
Chapter 100

After all, we are talking about a technique that once shook the world in the past.

So Kushina thought and decided it was better to let Naruto steal it.

With the help of some seals, he managed to sneak into the Hokage Building.

Since there was no one inside, the ANBU were keeping watch outside, divided into several perimeters.

Naruto managed to infiltrate easily.

And so the rest of the story.

"Naruto, this technique was created by the Second Hokage, your father improved it thanks to my advice."

Kushina looked at Naruto seriously.

"Do you think you can measure up?"

"Of course."

Upon hearing his mother's question, Naruto responded immediately.


As a result of this incident, Iruka was more understanding with Naruto regarding his pranks.

In the shinobi side, what with Sasuke and Naruto, they could already graduate.

Except their early graduation had been rejected by Tsunade.

Naruto learned the Chakura Hankyouteii no Jutsu (Chakra Echolocation Jutsu).

A jutsu created by Iruka in his free time.

And he had barely stopped using it throughout the previous day.

Practically every day he would sit on his roof for hours just sending pulse after pulse, searching for anything he could sense.

Undoubtedly, it was the quietest Naruto had sat for the longest period of time.

'Why didn't they take more time to learn this jutsu from Iruka-sensei?' Naruto wondered.

'Why not teach it at the academy?'

It was so cool.

Kushina didn't find this jutsu cool at all; in fact, the Uzumaki didn't need it, they were natural sensors.

But Naruto was very excited; after all, no one had ever shown this bit of kindness to the Demon Fox.

So this was enough for Kushina.

She even thought about visiting Iruka and teaching him a method to improve his jutsu.

Anyway, after doing that for a few hours of mindless, albeit amusing entertainment, Iruka said it was a waste of chakra, he didn't feel like he had been doing anything, but that was a completely different matter. After he finished playing with his new jutsu, he headed inside.

He still had to wait a week before the orientation and had nothing to do.

He promised not to play pranks anymore.

He had absolutely nothing to do that night.

There was no need to go to bed early or anything, he didn't have to be anywhere the next morning for a whole week, and his mother was attending to orphanage matters with the Hokage.

"You need to learn all the katas from the Academy and finish learning taijutsu."

Naruto remembered Iruka telling him he needed to finish learning taijutsu.

Naruto had become an excellent taijutsu user.

However, despite being strong, his movements lacked synchronization, despite being one of the best in taijutsu in his class.

It was the only thing he decisively passed no matter what in the academy because it didn't require him to learn anything or pay too much attention.

All the attention he paid was at the beginning when they went over the simplest basic concepts provided, like punching and kicking.

That was all he knew.

But his excellent compatibility with taijutsu could take him to great heights.

I didn't know anything formal about it. Not how to dodge and block, not even how to properly defend.

I did everything by instinct.

I wasn't even really reprimanded in taijutsu class because most of the time, when we trained, I would win.

My style wasn't a style, I was just a tough fighter and it had served me well up until this point.

But I promised that I would try... that and I had nothing else to do and it was too late to go out and go crazy.

However, what I forgot was that I had never bothered to keep my Academy things together.

When I had homework or some other assignment that I hadn't done at the time, I usually forgot it among the mess, and I hadn't touched anything about taijutsu in a long time.

So, the rest of my sleepless night was spent rummaging through my old apartment looking for my Academy taijutsu stuff.


The next morning, I spent two hours organizing the rest of my taijutsu scrolls, and when I finished and had breakfast, I was too bored to sit down and read them.

Determined to kill two birds with one stone, I left the house in search of an interesting place that could help me keep my attention long enough to get to the practical application of Academy taijutsu, because after learning the basic stance and punches and kicks, Iruka went into lecture mode. for about three days after that, killing Naruto's buzz so to speak and dropping his attention on the matter.

'At least I can skip all the boring stuff and just learn the cool moves in the scroll.' Naruto thought to himself as he walked through the village. He held the scroll in his hand, looking at it as he navigated the streets of the village on autopilot.

He didn't really need to keep his eyes ahead of him, people usually always gave him a wide berth when he went anywhere, but that had been the case for as long as he could remember.

That was fine, all he had to do was show them how amazing he was, and see who dared to bother him.

He even imagined a scenario where kids asked him for autographs, heard people referencing his greatness even in conversations where his name wasn't even the topic, evaluative eyes were on him every time he stepped out in public.

Yes, he couldn't wait.


Sunagakure no Sato

Also known as the Hidden Sand Village, it is one of the five great ninja villages in the world just like Konoha.

Located in the Land of Wind, Sunagakure is known for its desert-based architecture and its focus on sand and wind-related combat techniques.

The village is surrounded by tall sand walls that protect it from external attacks.

In the center of the village is the Kazekage's Residence, the residence of the village leader, known as the Kazekage.

Sunagakure's architecture is characterized by brown buildings and structures that blend harmoniously with the desert environment.

Its streets are filled with street vendors offering a variety of products, from local food to ninja items.

One of Sunagakure's most iconic locations is the Desert of the Sands, a vast and dangerous territory that surrounds the village.

This desert is home to numerous deadly traps and dangerous creatures, making it a challenging training ground for its ninjas.




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