

Sasuke spent about an hour lecturing Naruto about chakra. He noticed that the boy didn't enjoy theory, but when Sasuke gave him examples, he immediately grasped the concept. Naruto began the leaf balancing exercise and failed several times. When he finally succeeded, Sasuke used his Sharingan and saw that he was using almost 100 times more chakra than needed. Sasuke told him that he now has to keep it up for 3 hours, and the boy quickly became nervous and bored, losing his concentration again and again.

"Naruto, remember what you promised. You said that you won't give up. If you want to have a chance to be Hokage, you have to train as much as me," Sasuke said.

"Of course, I am not giving up. But, you know, I expected the training to be hard on the body; I didn't expect it to be hard because of how boring it is," Naruto said with a complaining tone.

"Naruto, there are different kinds of training. I already did the physical training in the morning before the academy. Both kinds of training are important if you want to be a successful ninja," Sasuke said.

"What? You already trained today? But the academy starts at 8:00," Naruto said surprised.

"My training starts at 5:00," Sasuke said.

Naruto was extremely surprised. "My dream is to be Hokage, but I never really thought about the training. However, Sasuke trains so hard. I can't give up. I need to follow the same training. I can't let Sasuke surpass me." Naruto thought and said, "Can I also train with you in the morning?"

"Of course, I told you that we are friends now. However, I warn you. You have to be here at 5:00, and if there is a problem with your alarm clock, I will give you another one."

"Thank you, I really need a new one," Naruto said with a huge smile.

After a few minutes, the courier from the restaurant came and brought Sasuke his meal. Sasuke had already given instructions about the delivery locations. Sasuke immediately thought about Naruto and his problem with restaurants and told the courier that from now on he will need double portions. He told him that he would go to the restaurant tomorrow to make the necessary deposits.

Naruto hadn't realized what happened because he was focusing on Sasuke's meal like a hungry wolf.

'At least he still has the leaf on his forehead. The more I give him now, the more blind trust he will have in me in the future,' Sasuke thought.

"Naruto, you can eat half. For now, onwards you will have the same meals as me. I have already arranged it," Sasuke said.

Naruto was looking at him with puppy eyes covered with tears.

"Sasuke, that is too much. You have already given me clothes and an alarm clock," he said embarrassed.

"Naruto stop complaining. We are friends, and as the last Uchiha, I am just too rich. This is nothing to me. I will give you all the necessary tools to become a strong ninja. I want to have a competition with you for the Hokage position. I want a worthy rival. The stronger you will get, the stronger I have to become to overcome you."

Naruto's brain easily forgot about the gifts that he received and focused on the rivalry. "That's right. I will become Hokage. I won't lose to you Sasuke," he shouted excited.

After the meal, they continued with the training for the next 3 hours until the final meal of the day arrived, this time with a second portion for Naruto.

After Sasuke called him his rival, Naruto stopped complaining and focused on his leaf exercise. He managed to keep the leaf 50 minutes, but he lost his concentration when he saw that Sasuke has managed to walk to the top of the tree.

Naruto was impressed and jealous, and Sasuke reminded him that if he manages to keep the leaf for 3 hours, he will teach him how to tree walk. Naruto was once again excited and back to the leaf exercise. In their last hour of training, Naruto had a new record of 1 hour and 20 minutes.

'This kid is really a good investment. He has great talent but he lacks focus. However, he likes flashy things and big words and he is easy to manipulate,' Sasuke thought.

Ten minutes before Sasuke calling it a day, they had an unexpected visitor.

"Ah Naruto you are finally serious about your training. And it seems that you have made a new friend."

"Old man, wait and see. When I finish with this stupid leaf training, I will be able to walk on trees in no time. Sasuke promised to teach me."

"Greetings, Hokage-sama," Sasuke said with respect.

"Tree walking, that's really advanced training for your age Sasuke," Hiruzen, said with a poker face.

"This is nothing old man. Sasuke wants to be Hokage like me and he said that we are rivals. You will have to give up your hat to me in no time," Naruto said with a huge smile.

"Oh, that's a really a big claim but Naruto as I have told you a ninja needs more than strength to be Hokage. Sasuke is also the top student of the class. If you want to be his rival you have to try harder with your homework."

Naruto started to scratch his head awkwardly.

"Sasuke, I am here because I had a discussion with Iruka-sensei. Apparently, your level is too far from the rest of the class and we decided that you have to skip a year," Hiruzen said and looked at Sasuke like an old fox.


'This old fox… It seems that I am considered a huge risk near Naruto. A three tomoe Sharingan at my age near the demon fox. After what my brother pulled, they are too afraid of the Sharingan. Everything went too smoothly until now. It was about time for something like this to happen.'

Naruto was still raging against Hiruzen until the old Hokage raised his voice.

"NARUTO, you said that you are rivals. Right now, Sasuke is far stronger than all your classmates. If I let him in this class he won't grow as strong as he could. Do you want to make your rival weaker?"

Naruto was shocked and said "I didn't mean it like that old man. Of course, I want Sasuke to grow strong. But finally, I managed to make a friend and now you take him away."

Sasuke interrupted them and said "Hokage-sama, can I refuse the offer? My brother followed the same path by skipping multiple years and he ended up insane. I don't want to follow his example. I was planning to graduate from the academy normally at 12. Besides I have many friends in class like Naruto, Sakura and Ino."

Hokage looked at him skeptically and said "I am sorry Sasuke but the decision has already been made. However, I promise you that you won't skip any more years and you will be able to graduate at 11."

Naruto's was extremely sad and barely kept his tears from his eyes.

Sasuke moved his right hand on Naruto's shoulder and said "Naruto don't worry. Even though we won't be in the academy together we can still keep training together."

Naruto was instantly glad again until the old man interrupted them again.

"About that…. Iruka told me that Naruto is too far behind from his peers and I have already arranged a jonin sensei to take care of his training."

Naruto was furious and said with tears in his eyes. "But I want to train with Sasuke! All this time old man, I asked you so many times to train me and you refused. Now that I managed to find a friend to train together and I no longer need your help you decided to help me. That is not fair!"

Hokage's expression struggled a little and he was extremely dissatisfied with himself and his decisions. 'Minato, once again I am extremely unfair to your son but I don't have any choice. This is the only way to protect the village. Until I am sure that Sasuke won't turn his back to the village, I can't risk it. Also, Danzo will try to assassinate or recruit the young Uchiha if he finds out that he is too close with the jinchuriki 'he thought.

Sasuke interrupted his inner thoughts. "Naruto, don't be sad. We are friends and rivals and that won't change. Now you will have a greater advantage with a jonin sensei helping you and you can fill the gap between us faster. Let's have a match after the academy to see who is stronger."

Naruto was still sad but nodded and said "Believe it, It's a promise."

"It's a promise" Sasuke said with a smile.

"Also come with me to get the clothes and the alarm clock. You also need to tell me your preferred address to arrange the delivery of your meals." Sasuke said.

"Clothes and meals? What are you talking about?" Hiruzen asked alarmed. Naruto scratched his head once again, and Sasuke looked at Hiruzen with a disappointed gaze.

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