13 Back to Old Job

'Now I have been, training non stop for 3 years and in between I do get a little distracted when, I think about, researching and uncovering the truths of the world. As for why it is nothing more than my passion as a researcher.'

'As for why I was training, cause this is a world where fists speak louder than words, and I can't always be under the protection of Grandfather.'

'I find Researching very interesting and because of it in my previous life I remained bachelor in my whole life but I don't regret it a single bit, just the mere feeling of discovering the truth behind anything excites me.'

And because when I was researching about soul in my previous life I uncovered a lot of information about Soul it, I found every Soul has a character trait of its own, for me, I guess my character trait is the reason for my thirst for knowledge, not that I can do anything about it as a character trait is more than that it can also influence your actions unconsciously.'

But in this world where you can not only see the soul, you could also manipulate it for example, Impure world Reincarnation made by Tobi(Tobirama), Dan clan also have their own Jutsu related to spirit, and finally the Chakra reincarnation of Ashura and Indra, that are to be born in future, I have to make sure to not mess up the timeline completely that could change the possible future.'

'Damn that madara is still alive due to which Chakra reincarnation can't be born anytime soon, and finally stay out of the radar of Black zetsu, so that they can't treat me a threat towards their big plan.'

Now back to the topic, I have now the power of Jonin at the age of 7, I should probably lay low and do the reasearch about firstly the Sharingan the cursed eyes, I can't wait to study them. But for this I have to convince Tobirama as I have speculated he has also done a lot of research related to Sharingan, as it was mentioned in the canon about 'The Curse of hatred' the Uchiha are people greatly devoted to love and friendship, yet they tend to conceal their more affectionate traits. When the object of their affection is lost, an Uchiha's love can instantaneously turn into hatred, leaving them more inclined to do anything and everything in their power to achieve their goals and show their own superiority, regardless of the consequences and repercussions of their actions. The despair of these experiences cause a manifestation of unique chakra within an Uchiha's brain, impacting the optic nerves and creating the Sharingan.'

I mean how could Tobi knew about unique chakra within their brain, Tobirama also observed the Uchiha's, No I refuse to believe it, as I have been with him for 3 years and I know about his character, he is a very practical man and will not make any baseless assumptions like this, so it means only one thing, Tobirama captured Uchiha's and monitored them, and what could be better excuse than war to obtain some free Sharingan's, probably he is also doing experiments on the Sharingan or has alredy done what he could do with present technology.

'As expected of Grandfather, always a step ahead of me.'

'Now I have to somehow convince Tobirama on my intention to join his research, when he comes to the lab for research, Let's see how this goes.'

' As I was thinking about my future actions.'

I received a notification from AI Chip,

[Beep! Modifications have been done on Lightning Dragon Tornado has been done!]

'Ah I totally forgot about my Jutsu list, over the years I also have learned a some Jutsu's, I didn't learned a lot of Jutsu's as I chose Quality over Quantity, so I don't have a thousand Jutsu's like Kakashi but I have enough for any possible situation and because of this I gave AI Chip command to modify these Jutsu's for me, the modified Jutsu's are not only stronger but also cost less chakra than original ones.'

"AI Chip, Show me my Jutsu list" I commanded.


Lightning Relese Type Jutsu-

Liger Bomb- C rank

Lightning Ball-. C rank

Lightning Fish- B rank

Lightning Release: Thunder Gate- B rank

Lightning Rat Violent Quake- B rank

Lightning Dragon- A rank

Chidori- A rank

Lightning Release: Overdrive- A rank

Lightning Dragon- A rank

Raikiri-. S rank

Lightning Release Chakra Mode- S rank

Water Relese Type Jutsu-

Water Clone Technique C rank

Water Palm Blade C rank

Water Release: Running Water Spear. B rank

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet A rank

Water Release: Water Severing Wave. A rank

Wind Release Type Jutsu-

Wind Release: Air Bullets. C rank

Wind Release: Breakthrough. C rank

Wind Release: Gale Palm. C rank

Wind Release: Vacuum Blade. B rank

Wind Release: Pressure Damage. B rank

Wind Release: Wind Dragon Bullet. A rank

Wind Release: Rasengan A rank

Wind Release: Rasenshuriken S rank

Non Elemental Jutsu List-

Substitution Jutsu E-rank

Clone Jutsu- E-rank

Transformation Jutsu E-rank

Shadow Clone Jutsu- B rank

Rasengan- A rank

Psychokinesis- A rank

Chakra Enhanced Strength - A rank

Space time Jutsu List-

Flying Thunder God (level-1). S rank

Flying Thunder God (level-2). S rank

Flying Thunder God (level-3). S rank

Inventory(368m²)- S rank (Inventory is synchronised with chakra level)]

I also have my first original Jutsu psychokinesis, moving things with your thoughts but in actual it is a unique application of chakra and sorry for copying your Jutsu's Future Kakashi and Future Minato. (Isn't it hilarious to copy Copy Ninja's Jutsu.😂). The inventory is like my personal dimension unless anyone have space locking seals which aren't devloped yet, I can travel there anytime, So trapping me is just a pipe dream, this is my biggest trump card.'

As for Genjutsu I never any thoughts about them as my Senju physique is already plenty immune to Genjutsu already and as my chakra control is increasing my Genjutsu resistance continues to increase and I don't think anything else than Mangekyou Sharingan Genjutsu will have any effect on me.'

'As I was lost in my thoughts, the for of cave opened and Tobi, entered as usual an indifferent expression, he gave me a nod and was about to go to his lab, when I stopped him.'

He raised an eyebrow, I quickly asked

"Tobi aren't you going to show me what is behind that door"

He kept his calm facade and replied

"I am creating a new Jutsu and for that I need to be alone."

'Hearing this my ears perked up, he must be in the process of creating 'Impure World Reincarnation' the legendary Jutsu which can bring back the dead.'

Not wasting any time I said with a smiling face.

" It involves Human Experimenting, right?"

I asked him, but one could tell I was stating a fact

'His eyes widened in surprise for a second, before it went again to normal.'

He sighed and without wasting any time, he asked me what do I want?'

'I said I want to join him doing research I replied him while smiling.'

Putting his indifferent expression he sighed

"Follow me."

Next chapter