
Chapter 085

Just as they were leaving, Kakashi, Rin, and Kushina came across an unimaginable scene.

A gigantic rock was slowly falling from the sky.

Kushina couldn't help but tremble.

It confirmed once again in her heart how terrifying this man was.

"Come on, we're ninjas, we can't delay in a life or death situation like this."

Kushina already had experience in this area, she was an exceptional ninja who was psychologically prepared for this type of situation.

Kakashi and Rin, who were frozen in place, reacted to Kushina's words and quickly followed her.


Near the entrance of Konoha, an aura of death surrounded everyone.

Kenzo looked at the fear in everyone's eyes and couldn't help but feel pleased.

Power is truly addictive.

His goal was simple, to instill fear in the hearts of these people and thus prevent future problems.

Although it is impossible for them to kill him, they can always take measures against his territory.

And that is something Kenzo would not want to see.

Yue was very pleased with leading her hometown and bringing it to success and greatness.

She wouldn't want all the effort put in for years to go down the drain because of vermin like Danzo and Hiruzen.

This was necessary to let Konoha, android the world, know that Yu no Kuni is a Holy Land.

As arrogant as it may seem, it is the territory of a God.

And as such, it must have enough prestige, otherwise, it would be considered a joke.

"Damn it."

Hiruzen cursed with difficulty.

"Sarutobi, this doesn't look good." Emma returned to her normal appearance and exclaimed.

"I know, but we have to stop him."

Despite saying so, Hiruzen couldn't think of anything.

But suddenly, he saw a blonde figure standing in front of the man.

"Tsunade!" Hiruzen was surprised by this.

However, Tsunade didn't respond.

"I carry your children in my womb, do you really want to make us disappear?"

Upon hearing this from her Hokage's mouth, silence reigned for a moment.

Only the sound of the enormous rock falling and breaking through the air could be heard.

"W-what did you say?"

Hiruzen thought he had misheard.

He didn't believe it until he saw how the man he was battling changed from his always crazy and sadistic smile to a submissive face.

"Damn it, I was just having fun." Kenzo had to admit that he went too far, but seeing Hiruzen cornered like this was priceless and something he would remember forever.

Tsunade snorted.

She even thought that Kenzo had caused all this commotion just so she would openly declare who the father of her children was.

However, Kenzo only wanted fun, as usual.

With a quick hand seal.

The rock trembled in the sky and scattered in the air like dust.

The night returned to its usual calm.

Once again, everyone was left speechless.

Kushina didn't take long to arrive, and she didn't miss this either.

She had to admit that even Minato wasn't as cool.

"Kakashi, her, she can't be... she is..."

Seeing Kakashi in the company, which was extremely rare, Anko couldn't help but approach to tease.

However, upon seeing the extremely familiar figure next to Kakashi, Anko felt that her words couldn't come out of her mouth.

Rin, on the other hand, smiled kindly as usual and greeted.

"Anko, long time no see."

Her voice filled with nostalgia, Anko was a very special friend.

Rin was extremely well-known among the women of the previous generation, after all, her kindness was so great that everyone liked her.

"Kakashi, what happened?"

Gai, who was also present, couldn't help but ask his rival.

"It's a long story, let's let Rin rest for today."

Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck and said somewhat uncomfortably.

He wasn't used to being the center of attention.

Kenzo had a twitch in his eyebrows when he saw this.

These two had stolen his spotlight.

He was surprised at how easily the ninjas of Konoha get distracted.

'Too much peace for too long,' he thought.

"Tsk, Tsunade, did you really think I was going to destroy the village?"

Kenzo approached Tsunade brazenly and took her by the waist.

Tsunade was once again surprised by this man's audacity.

In front of so many people, he had really embraced her.

However, she didn't evade him and only snorted.

Reaffirming the relationship to everyone.

Even Dan, who had come to help, was speechless.

He knew in advance because Tsunade had told him, but seeing the interaction between her and Kenzo bothered him.

Seeing Tsunade act like a child pouting made his blood boil.

"Hey, calm down, don't do something crazy, you've seen what that man is capable of, now that things have calmed down, don't go stirring them up again."

Chouza, who had a lot of respect for this senpai, held him by the shoulder and whispered to him.

"I know, I'm not that foolish." Dan clenched his teeth and fists.

"But it's so frustrating."

Tears threatened to fall.

"If I had known that was the sacrifice to bring me back to life, I would have preferred to remain dead."

He said this quietly.

On the other hand, Tsunade was unaware of her former lover's frustration, instead, she looked at Kenzo with rolled eyes.

"Did you have to cause such a commotion?"

Now that she had confirmed that Kenzo would never harm her, despite her master's mistakes, Tsunade was calmer.

And deep down, it can even be said that she was happier.

"What can I say, I like to instill fear in arrogant people." Kenzo gave a simple response.

"You look very beautiful."

"You know we saw each other just a moment ago."

"What does it matter, that doesn't stop me from praising you."

Although the conversation was as low as possible, Hiruzen could still vaguely hear it.

He was truly speechless, he didn't know how to act in this uncomfortable situation.

"Well, it's time to go back, I'm glad everything has been resolved. You raised a good disciple, Sarutobi, to catch such a ninja."

Emma, who was already in her last moments, said.

"I don't know why, but it reminds me of that arrogant Uchiha."

Saying this, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Hiruzen remained silent, without saying a single word, he even watched as the man took his disciple and disappeared in a swirl of fire.






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