
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Anime & Comics
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525 Chs

Chapter 525: Then let me be a little more serious


"What's going on..."

Kid Emperor looked at the screen with some confusion.

From his vantage point, he could see Yeruashi bathed in lightning and, after a vague jolt, Boros crashed into the ship and impacted the ground below.

Although he couldn't see clearly what had just happened, the result of the scene before him didn't prevent him from deducing that it was Yeruashi who had received Boros' attack and knocked him out of the sky with a single blow!

"So strong..."

Many of the Hero Association's employees also shuddered at that moment.

The scene where Yeruashi had split the ship with one blow had already shown his immense strength, and the staff of the Heroes Association had even elevated him to the same level as Tatsumaki in their minds, but now it seemed that Yeruashi's strength might be even greater than that!

Boros, who had sent Saitama flying through space, was undoubtedly a God Level disaster, and while Tatsumaki could not fight a God Level disaster, Yeruashi had the power to fight Boros!

At the same time.

The people in the cities watching the Hero Association broadcast, looking at the scene on the screen, after a brief silence, were all in shock.

Yeruashi's fan base had grown rapidly during this period of time, surpassing Puri-Puri Prisoner and Pig God, who had a poor image among S-class heroes, and even quickly surpassing Atomic Samurai and Zombieman, behind only Tatsumaki and KING!

On the one hand, it's because of Yeruashi's great strength, having solved many demon-level disasters and even dragon-level disasters in a short period of time, and on the other hand, it's because Yeruashi's face is so outstanding that he can attract many fans with his appearance alone, not to mention that he's an S-class hero!


"So handsome, even the God Level disaster..."

Many of the young girls, who had their hearts set on the broadcast, watched the scene of Yeruashi standing there bathed in lightning, slowly withdrawing his fist, and it was as if a tidal wave surged in their bodies and hearts.

And at that moment.


Boros, who was thrown against the earth by Yeruashi's fist, shattered the ground, causing the entire street to crumble, and then, like a flash of light, he rushed onto the ship again.

"You're not even as fast as me in this state, you're really powerful, but I'm going to beat you!".

Boros' fighting spirit was increasing, and with a punch, he appeared in front of Yeruashi again, waved his hands and kept hitting Yeruashi with his fists. In just a split second, he threw dozens of hundreds of punches, making the air twist and ripple.

Yeruashi's attitude did not change.

He was bathed in lightning arcs, his hands also clenched into fists, and he met Boros' blows, his fists were faster and more powerful than Boros'!

Auge!!!! Auge!!!!!!

Boros' shadow-shaped fist was broken by Yeruashi's indistinct blurred shadow.

Yeruashi's fist landed on Boros' body, causing his body to dent, then explode and finally explode into pieces.


Kid Emperor and the others, who were watching this scene, could not say anything.

Even Tatsumaki, who was floating beside Yeruashi, also showed a look of surprise, at such a close distance, she could clearly feel the speed and power Yeruashi had exerted!

She had a general measure of Yeruashi's strength after he had defeated her earlier, but now it seemed that Yeruashi's true strength was much more powerful than when he had faced her!


Boros' flesh and blood, which had been torn to pieces by Yeruashi's fist, spun towards the same place and reunited to form Boros' body.

After recomposing his body, Boros soared skyward, bathed in light, arms outstretched outward, his body's energy surging: his strength and speed were inferior to Yeruashi's, and now the only way to defeat him was to unleash all of his energy!

"I'm going to defeat you!"

"I will unleash the full power of my body... and destroy you along with this planet..."

Boros roared, his battle spirit was at its peak, he no longer cared about unleashing all his energy, he no longer cared about what to do when he ran out of energy, there was only one thing on his mind right now.

The only thing on his mind right now was to defeat the enemy in front of him!

"Collapsing Star Cannon!"

The energy that burst out from Boros' body was enough to destroy a planet, and the power he was using at this moment was so great that even Lilith, who was thousands of miles away and heading to Z City with the Sacred Tree Pain, stopped and looked in this direction.

Lilith could feel that an energy no less than hers, and no less than Yeruashi's, of planetary magnitude, had burst out in a certain direction.

"Such an energy... Is that person?"

The image of Saitama appeared in Lilith's mind for a moment, but she immediately rejected it because it felt completely different.

Lilith looked at the Sacred Pain Tree below her.

She was currently wearing a black robe, with her feet up, sitting on the broad shoulders of the Sacred Tree Pain, which had stopped moving.

"It's over there."

Sacred Tree Pain looked in the direction of City A and spoke calmly.

At the same time, Boros' ultimate assassination technique was finally unleashed, with the huge single eye in the center of his torso as the centerpiece, releasing a blue beam of rising energy that landed on top of Yeruashi's head.


A red alarm sounded frantically on Kid Emperor's equipment, and the energy detection data jumped wildly, reaching 99,999 points and finally turning into a horizontal line.

The amount of energy Boros had released had exceeded the limit of what his instruments could detect!

"Oh no..."

"An attack like this is enough to destroy the Earth..."

Kid Emperor's gaze changed drastically, but at this moment, he could do nothing against an attack of this level, and could only turn his gaze to Yeruashi who was standing there.

It wasn't just him.

The eyes of the other S-Class heroes, the members of the Hero Association, and those who were watching the broadcast were almost all focused on Yeruashi at this moment.

Yeruashi, who was being watched by countless people, looked up at the majestic energy cannon coming down from above by Boros, and smiled a little.


"I will be a bit more serious too."

At this moment, Boros' power was even stronger than Lilith's strongest attack, and he was already qualified to be a little more serious!

Just below the energy cannon, Yeruashi raised his hand forward and grabbed it, and a Truth Seeking Ball emerged, then a lightning light spread out, spreading sideways, gradually turning from black to white, and finally turning into a glowing white sword.

This is the sword of the Six Rays, which was created by transforming the Truth-Seeking Ball into the power of Six Rays.

This was also the way Yeruashi got really serious!

Yeruashi reached out, grabbed the hilt of the sword, raised his hand to face the Collapsing Star Cannon and wielded the sword seriously.


The whole world seemed to have stopped.

Whether it was the Collapsing Star Cannon, Boros in the back, or Tatsumaki beside him... everything was frozen in a still image.

It was a moment,

It was as if the world had become a framed picture in colored pencil.

And immediately afterwards, everyone saw that in the frame of this colored pencil picture, from top to bottom, a straight, clear, incomparably black crack appeared and continued to spread.

The crack separated the Collapsing Star Canyon and the body of Boros, split the clouds in the sky and spread across space, leaving the moon, which was right on the line, with a black crack, like a watermelon that had been cut diagonally.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

The world fell silent.

When the pencil-painted image finally returns to normal, all that could be seen is the image of the Collapsing Star Cannon released by Boros, silently disintegrating in mid-air.

Looking up, the clouds in the sky can be seen, slowly separating from the center sideways, along with the crescent moon hovering overhead, also appearing as a diagonal crack, silently separating sideways.


The world was no longer silent, sound was once again present.

With the sound of the Collapsing Star Cannon disintegrating, Boros' body split in two, falling towards the ship below and landing not far from Yeruashi.