
Chapter 29

The last mission was really exhausting, yet rewarded him with a few extra jutsu and more power. Currently, Kuzo was at home, eating breakfast and appreciating every minute. It had been a long week after all, which entitled him to enjoy his break.

Kuzo noticed that his family was giving him weird gazes, especially his mom and sister. What's more odd, his older brother, Doju, gave him an awkward smirk. His dad had a stoic face and was just eating.

Hotaru didn't lift her head, and she was the only one acting normal around. Maybe his family was weird.

Kuzo didn't know what happened in the last few days, but he didn't care. He hoped that whatever happened, they could get through it.

Not wanting to appear rude, Kuzo finished his plate in one gulp before standing up. "Anyway. I'll be leaving."

"You won't stay for a talk?" His father said, tone firm. The mother nodded firmly.

"I have something urgent to discuss with the Hokage. Mission-related. See ya," Kuzo said. He then turned, looking at Hotaru. "Sorry, I won't be able to train you meanwhile."

"We can train tomorrow?" she asked.

Kuzo nodded. "Maybe."

Then, he left through the door, not having his rank's green vest. Instead, he wore normal attire of black pants, white shirt, and a black leather coat. He didn't want anyone to mistake him for a Jonin and a Chunin, and he wanted to make sure everyone believed that he was a Genin. When the people who had seen him in that green vest saw him, they would think he stole it from his brother and just tried it out.

Kuzo entered the Hokage's office as he had been summoned this morning.

"Old man. Am I not getting any breaks? It's been a week," said Kuzo.

The Hokage replied, "I thought you would be interested to know what he had planned for Danzo. But if you want to leave, then you're entitled to leave…"

Before he could finish his words, Kuzo already sat down in front of the Hokage, fist on the table. He was in a hurry to know what happened.

"What?" Kuzo asked.

"Before that. I should say that I was disappointed for you not telling me that Danzo was in possession of Shisui's Uchiha eye that day." The 3rd Hokage said, his eyes getting serious. "And the fact you didn't mention the Izanagi and the eyes."

Kuzo couldn't blame him for his words. After all, if they pushed Danzo to the corner, he might have ended up controlling the whole Konoha by controlling Hiruzen. But they were lucky that Danzo had been trying to protect Konoha instead of taking control over Hiruzen. But if they forced Danzo, then the latter would have no reason not to use Shisui's genjutsu on Hiruzen.

"In my defense, that night I escaped with my life. You only asked me to tell you something about him in exchange for protection. You never said everything."

"Is that the real reason?" the Hokage said, sensing something off with Kuzo's words.

Kuzo admitted. "I just forgot. Come on, I just had escaped from him. I wasn't at my best mental condition."

The Hokage smiled, "no shame in admitting that. Even I forget a few things from time to time."

"So, what's the plan?" Kuzo asked.

"I'll gather a squad of my own to corner Danzo. The problem is with his Root Anbu. They'll jump into his protection, and there will be a lot of spilled blood."

"Can't you just… I mean, first, summon him here. And then, discuss the crimes he had done, and make sure no one is watching. He'll then be forced to mind-break you, no?"

"And if he used the jutsu on a shadow clone," Hiruzen said, understanding what Kuzo had in mind. "I thought about it too. But what's next? He'd still manage to escape and summon his people."

The Root was a formidable force, and Danzo was at their lead. What kind of person Danzo was. In the anime, Danzo could sacrifice the whole Konoha's civilians and shinobi so that he could get the Hokage seat, and he would call it some sacrifice. If they had to go in a fight against the Root, then, it would be better than a large-scale war inside the village. Even if they managed to win, Konoha's power would drop. This would make it easy prey for the other nations, which wouldn't waste such a chance.

But it could still be an inner affair, and no one had to know about it.

"Small sacrifice is always better than a bigger one," Kuzo said.

"But the Root members are elites that this village needs," replied Hiruzen.

"Didn't the village need the Uchiha too?" asked Kuzo, his words made Hiruzen close his eyes and take a deep breath, followed by a large sigh.

"You have a point. Will you join on this mission?" Asked Hiruzen.

Kuzo's lips stretched as far as they could, all of his teeth appearing bright. He was so happy.

"And you have to avoid spilling blood as much as you could."

Kuzo's lips moved in the opposite direction. He then said. "I'll do my best to help."

Even with nothing to gain, Kuzo would surely help them to fight against Danzo. If you asked Kuzo's opinion on Danzo, it would be that he was the reason for 99% of misery in the current shinobi world, his own included.

"So, when is the mission?" Kuzo asked.

"After we deal with Orochimaru and at the end of the Chunin exam, we will move," Hiruzen said, eyes full of sharp killing intent. "Protecting Konoha is my priority."

On the other hand, Kuzo thought about something else. 'Now, I'm wondering. How can I get a Sharingan if I didn't kill the true owner? I mean, my power is gluttony. So, should I crush the eye or eat it?'

"What are you thinking of?" asked Hiruzen.

"Nothing. Just hit me up when you need me," Kuzo replied.

"Forget it, you should be focusing on your current mission until we call you. You're dismissed," the Hokage said.

Kuzo had a feeling that he would be stopped on his way out of the door for a talk not related to the mission.

He hated the people who do such a thing. Them, and the people who would call him when he just lay down.

"By the way," said the Hokage.

'I knew it.' Kuzo turned and smiled. "Is there anything?"

"I want to ask about Hotaru. How is she doing?"

"Very well," Kuzo replied.

"How about her training?" asked Hiruzen, getting directly to the point.

"She's progressing very fast. These clan kids are no joke," he replied.

"It's not too late to enroll her in the ninja academy? What do you think?" Hiruzen asked, showing interest in getting her into Konoha. This old man was a real crafty fox. Kuzo had a self-bet. Fury Jutsu, which was classified by the 3rd Hokage as a forbidden technique, wouldn't stay like that when Hotaru joins Konoha.

But if he'd to answer his question, he would have to be honest.

"She'd pass the graduation exam on the spot," Kuzo thought that if he sent her to the academy, then he would have more time moving around. "But anyhow, you can ask her yourself?"

Anyway, he shouldn't be responsible for Konoha's desires.


"You asked her to call you grandpa? Act like one," Kuzo said.

"You're right." The Hokage sighed, taking his pipe and lighting it up. It was a cue for Kuzo to leave, which he did.


Walking outside, Kuzo had one idea. 'Killing Danzo won't go smoothly. That man has the best cheats in the world, and he would escape. The best thing they could do is to take back Shisui's eyes.'

He went to his favorite training ground, only to find his student working on her skills there. She was a hard worker. Deciding not to bother her training, he jumped and landed on a tree.

His mind got busy with what could happen against Danzo if they had a fight. They could have Guy, which would take a few eyes from him. Or better, Guy could take care of the whole Root Anbu. They could use Kakashi or others.

But they needed someone strong on the level of Kage, such as the legendary Sannin.

'Maybe I can ask Tsunade for her help. She won't refuse if I gambled against her. Now I think about it. Jiraiya was at Konoha during the invasion. Maybe I can ask him to help me against Danzo. I wouldn't have to. The Hokage would ask him to.'

Kuzo chuckled when he remembered Tsunade, a few memories from the original show came to him.

He opened his hand, and a Rasengan was formed there in an instant.

'Anyway. I'll send a letter later to Hiruzen. Still. I have 4-5 months of free time.'

After Kuzo realized he had a lot of free time, he decided to split it between traveling out of Konoha to track missing ninjas and training to strengthen his physical abilities. Konoha had something called sealed weights that you could wear to train your body, and you could seal as much chakra in it, making it heavier. It would be good to achieve his prime.

Kuzo was in his backyard, in a squat stance with many weights strapped around his body, when his parents came to visit him for a talk.

When he asked what it was about, they talked about being irresponsible and having relations with girls, warning him about the possibility of having children at a very young age, especially since he wasn't married.

Kuzo wondered what they were talking about. He had never had intercourse with any woman in this world. The most he had ever experienced was a hand job and touching Anko's chest occasionally. That's all.

'Could it be that they think I had relations with Anko? But there's no way they could have seen me in the training yard that day.' Still in the horse stance, sweating, he replied, "Thank you for your concern, but don't worry about that."

"We just wanted to warn you," said his mom before they left.

Kuzo shook his head. 'Maybe they are testing me. That's right. Because at that time Anko played with me, I sensed all of the chakra around. There was me, Anko, and Hotaru who was training…' He opened his eyes widely, remembering Hotaru's bad fever that day.

Could it be that she saw him and told his sister, leading his whole family to find out? They acted weird, but Hotaru acted like there was nothing.

Usually, that's what happens when someone rats you out; they try to act as normal as possible.

'Why do I care in the first place? I don't give a darn if she saw me naked… still.' Kuzo clenched his fist. There was one problem. 'How could I let my guard down?'

He felt regretful that he hadn't sensed her at that time.

It meant that he was lacking in the sensory department.

That made him feel bad.


Weeks and days passed, and Kuzo barely felt the passage of time.

Apart from protection missions where he devoured the spirits of five shinobis, who happened not to be very high in rank, Kuzo hadn't done much. But still, it helped increase his power, which would definitely count in a world where the outcome of a battle is determined by a split second.

Kuzo's physical body got significantly stronger than before. The gluttony power didn't just grant him the physical power of those he had consumed, but also their growth potentials.

During four months, Kuzo developed many variations for his techniques, which helped him in missions.

He stood in front of a tree, weaving a series of hand seals. He took a deep breath. Usually, this jutsu releases water bombs, but he replaced the hand signs, manipulating chakra nature with wind ones. He spat a few air orbs. Once they hit the tree, they exploded, cutting it into a few pieces. A C-rank jutsu was upgraded into a lethal technique just like that.

Taking a break, Kuzo glanced at the top of a tree, where a food box cooked by Hotaru, now at the academy, awaited. He aimed his hand at it. From his wrist, a spider web extended, grabbing the box. He then had lunch, which was quite satisfying, ignoring the approaching chakra signature.

"Kuzo sempai," Hotaru said as she sat in front of him. Ever since she moved in with him, she became less formal, changing the way she addressed him from Sensei, to Sama, and now, sempai. It was as if he were her senior.

"I miss the days you used to call me master," Kuzo replied.

"And I miss the days you had time to teach me," she said, looking at the ground, appearing saddened.

She had a point. Ever since he became a Jonin, he had been on missions or hanging out with his team, consisting of Anko and Yamato, barely having time to train her.

Anko had been teasing him lately, and the only way he could shut her up was by teasing her back. Sometimes he ended up placing his head between her chest, which shut her up. Ever since the curse mark had been removed, she had been kinder, and he had been using her as material for personal pleasure.

Kuzo only realized he had just ignored Hotaru, who was telling him about her school day. He just smiled at her and nodded. She stopped, taking a peek at his member, earning herself a blush. Since he had been thinking about Anko, there happened to be a tent down there.

"So, what's the matter?" Kuzo said, trying to pretend to be oblivious and not a bit embarrassed from being stared at.

Hotaru faked a few coughs, lifting her eyes slowly, only to realize he had been looking at her.


"Nothing, huh?" Kuzo raised an eyebrow. Thanks to this peeping pervert, everyone in his house knew what he and Anko had done. And she had seen it all without telling him.

Hotaru smiled a bit, "it's not appropriate, Kuzo, for me to say it. Ahem, ahem." She pointed to his tent. Her cheeks turning red, she added, "You like me, Kuzo sempai?"

"Do you?" he asked back.

Nodding, she hummed. "Umm. The girls in my school told me if a boy likes you, something like that will appear."

Kuzo tilted his head. Did he send her to study or to learn these things?

"They aren't wrong," he replied.

Her cheeks burning brighter, she got on her knees, crawled, and stretched her lips, landing a kiss on his cheek.

Kuzo's eyes widened, feeling the tingling sensation from her innocent kiss.

Once she withdrew, she said, "I'm happy you like me back."

Kuzo may be physically the same age as her, but he was older and didn't know what to talk about with her.

Compared to the bold Anko, Hotaru was more timid.

"So, what should we do?"

"Talk, live like we do."

"Maybe, at the end," her face completely red, she said, "that too."

Kuzo had a moral awakening.

Maybe in 1-2 years, he would feel more at ease doing that.

Even though she was mature, the fact that she was short for her age didn't help.

"Yes. But that should be left after dating," Kuzo said, feeling uncomfortable, both physically and morally.

"So, you dated that woman too?" she asked, referring to Anko.

Pretending not to know who she was talking about, he asked, "Who?"

He was trying to trick her into confessing that she spied on him.

"The one from your team," Hotaru said, clearly annoyed. If he asked who, it could mean Anko was one of many.

Kuzo tilted his head, "What are you talking about?"

"Never mind." She shook her head, "Let's forget that," she clapped her hands and smiled, "we should go back home together now."

"I'll walk you there, then," Kuzo said. As they stood up, they walked back slowly. Noticing the blond girl's hand approaching his, he held hers and walked back.

Kuzo looked forward. He thought about how Hotaru didn't mind being with him after seeing him with Anko. Maybe it's the nature of girls in this world. What did he know?

As someone destined to become the strongest at some point in his life, he found it necessary to start his own clan, and for that, he needed many kunoichi around him.

Alright. That's not entirely true. He just liked her as well, and he was making up some excuse, which he didn't need in the first place.

Ever since he became a shinobi, he had realized how short life was, and how death was a possibility. And that's why he wouldn't hold himself back from enjoying whatever novelty he had, be it food or a girl he liked.

(Time Skip - One month)

One more month passed, and things progressed well for Kuzo as he prepared for his mission. The last month couldn't be considered boring, at least from his perspective. He and Hotaru had made good progress, considering they lived together. Though he had been busy most of the time, they managed to go on a few dates, culminating in a few kisses, which, of course, happened outside the house.

However, he now felt sorry for her as he would have to ignore her for a few days.

Aside from that, he would meet the other woman he liked - Anko. Today was the Chunin test, and Kuzo had disguised himself as a shinobi aiming to pass the test.

Kuzo observed Anko and Yamato.

"Alright. We've registered you as a genin who wanted to pass the test by himself," Anko said, throwing him a paper. "Yamato here is your supposed sensei."

Kuzo nodded. "Other than that, you know what I want you to do."

"Not to do anything with the snake unless we're inside the Forest of Death."

"Yes." Kuzo nodded. "Wish me good luck on my test."

He then turned and walked away.

Yamato chuckled. "Good luck falling from a Jonin to a Chunin."

Kuzo shrugged. Putting his hands in his pockets, he walked near the gates of Konoha, hoping to find someone specific.

On his way, he felt a familiar chakra signature. A smirk took over his lips. That was the person he was looking to meet. 'Bingo.'

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