
Sasuke's Strategic Plans

"It is not a good idea to kill him. This man is extremely useful. You should use 'fuinjutsu' or 'genjutsu' on him to completely control him. You should also replace his right eye and his right hand to avoid any complications... As I have understood, Danzo has a secret organization in his control, and he probably has his own faction in the council. If you control him like a tool, you can easily pass whatever law you want through the council with his support, and Konoha will have another secret force," Sasuke said.

Small smiles graced the faces of the trio.

'I am pretty sure that I have the same idea as Shikaku,' Sasuke thought.

"You are very intelligent, Sasuke. This was also our plan," Hiruzen said.

"Hokage-sama, I am sure that Danzo had at least one 'Sharingan' which he had implanted in his right eye. Also, I suspect that he had more in his right hand and maybe more in his secret base. As you know, this is a taboo for my clan. Will you return them to me?"

"Sasuke, I am afraid that right now, I can't give you more details and I can't confirm your suspicions. However, your mission to become Hokage still stands. If you manage to complete the mission, you will receive your answers. Also, all the details about Danzo, Root, and your involvement are an S-rank secret. You will also receive 1,000,000 ryo for your participation," Hiruzen said.

Sasuke, of course, was expecting that.

"I understand, Hokage-sama. However, I have a request," Sasuke said.

Hiruzen nodded for Sasuke to continue.

"Please remove the ANBU who is watching me. I could understand the need for it because my life was in danger, but now it is no longer the case. I can't feel comfortable with somebody watching me all the time." 

'His request is completely normal, and it won't please him if I refuse. It seems that I need to extend his sessions with Inoichi in order to keep track of his progress,' Hiruzen thought.

"Of course, Sasuke, I didn't plan to continue your watch in the first place," Hiruzen said.

"I also want to ask about my brother. Even though he killed my clan, he was deceived. What will happen to him?" Sasuke asked.

"I am afraid that I can't reveal more information about your brother right now. I will reveal more information to you if you manage to defeat me, as we had agreed previously."

Sasuke nodded with a little disappointment and said, "Is there anything else, Hokage-sama?"

"Yes, I want to talk to you about your 'genjutsu'. We let you practice with your friends because it was essential for the plan to work. However, it is very risky if you keep practicing on the same targets considering your age and inexperience. I want you to stop all the genjutsu practice until you reach the rank of 'genin.' I promise that I will find a suitable 'jonin' instructor to help you," Hiruzen said. 

'Seems that I have avoided the worst-case scenario, and they won't try to alter my mind and my memories. They will try to limit my power using only normal means,' Sasuke thought.

The original Sasuke was already hidden near the north borders. He had already saved all the essential necessities in storage scrolls, and he was ready to escape in case anything went wrong. Even though Sasuke had trust in his mental powers and his memory palace, he couldn't afford to face the means that Jiraiya and Hiruzen had. Sasuke couldn't afford to let them access and alter his mind. It was preferable to become a missing ninja and escape.

"I understand, Hokage-sama," Sasuke said.

Hiruzen nodded with a smile and said, "You are dismissed."

As soon as Sasuke left the room, Hiruzen turned to the others and said, "You all saw through that, right?"

"This kid… Thank God we didn't follow my original idea. When did he learn the 'Shadow Clone' technique?" Jiraiya asked.

"He asked Inoichi to give him the technique, but of course, he refused. I am guessing that he made the Root ninja perform it," Shikaku said.

"This kid is terrifying. I am not so sure anymore that we can control his progress," Jiraiya said.

"We will keep our original plan. We shouldn't try to control him more. After all, he hasn't done anything wrong, and we can't completely erase the scenario that he is as loyal to the village as his brother," Hiruzen said.


Sasuke's clone returned to the Uchiha compound and popped. The original received the memories, and he was finally relieved. He immediately returned to his home and started creating his future plans.

'I am sure that Hiruzen will command the teachers to restrict my access to jutsus. I will need to move fast. They will probably approach my teachers during the academy. The academy starts at 8:00. I must visit Iruka-sensei before the academy at his home and persuade him to pass me the 'fuinjutsu' instructions for the storage scroll and for the explosion's tags. 

With these scrolls as a base, I will try to understand and expand my knowledge as much as I can. This wouldn't be my plan if I had access to more information, but now it is my only option. 

I need to memorize the scrolls as fast as possible because when they learn that Iruka gave them to me, they will ask me to return them. I will skip the academy and hide with the scrolls until I have them memorized. 

After that, my number one priority is to master the 'Shadow Clone' jutsu. This jutsu is a cheat code that will accelerate my training. I will use my Sharingan and experiment with it until I find the perfect chakra ratios for my body. 

In order to further improve the maximum number of clones, I will need more chakra and better control. I should start exhausting my chakra more than once every day in order to maximize my chakra growth. After each exhaustion, I should meditate to improve my 'Yin' chakra and recover faster. I must find a balance between my physical training and my mental training. Maybe I should start experimenting with 3 daily exhaustions. 

The faster I raise my chakra, the harder it will be to maintain and improve my chakra control. I should always have clones focusing on my control. Right now, I can only use one clone. I need to increase this number as soon as possible. 

I will also need one clone to replace me in the academy, one to focus on 'shuriken' techniques, several clones to experiment with 'fuinjutsu,' also several to analyze my 'fireball' jutsu, produce it with the minimum number of hand signs and find out how to train my fire control. Moreover, when I learn the 'Mystical Palm jutsu' I will need a bunch of them to train in it and find out more practical ways to use it. 

It will take me years to have chakra capable of producing so many clones. Also, if several clones pop up at the same time, I am not sure how many memories my brain can stand without damage. With my mind palace, I am sure that I can handle much more memories than the average user, but I still need to proceed with extreme caution. 

At some point, I also need to find out about my chakra nature. However, this information is almost useless to me right now because I won't be able to obtain new jutsu. At best, I can try to find logical ways to improve the control of my main element. I am sure that my knowledge in physics will be invaluable in this aspect. 

I must make Neji graduate earlier. I need to help him master the 3 academy jutsus and also pass the final exams as soon as possible. If he becomes a 'genin,' I can send him to the library to obtain the techniques for me. 

At some point, I also want to use my Sharingan to copy different non-ninja arts like Blacksmithing and Metalworking, Carpentry and Woodworking, Construction and Architecture, and other useful skills. If I don't master everything while possessing these eyes, it would seem like a waste. Even if I never use these skills, they would be extremely useful in spy missions. 

I can pay the civilians directly to show me their skills and avoid going through official missions. I believe that Hiruzen won't stop me if I limit myself to civilian arts. 

Unfortunately, I can't use my strongest advantage, which is genjutsu. I should not take unnecessary risks. Even if Hiruzen said that I won't be watched, I can never be sure. There is a long way ahead, and unfortunately, I have already revealed my intelligence. 

Nothing will stop me this time in my dream of reaching godhood, especially my own arrogance!"


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