.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Naruto asked the system as the box manifested on his hands. He made sure to give it a thorough look, trying to find something.

[…You open it?]

"… It was an honest question dattebayo!"

Naruto took off the wooden cover of the box, and out came a small orangish pill. As he looked over the pill, a short description popped up. His cerulean eyes sparkled as he read the description.

[Temporary Ability Pill: Susanoo (Itachi)]

[When consumed, the user will be able to temporarily use Itachi's Susanoo along its three Imperial Regalia for 30 minutes.]

'Although it's only 30 minutes, this is a life-saving item! Thank the Sage! I was scared that I could be captured any moment due to those two weird girls! Thank you System-chan!'

[The Host has great luck, there is no need to thank the system.]

"Just accept my thanks!"

[Achievement Unlocked!]

[Used the Gacha for the First Time!]

[Reward: x1 Gacha Ticket]


As Naruto watched the sphere spin, he couldn't help but feel expectant as his previous prize was downright awesome! "Wait… Am I getting addicted to this?! No, no, no. I have to stop relying on this lottery."

He couldn't rely on his luck all the time. In the end, everything is based on hard work!

As the sphere unraveled itself and a rainbow box appeared. Naruto wondered why the color had changed but his curiosity got the best of him as he quickly opened it. His jaws dropped as he could not comprehend the item that was inside the box. A loud sound resounded throughout the wooden walls as he slapped himself with his right hand.

In his left hand.

Laid a pair of panties.

T'was white panties.

With a cute rabbit imprinted on it.

He had to admit, it was kind of cute.

So cute that he started sweating immediately as his body itched all over.

[Levianthan's Most Treasured Pair of Panties]

[Freshly worn panties of the famed Leviathan.]

"System-chan, I take back my thanks. As a matter of fact, can you take this thing back too?"

[Request denied. Anything won from the Gacha may not be returned.]

"C-can you at least tell me how to get rid of this item?!"

[Item Description Updated!]

[Levianthan's Most Treasured Pair of Panties]


Freshly worn panties of the famed Leviathan.

As you take a closer look, you realize that on there is a little bit of browning. It took you a lot of effort to realize this. You should perhaps keep it a secret.



However, the next thing he heard from the system got him to start running. He ran to the entrance door and locked it. He ran to his room and closed the windows shut, he let the curtains down and locked his door. He jumped on top of a flatbed, one that was reminiscent of his bed back in Konoha and hid under the bedsheets.

[System Alert!]

[Leviathan has realized that her favorite pair of panties has been stolen!]

Naruto walked to the table and sat down on one of the two chairs there, looking at the concrete ceiling of the first floor. He brought lifted the panties up and stared at it.

Naruto got out of his bedsheets and stared at the wooden ceiling. He brought the panties up, about a foot away from his face and just stared at it.

"I don't know why you did this but please just go back to your owner or something..." Naruto pleaded as he talked to the panties like a madman.

[System Alert!]

[Rumors of the Leviathan searching for something is spreading throughout the Netherworld!]

Naruto immediately shoved the pair of panties into the inside pocket of his blazers.

[System Notification!]

[-Pervert- has been raised to Lv.5!]

[Your actions are reminiscent of that of a pervert who had just stolen a pair of panties!]

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Naruto screamed as he pointed at nothing.

[Item Description Updated!]

[Levianthan's Most Treasured Pair of Panties]


Freshly worn panties of the famed Leviathan.

As you take a closer look, you realize that on there is a little bit of browning. It took you a lot of effort to realize this. You should perhaps keep it a secret.

(?)---> Has a tracking spell inscribed onto the rabbit imprint.]

"Why is there a tracking spell on it?! How many times has this been stolen?!"

[System Alert!]

[Leviathan has now entered Kuoh Town!]

"System-chan!? Didn't you say the gacha wouldn't give me anything bad?!"

[The system mentioned that the Host will not receive anything 'defective'. [Leviathan's Most Treasured Pair of Panties] is not defective, as a matter of fact, the System deems it an [Legendary] item! The Host should be proud of his luck—to even manage to successfully steal one of the [Seven Treasures of the Netherworld]!]

[System Alert!]

[Leviathan is outside the Host's compound!]



I'll be continuing it on both Fanfiction.net and Webnovel, but because Fanfiction has higher standards (3-5k per chap), I'll be releasing what is considered normal here (900-1.4k per word) first so WN will always be updated first while FF.net would be when I accumulate 3-5k words. If anyone wants to know my profile on FF.net, it's 'Zaere'

Robot9001creators' thoughts
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