
Chapter 34 : Forest Of Death 1

(Shikamaru POV)

Soon the exam started, just like the anime, Ibiki Morino was the proctor. From the very moment he entered the room, he took command.

I have to say, the man got the presence needed to achieve something like that, actually, this test might be one of my favourites, the idea of the 10th question was genius. Whoever came up with it surely put a lot of effort into it.

The test is nothing for me, and I already told Ino to either copy mine or Sakura's sheet with her mind control and while she is at it, also help out poor old Choji. 

As the question paper came, it was apparent that the questions were difficult, to the point that even a chunin and Jonin might not be able to answer them correctly. Good thing I actually hit the books before coming. 

Another good thing is that here students don't have to write too much. As long as the answer is right, it's done. 

Completing the answers that I could only say in record-breaking time, I looked around. Seeing many young shinobi finding new ways of cheating. This is exactly why I wanted to learn Ninjutsu in my previous life. 

My team was set, so there was no problem with that. Having time, I started to locate all the recognizable people in the class. 

Teams 7, 8, and 9 were there and so were the sand and the sound team. Getting bored I shifted my attention to Naruto. 

Naruto on the other hand was shaking in his seat, not knowing any answers. It was more funny to see in real life than in the anime.

Soon the 10th question came. I told my team not to give up the test beforehand. So we are set. 

Seeing Naruto slowly raising his hand, a smirk appears on my face.


"I am Uzumaki Naruto and I will be Hokage, Datte Bayo,"....




(Forest of Death)

I followed the sexy yet troublesome Anko Mitrashi. Aka the Snake lady. And yes she really doesn't wear much to cover herself up. Though I didn't stare much. It will be troublesome if she catches me.

While she was explaining the exam rules. I was only focused on spotting recognizable characters and assigning toads to follow them.

I just found out that I can sense where my shadow spirits are if I focus. Each spirit has a distinct chakra signature. I can use that to locate and track a particular team.

Going to put Nue to track Orochimaru's movements. Anything else and that damn snake will find out. Gama is on Sand's team and Rabbit is on Kabuto's team. 

And going to use my two Divine Wolfs to track both Karin's team and team 7. Perfect plan if this wouldn't have left me with no spirits to work with that is. Well, actually I have more spirits but the spirits which I tame later are more Chakra exhausting. So I rather only summon them if it's absolutely necessary. 

And again not like the Divine wolfs are not with me, they are with me but I am just gonna use them to track other teams, especially team 7 and Karin's team. 

"Now Students start," Anko shouted and everyone started to rush to the entrance they were assigned to.

"Shikamaru do you have a plan," Ino asked as both of my teammates followed my lead.

"Yeah, just give me a sec," I replied closing my eyes to sense my spirits. 

Nue was flying pretty far from us, meaning Orochimaru was nowhere close. Gama's location is also far enough, so no worries about Gaara. 

But Kabuto's team is close. I can sense my Shadow Rabbit with him. 'Hmm', no I shouldn't clash with his team so soon. First I need to find an earth scroll. That is the top priority. There is a chance that many things will play out just like in the anime, the only thing which might not go like canon is what happens with my own team, just because I have changed too much.

Upon entering the forest and knowing no one was near, I immediately took action. "Divine Wolf," 

One white wolf came out from my shadow, the one which is solely responsible for finding other teams. The black wolf will track Naruto and Karin.

"Find the closest team, White," I said as.

"Huff, I still don't like that name you know. You could have named them so well, why this." Ino huff. 

"Becuase their name is not that important," I said with a deadpan voice, sometimes my team acts like children. Well, they are children but still. "And Choji you should stop eating, that smell on you can make us the target of some shinobi team," I reprimanded. 

Hearing me the big guy immediately understood but rather than stopping he just stuffed his mouth with chips. Looking like a hamster. 


"Just follow the dog, " I said with sighing.





While this was happening, the Shikamaru clone which he made before was rushing out of the forest. Knowing that he couldn't stop Orochimaru alone, he needed someone who could. At least 2 or 3 jonin. 

Knowing Anko's character. he has to do some acting but upon hearing her old sensei's name she must come. Finding Kakashi, Kurenai, Guy or Asuma shouldn't be that hard. They are not taking any mission while their team is taking the chunin test. 

Just need to reach the village and convince them. The clone was thinking of going to the Hokage's office but he might have to wait outside for long to meet the Hokage. He doesn't have that much time.


Need some Stone guys. Please give some stones.

"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"


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