
Naruto : The War Hero

Volume-1 Synopsis What would happen if Sasuke had actually killed Sakura instead of putting her in a genjutsu after resealing Kaguya. Watch as Naruto's life is transformed by this one traumatic event NaruSaku & Harem. Mainly a R-18 fic with somewhat of a plot tying everything together. ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ Volume-2 Synopsis Naruto has successfully returned Sasuke and Orochimaru has fallen, however he has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. The struggle is on as he attempts what no man has before, to change his destiny ... ~(^з^)-♡ Volume-3 Synopsis Naruto is hated by the village. He is sad and leaves. He is not alone. He has Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune with him. Tsunade tries to comfort Naruto. Everyone goes to Iwa. Can an impossible love happen? Tsunade X Naruto (๑♡∀♡๑) Volume-4 Synopsis Naruto starts to build a Harem, Will he be able to control all the women or will they over run him? This is a R-18 story so stay out if you don't like reading naughtiness. As a note. there is little to no plot in this..... ( ◜‿◝ )♡(灬º‿º灬)♡ Volume -5 Synopsis soon.... I'll be uploading Some of Best FanFictions Here Found this on online Posting it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10: My Idea

Chapter 10: My Idea

Later that same evening

Naruto and Tsunade had just beaten their first attempted captors in a battle with the couple still winning and staying together. As they ran through the trees, they wondered how much traveling everyone did ahead of them.

"Man I would have figured that we would have seen them by now," Naruto said to his hime as he walked along the rugged roadway. Tsunade smiled.

"Well we have time to ourselves now," Tsunade said as she shot Naruto a smile and transformed back into her 19 yr old form. Naruto laughed as he nodded. In truth, with everyone being around them it was awkward to do anything together, even though everyone now knew about the two blondes relationship to each other. Naruto smiled as he got an idea and added chakra to his hands and arms to gain more strength. Tsunade turned to him in confusion. She wondered what he was going to do.

"Naruto-kun, what are you-," She was interrupted being surprised that Naruto disappeared. She was suddenly lifted off the ground as Naruto held her bridal style in his arms. Naruto smiled as he brought a shocked Tsunade up to him.

"This way of traveling feels better," Naruto said as he walked. Tsunade blushed at the sudden expression of affection Naruto just displayed for her. Tsunade's shocked expression changed into one of happiness as she nuzzled into her blond's chest. Naruto smiled as he walked.

"I will always love you Tsunade," Naruto said as he saw Tsunade go to sleep in his arms. Naruto walked lightly as not to disturb his hime.

3 hour later

Naruto still had Tsunade in his arms as he looked up to see that they were coming up to the next town. Naruto came up to see all of his companions waiting at the gate for him and Tsunade. While everyone sat at the gate, they all wondered what was taking Naruto and Tsunade so long to arrive at the town.

"Man what are those two doing?" Neji wondered as he leaned against a wall.

"I am sure they will be here soon," Tenten said trying to reassure Neji that they were okay. After 15 minutes, everyone opted to go look for the blondes as Hinata looked up at the gate. She was suddenly shocked as she saw something amazing.

"I-I think I found Naruto-kun and Tsunade-sama," Hinata said with a blush. Everyone's eyes shot open as the ran to the gate. Shizune and Jiraiya got up from their spots and walked to the entrance. Everyone's eyes hot open again and their jaws dropped to the ground. Kiba was the first to come to his senses.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!," He yelled as everyone nodded their heads. They all saw Naruto carrying a 19 yr old girl in his arms like he and the girl were newlyweds. Everyone ran up to the blond as they were still shocked at the entrance the two blondes made.

"Naruto, who is that?" Shikamaru said as he looked at the beautiful girl. Naruto smiled as no one knew this was Tsunade.

"Naruto stop smirking at tell us who this is, and on another note, where is Tsunade-san," Kiba said to him. Naruto couldn't stop laughing as he felt everyone's stares at him become deadly to him. Naruto controlled his laughter as he looked at everyone

"Alright I will answer both of you questions," Naruto said as everyone stared waiting for an answer. Naruto decided to surprise everyone as he leaned in and gave his blond hime a kiss on the lips. Everyone gasped as they saw that Naruto had the audacity to kiss an unknown and unconscious girl. Naruto smiled as he came back up.

"Tsunade-chan, time to wake up," Naruto said to her. Everyone nearly gasped as the looked at Naruto. They thought he was blind. Tsunade was in her fifties and this girl was more or less forty years younger than her. Ino laughed.

"Naruto how could you mistake this girl for our old master," Ino said as she laughed. The unconscious girl suddenly grew a vein on her forehead at the thought of being called old. The girl woke up and kissed Naruto on the cheek. Naruto smiled as he set her down. Tsunade walked over to Ino as her vein grew bigger.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD?," Tsunade yelled as she punched Ino into a correspondent wall. Everyone was shocked at the girl's amazing strength. This was without a doubt the blond sannin, Tsunade. Everyone got on their knees as they begged for forgiveness. Tsunade smiled as she turned to Naruto. Naruto smirked as he nodded his head. Tsunade smiled as she turned to them.

"I forgive you guys, but call me old and I will HURT you," she said to them. Everyone bowed their heads as a thank you and ran away either to explore the town or run away from Tsunade. Shizune smirked as she walked towards the blondes.

"Did you have to go that far Tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked.

"Yes, yes I did, and by Kami I would do it again," Tsunade said as she smiled. As the three smiled they all continued to walk towards the town. Shizune turned to see a frozen Jiraiya.

"Umm Tsunade-sama, what do we do about him?" Shizune asked as Tsunade and Naruto looked back to see Jiraiya eroding away with the wind.

"Umm well he will get out of it soon, I think," Naruto said with a whimsical smile. Tsunade smiled as she nodded in agreement as Shizune nodded and the three walked off to go get lunch.

1 hour later

Jiraiya was still standing there at the gate.

2 hours later

Still there.

3 hours later

Jiraiya suddenly comically cried as he looked at the town.

"Even the brat got someone and it was the person who I asked out plenty of times, but always got rejected," Jiraiya said as he snapped out of his daze and walked back to the town. Jiraiya smiled as he thought to himself.

"Oh I have got to know about this," Jiraiya said as he walked back to find Tsunade and Naruto.

With Tsunade and Naruto

The three were walking as Naruto pointed to a restaurant.

"Hey Hime, how about we go to that restaurant?" Naruto said as he pointed to a expensive restaurant. Tsunade smiled as she looked at the restaurant, but turned depressed.

"Golden Fox-sama, you know we can't afford that," She said as she smiled. Naruto smiled and looked at her. Clearly she was underestimating his love for her. Naruto laughed as Tsunade turned to him confused.

"Hime, who said 'we' would be paying for this," Naruto said to her. Tsunade's eyes shot open as she looked at her blond lover.

"W-wait Naruto-kun, you can't really mean-," Tsunade was interrupted by Naruto's smile as he took her inside the restaurant. Tsunade turned to Shizune, who was still confused.

"I guess I will see you later," Tsunade said as she was dragged by Naruto. Shizune stayed in the same spot as she tried to fathom what just happened. As all the information hit her, she suddenly gasped.

"When does Naruto have that kind of money, and did I just get left behind?" She wondered as she smiled.

"Oh well, good luck Tsunade-sama, okay time to go get something to eat," Shizune said as she ran to the nearest restaurant.

With Naruto and Tsunade

Naruto took Tsunade up to the entrance as he look at the one of the waiters.

"Hello sir is their a table for two?" Naruto asked him. The man looked at the boy then at the woman. He falsely assumed that the woman was the boy's mother and smiled.

"Why yes we do, we have a table next to a window over here please follow me," he said as he smiled. Naruto noticed the man's actions and felt a bit jilted.

"So you think I am a kid huh," Naruto said as he clasped his hands and gathered some chakra. Some smoke appeared as the 12 yr old was replaced with a well toned and handsome 18 yr old man.

"Oh forgive me sir, I will seat you right away," the man said as he hurried Naruto and a smiling Tsunade to their table.

As the man sat the two down, both laughed at this opportunity.

"i still can't believe you got us in to this place," Tsunade said to him.

"Well I do like to impress those I love," Naruto said to her. Tsunade blushed at the smooth-talker that was her blond lover.

"Well I am glad I love you," She said to him.

"And I love you," Naruto said to her. Both waited to take their orders.

2 hours later

Naruto and Tsunade were peacefully eating as they continued their romantic date. Both talked about their current ambitions since the ambitions they had in Konoha was gone. Naruto now just wanted to be with Tsunade and have the power to protect her. Tsunade smiled as she told him her ambitions. Hers were to stay with him and support him. Both had a great time together. Tsunade looked into her blond's eyes. She was always entranced by them. They seemed to always pierce her soul. She felt so weak whenever her eyes looked into his. Naruto was happy that he had gotten the woman of his dreams. Both chose to disregard what society thought and decided to be together. In all truth, neither was unhappy with the result of their choice. The two finished their meals as Naruto paid the bill and the two walked out.

In the streets

Naruto and Tsunade noticed that the sun down and night overwhelmed the town. Tsunade laid her arms on Naruto's shoulder as the two walked towards the hotel that Shizune rented out for everyone to stay. Naruto smiled as he felt Tsunade on his shoulder. As the two entered the hotel, they stopped to see everyone waiting for them. Everyone sighed and smiled as they saw the blond couple show up.

"Are you two ever going to stop you're lovey dovey act?" Ino asked them with an ice pack on her cheek. Naruto smiled.

"Aww but then I could see my Hime's smile," Naruto said with a smile.

"And I couldn't feel my Fox-sama's heavenly body around my arms," Tsunade said with a grin. Everyone hit the floor from the responses and tried to regain some composure. After a few laughs everyone calmed down and got serious.

"So what are the rooming arrangements?" Neji asked Shizune. Shizune turned to everyone and smiled.

"Alright the rooming goes as follows and no there will be no changes," Shizune said as she grabbed the list.

"Here are the roommates," Shizune said as she began.

"Room 1: Neji Hyuuga and Shino Aburame,"

"Room 2: Kiba Inuzuka and Choji Akamichi,"

"Room 4: Rock Lee and Shikamaru Nara,"

"Room 5: Ino Yamanaka and Me,"

"Room 6: Hinata Hyuuga and Tenten Kurami,"

"Room 7: Naruto Uzumaki and Tsunade-sama," Shizune said to everyone as they all nodded and accepted the room numbers. Hinata and Tenten were the most troubled.

"Oh Kami, please, just don't let them do 'it' tonight, please Kami I beg of you," Tenten and Hinata said in their thoughts. Tsunade and Naruto agreed to it and everyone went off to their separate rooms.

"Shizune wait as second, I need to see you," Tsunade said as she startled Shizune. Tsunade turned Shizune around as they headed for the front door.

"Be right back Naruto-kun," Tsunade said as they disappeared out the door. Naruto was confused, but smiled.

"Oh well, no point in trying to figure something out, it might be troublesome," Naruto said to himself and smiled.

"Wow to quote Shikamaru, this is a rare day," Naruto thought as he headed towards the designated room.

25 minutes later

Tsunade took Shizune behind the hotel and whispered something into her ear. Shizune became wide eyed as she listened to what Tsunade was saying.

"OH KAMI, TSUNADE-SAMA, ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Shizune yelled. Tsunade quickly covered her mouth as she turned to look around. Tsunade smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it is my idea of a new medical jutsu," Tsunade said to her apprentice. To say Shizune was shocked was an understatement. She was down right dumbfounded.

"Tsunade-sama, where did you come up with this jutsu?" Shizune asked. Tsunade told her about the time they faced Orochimaru and she remembered that all power from the jewel on her forehead that gave her power. Tsunade was attempting to make a jutsu that helps the body as a whole.

"Can I count on your help?" Tsunade asked.

"Of course, oh this will be great," Shizune said with a squeal.

"Thank you Shizune, but don't tell anyone about this, al least not yet, especially Naruto-kun," Tsunade to her.

"I won't tell a soul," Shizune swore. Tsunade nodded as the two went back to the hotel. Shizune knew everyone especially Naruto was going to be shocked at this. Unknown to them, Naruto was in his room and for once was having a conversation with the Kyuubi.

"So can you at least help with that?" He asked. Kyuubi sighed.

"Boy, to even attempt that is dangerous, how can I agree to that?" Kyuubi asked.

"Please I need you to do it, I love her, please Kyuubi," Naruto begged. Normally Naruto wouldn't beg the Kyuubi for anything, but this was beyond pride for Naruto. The Kyuubi went over the necessary things in his mind as he sighed.

"Dammit, fine I will help," Kyuubi said as he sighed again. Naruto smiled with gratitude.

"Thank you Kyuubi," Naruto said to him. Kyuubi nodded.

"Yeah yeah, just to let you know it will hurt a little," he said with a smile.

"For her that is okay," Naruto said to him. Kyuubi laughed as he went to sleep. Naruto waited for Tsunade as she came in to see Naruto still awake.

"Did I keep you waiting Golden Fox-sama?" Tsunade asked.

"Not at all hime,' Naruto said as he looked at her. Both henged into their respective age groups and enjoyed a night of sheer bliss. Though Tenten and Hinata were happy that the pair was a lot quieter than the last time.

"Sure this is much better, but I still don't want THIS NOISE, KAMI-SAMA," Tenten said as she blushed and placed her pillow over her ears. Tenten turned to see Hinata out cold with a red face.

"Man, that fainting thing is so handy at times like this," Tenten said as she smiled at her unconscious roommate. Everyone, well almost everyone, slept peacefully in the hotel.

Back In Konoha

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST THEM!," Danzo roared as he looked at his Anbu in disgust. Everyone was embarrassed that they heard the news that four Anbu were beaten by Naruto and Tsunade.

"GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I HAVE YOU ALL DETAINED," Danzo said to them. Everyone bowed and ran out the door.

"I will kill you both, just you wait demon brat and you too, you damn sannin," Danzo said as he looked out his window.

The day sets for everyone. Konoha is now more dark than ever. People now rarely associate with the village hidden in the darkness. The village is not a peaceful village, but a village of torment.