
Naruto: the third ninja war

As is clear from the title, the story will talk about the Third Ninja War from the point of view of the hero of the story. The story will begin with a sequence of events until the Ninja War begins.

Daoist2VeoCM · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


The next morning, Haro was listening to kairo who was speaking to her. Aaaaah Haro did not want to come to the academy after what happened yesterday, but she knew that she had to come in order to preserve what was left of her dignity and endure the inconvenience represented by the way the rest of the students looked at her and kairo's weekly sermon

(Okay. Haru, you did well this month, as you did not cause any problems and you integrated well with the rest of the students, but what happened yesterday)

(I know what you want to say, but...)

(Let me finish, I am talking here Okay ? . so you did well, but... What happened during the training fight between you and Shisui was not good. The teacher told me that you wanted to kill Shisui.)

(Yes, I know, I lost my mind a little, I mean a lot, but the reason for this is that he hit me with exaggerated force, so I got angry, and in the end no one was hurt except me, of course)

After she said this, she rubbed her right cheek

(This is not an excuse for trying to kill people. Remember, Shisui is your comrade. Part of the village, Haru, you are a talented girl. Do not let this personality of yours hinder your success. Did you know that with your talent, you could have graduated in the first year?)


(Yes, the graduation exam from the academy is to perform shadow cloning, and you are proficient in the advanced version of this. Indeed, but what prevented us from allowing you to graduate is your hostile personality, and if you continue like this, you will wait for the final year like the rest of the ordinary students. Do you understand, oh for the information, Shisui is also supposed to graduate from the first year, but his father refused to do so, so do not be tempted.)

After school, Haru went off to search again for Shisui's and fight him, only to find him waiting for her this time in the same place where he defeated her the day before. Haru went forward to fight him, but again, she was defeated


(Why don't you just surrender he is stronger than you?)

(I don't mean to insult you guys But you will not understand it, I must defeat him, I must prove that I am stronger)

Haru continued to train daily and increased her effort and pressure on herself, even skipping meals and reducing her sleep time, but the result was the same every day, the fight ended with her defeat, and ten days passed.

In the orphanage garden, Haro was punching the tree there. This was her daily training and her way to release her anger. This time, she hit the tree with such force that it hurt her hand. The pain she felt made her bend over, holding her hand while some tears slipped from her eyes, not because of her physical pain, but because of her inner pain.

"Why is this happening? Didn't I try my best? He's just a spoiled boy from one of the famous clans. Isn't that enough for him?"

(Is this your way of training or is this your way of venting your anger? Although I don't know what the poor tree did to deserve all this beating)


Haru stood up. She wiped her tears

(I heard that you were skipping meals and avoiding your daily duties)

(I don't have time for these trivial matters)

(Eating food and getting an appropriate amount of sleep is important for your growth. It is not something you take lightly. As for your daily duties, remember that you do not live alone here. There are many people around you now. Try to take care of them and spend your time with them as long as you have the opportunity.)

Haro remained silent. In her place, holding her hand and looking at the ground, Yona sighed

(You won't be able to defeat that Uchiha boy with your training, but you will have a chance if I train you myself)

Haru looked at her in surprise

(What, don't you know that I was a jounin before I quit)

(You! Yona-san, do you? Your head took a hit)

(What, don't you believe me)

(No, no, it's just that it's hard to imagine you as a strong Kushina)

(Okay, forget it, I'll go from here)

(No, wait, wait, I was joking)

Haru ran and grabbed Yuna's foot while she begged her.

(Okay, if you insist, I will train you, but you have to go back to knitting scarves. Don't think I forgot this)

(Yes, my sir)


(Okay, Haru, are you ready for your first day of training)

(Yes, but what is this idiot doing here?)

(Show respect to those who are bigger than you,)

Subaru shouted,

(I want to see you fight him so I can know your style of fighting.)

(Sorry, there will be nothing to show. I will defeat him in less than a second.)

Haru's boastful statement made Subaru angry.

(Just know that I am the best at taijutsu in my class.)

(Yes, yes, stop talking and start fighting)


It only took one punch for Haru to defeat Subaru.

(Okay, I understand. Do you always end your fights like this?)

Haru put her hand on her waist and said with pride

(Yes, I always finish with one punch, except if my opponent is an adult, where the fight lasts longer)

"It's great to be victorious again. I would have forgotten about this feeling is because of Shisui"

(If you have no experience fighting someone equal to you and you do not know any martial art, you rely on your speed and strength)

"Without any fighting experience."

This statement upset Haro, but she remained silent

(First, I need to teach you the basics of fighting. First, I need to teach you the correct way to punch. For this, I need you to do five thousand punches a day in the correct way).

She was wondering if this training had any benefit but she did it anyway

(You finished quickly and you don't seem to be tired)

(This is nothing I can keep going all day but will this really help me defeat that idiot Shisui)

(I can't promise it but it It will improve your fighting abilities, but why are you so upset with Shisui? He defeated you in a fair fight)

(because he doesn't deserve to win)


(He has everything from the beginning. He is a member of one of the most powerful clans in the world)

(I agree with Haru Yuna-san)

Subaru stood up

(The clan members, especially those who have Kekkei Genkai, are spoiled. They got their power without putting in any effort, just being born.)

Yona stared at them while thinking about what she should say.

(If you continue with this way of thinking, you will never advance. There is no point in envying other people or blaming them for your loss. This will not improve your situation. Instead, look at yourself and think about how you made a mistake and improve yourself.)

Yuna looked at the two little ones as they sank into silence, which made her feel good about herself,

"Wow, I can't believe it, did you say Such wise words, perhaps I should write a book about philosophy."

Then a smile spread on her face as she thought of something ridiculous

(You two feel dissatisfaction with the clansmen because they were born with a talent that you forgot that you are like them)


The two were surprised

(It has been done You were both accepted into the Ninja Academy in the first place, which is something that most people cannot accomplish, but you were not satisfied with that. You, Subaru, were about to pass the graduation exam last year, and you will most likely graduate this year, and you are in your fourth year. As for you, Haru, you have the largest amount of chakra. I've seen it in a child before. You're ignoring the fact that you were born gifted.)