
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Anime & Comics
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525 Chs

Chapter 376: Resolution of the Five Old Gorosei

The pirates held in this prison were mostly small characters of no great fame, and Yeruashi was not a pacifist, able to recognize any criminal at a glance.

But this is not so important.

The dragons of heaven divide slaves into classes, and pirates, like women, belong to a separate class, the peculiarity of which is the use of clothes from the time of their piracy.

So Yeruashi was able to roughly recognize the pirates by their appearance.

Although some of the freed slaves may be lucky enough to wear simple clothes and have a very slim body, while having a pirate past, Yeruashi did not pay attention to this, because there were very few such people.

He was releasing more and more slaves.

The subway prison quickly descended into chaos, and this alarmed the Holy Land on the surface.

More and more guards began to gather underground, trying to quell the chaos.

The passageway, previously created by the Yeruashi, led to a forest on the outskirts of the Holy Land.

At this point, the sisters had already exited the passageway and were running through the forest, but they simply did not know how to escape from Red Line, so for now, they decided to run as far away from the Holy Land of Marijoa. as possible.


"I think that... have already raised the alarm..."

Sandersonia struggled to keep up with Hancock, but finally reached her limit and stopped, saying in a halting voice.

Hancock, whose breathing was also very heavy and her chest heaving, stopped with her sister and looked back.

From the direction of the Holy Land of Marijoa, which was rapidly descending into chaos, came a variety of shouts and noises.

"We must escape from here as soon as possible..."

"The forces of the World Government will soon begin to act, most likely even the Navy will arrive..."

The Holy Land of Marijoa is the center of world power.

Freeing the slaves and creating chaos in such a place will infuriate the World Government, so even the Navy forces will be called in!

"I hope the benefactor... is well..."

Marigold sighed deeply and turned her head, looking anxiously at the Holy Land in the distance.

Hancock clenched her fist.

She was incredibly grateful to Yeruashi for letting her escape this hell with her sisters.

"The benefactor is very strong and should be able to escape."


Sandersonia nodded.

The way Yeruashi created a tunnel stretching hundreds of meters beyond the Holy Land of Marijoa with a single fist strike spoke clearly of his incredible strength.

With such strength, it would be much easier for him to escape from here than for them.

"Sister, do you know how to get out of Red Line?"


Hancock shook her head helplessly and gritted her teeth when she noticed that Marijoa's Holy Land guards had started scanning the forest, "Run! Faster! Let's try to get away from Marijoa for now!"

Hancock kept running as fast as she could through the forest, and the sisters followed.

On the other side.

As the chaos in the Holy Land of Marijoa continued to escalate.

The Gorosei sat at a round table in a conference room on the top floor of Castle Pangaea.

Their faces were contorted with anger and rage.

"That damned bastard!!!"

"Total defiance and contempt for the World Government... he even dared to kill a Celestial Dragon..."

The Gorosei were already furious, still dealing with the problems caused by the destruction of the Navy headquarters, and just at that moment, they received an emergency message from the Sabaody Archipelago, reporting the death of the Sky Dragon.

This message was the last straw that broke the Gorosei's patience.

"This bastard is completely ignorant of the power and greatness of the World Government!"

"The Navy... They're just a useless bunch of incompetent scum!!!"

In fact, they weren't even too surprised by what had happened, because before that, the Traveler had not only dared to invade the Navy headquarters, but had completely destroyed it.

It was no wonder that after this, the World Government no longer carried any weight in the Traveller's eyes, and he even dared to kill the Celestial Dragon.

Sending an Admiral after the Traveler for killing a Sky Dragon really seemed like a simple joke!

"It will be very difficult to restrain the Traveler... he is too strong. According to the information available, it has the ability to manipulate gravity and wood, as well as being able to summon huge meteorites and animate inanimate objects. This is definitely not a power that can be obtained by eating a devil fruit!"

One of the Gorosei looked very melancholy, "He must be one of those people with a special physique that allows you to eat a few devil fruits..."

During hundreds of years of its rule, the World Government has accumulated a lot of information about the devil's fruit, including people who not only did not die after eating two devil's fruits, but also received a second ability.

The World Government managed to capture such a person and examine his body.

"A special physique that can accommodate various devil fruit abilities is much rarer than those with Haoshoku no Haki, which is why such a person has reappeared in this era..."

A Gorosei, who was holding a sword, gnashed his teeth.

Devil fruit skills are already very strong, even some seemingly weak skills can show terrifying power when they fall into the hands of the right person, and a person with two devil fruit skills at once can turn an entire era upside down!

In the eight hundred years of the World Government's existence, such people appeared only a few times and each time caused unprecedented unrest in the world.

"It will be extremely difficult to handle, even if SP-0 and the Navy are combined. We need to prepare carefully and wait for a good opportunity..."

"You mean... We have to stand idly by?!"

"For now, that's the only way to go."

Some of the Gorosei's faces twisted into hideous grimaces.

The Navy can't suppress the Traveler, they need the full support of SP-0 to stand a chance, but this is not possible.

They simply cannot send Fleet Admiral Kong and the Admirals, as well as SP-0 in full force, in pursuit, because then the Holy Land and Navy HQ risk terrible losses in the event of a sudden third party invasion, unless the Traveler shows up in the Holy Land of Marijoa.

The Sky Dragon was killed... but the World Government can do nothing about it.

This situation has not occurred for hundreds of years.

"It seems that we should inform Lord Im..."

One of the Gorosei said, "The Traveler is too great a threat to the World Government and the Navy... it seems the time has come to determine the future direction of this world."

The Gorosei looked at each other and sighed deeply.

"I agree..."

"I also agree, the current situation requires Lord Im's intervention."

Just as the Gorosei were about to leave to meet their master, someone suddenly burst into the conference room.

"Lords Gorosei! Emergency situation! The traveler has appeared in the Holy Land!!!"

"What did you say?!"

The Gorosei's expressions abruptly changed.