
Talk No Jutsu

"Why is someone as strong as you working for him?!" Naruto shouted as he was fighting Kimimaro who was holding his upper arm bone that he's sharpened to use as a sword.

Kimimaro had a Kekkei Genkai called Shikotsumyaku, a kekkei genkai which gives its wielder the ability to manipulate their own bones. Users of Shikotsumyaku possess three unique skills: the ability to control their osteoblasts(cells responsible for producing bones), the ability to control their osteoclasts(cells responsible for breaking down bones) and the ability to regulate their bones' calcium density.

So long as their body does not tire out, users can take advantage of these abilities without limit. The blonde haired Genin was using his tri-pronged kunai infused with wind chakra.

"He gave me purpose. Dance of the Camellia." Kimimaro muttered emotionlessly as he appeared in front of Naruto before he repeatedly started stabbing him. He did it so rapidly that he was creating afterimages with it.

Naruto gritted his teeth as small cuts appeared all over his face and hands. 'Damn! It's so hard to predict and dodge! Each stab is directed at a slightly different part from a slightly different angle and with slightly different regularity!'

Naruto used the Body Flicker to appear far away from the Shikotsumyaku user.

'He's just like Satsuki. Both are the last of their clans and both have Kekkei Genkais that are pretty overpowered.' Deciding to stall so he could make a plan, Naruto started replying to Kimimaro's words.

"Did he?! I thought purpose isn't something that can be given! It's something that must be found through your own experiences and beliefs! I can literally see that you're sick, you're eyes show it all!"

" He manipulated you didn't he!? Giving you a death sentence wrapped up in fancy wording! "

" You wouldn't understand, Uzumaki. " Kimimaro replied somberly as they started clashing again.

"Dude! We're literally the last of our clans! What don't I understand?! You are the only one dying while I am flourishing away from Orochimaru."

" That seal on your neck—

"Doesn't matter! It's useless now. Also, you can't tell me that the man working on immortality is incapable of diagnosing what is wrong with you and how to fix it! "

" SILENCE!! Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets!! " Kimimaro shouted angrily as he parted his fingertips, creating holes that expose hardened finger bones.

Naruto widened his eyes as he saw 10 bone bullets spinning through the air and traveling towards him at incredible speeds. He used the Substitution Jutsu, replacing himself with a log.

The log was absolutely violated by the volley of bone bullets. Naruto appeared behind Kimimaro with his wind infused tri-pronged kunai turned makeshift scimitar in hand.

"Dance of the Larch!!" Kimimaro sprouted sharp bones from all over his body, intending for Naruto to skewer himself. Naruto gritted his teeth and performed a couple of one handed hand seals.

"Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder!!" Naruto shouted as he sent a powerful wave of electricity towards Kimimaro who didn't expect that to happen.


Kimimaro grunted as he skidded back from the electric attack, his bones having absorbed most of the blow. "Why try so hard, Uzumaki? It's useless in the end. I will be taking you and the Uchiha with me when I leave. "

" Not happening! As a matter of fact, I can't let you return to Orochimaru's side! All that snake has done is bring you closer to death while taking advantage of your strength and desperation!"

" All that matters is being useful to Lord Orochimaru—

" How useful are you to him now?" Naruto asked as he crouched on the ground and put a finger into the earth, making Kimimaro freeze in mid step upon hearing his question.

"If he truly wanted your body then he would have made every attempt possible to cure your illness and not discard you. His main goal is me and Satsuki, only wanting you as a placeholder for us. The problem is we have no intention of going to him. "

" I said silence! "

"Painful isn't it? Knowing that you were being taken advantage of. Trust me I know how it feels. That has been most of my life."

"Lord Orochimaru would not let me die if he could have fixed me and thus retained his use for me."

" Who were his teammates?"

"I tire of the conversation."

"Who were his teammates?! Answer the question Kimimaro. Did he never tell you who was on his genin team or did no one tell you?"

"Useless information about trash."

" Not useless." Naruto countered before twisting out of the way of one of Kimimaro's slashes.

"His teammates were Jiraiya the Toad Sage, a fuinjutsu specialist and Tsunade Senju the best Medic-nin that Konoha has ever seen! Believe it!! She revolutionized the way that medicine is viewed and looked at today."

" There is no way he didn't pick up on some of her knowledge especially since his goal is know everything and become immortal! How could he not know how to fix you or at least have an idea of how to slow the process down long enough for a cure to be made!? "

" Don't you find it strange that he gave up so quickly? He needs to know everything that includes your bloodline techniques. Curing you would pull his attention away from the goal and that was an inconvenience so he decided to cut ends loose, that means letting you die since you know to much about him. "

" Y-you.... "

" Think about it Kimimaro. I know that you aren't stupid so stop acting like it and use your head for once! Do you not have precious people that you wanna protect back in Oto?! " Naruto asked and did a backflip before continuing to fight Kimimaro.

Naruto watched as Kimimaro's attacks seemed to slow as his rant continued until they came to a complete stop. He knew that his words were getting to the Kaguya and he just hoped that he would make the right choice in the matter.

He knew that there was some part of Kimimaro that wasn't satisfied with the way that his life had been. He just needed to bring it to the surface. He had to.

He didn't want another person to die because of Orochimaru. Many innocent people have died under the snake's hands, and right now, he doesn't want to let Kimimaro die when he has a chance of helping him realize the truth.

And plus, Konoha could use another Kekkei Genkai user on their side. Kimimaro knowing everything about Orochimaru was bonus points as well.

"What would I do?" The Shikotsumyaku user asked after a long silence. Naruto shrugged.

"I dunno, anything you wanted. Is that precious person of yours right here right now?" Naruto asked curiously.

" Jugo... He's...." Kimimaro whispered to himself, making Naruto confused before he dodged something flying towards him.

He looked to see it was Satsuki who spat out blood and stood up. Someone landed beside Kimimaro and Naruto looked to see who it was.

"Jugo...." Kimimaro whispered as he looked at Jugo standing beside him.

Jūgo is a very tall, muscular young man who has spiky orange hair, red-orange eyes, and a usually calm disposition. He wore black pants, a purple curtain he wore as a cape and brown sandals.

"What the fuck..." Naruto whispered. But right now, Jugo was not calm at all. His expression was murderous. His skin was dark, his irides was a pale yellow colour while his sclerae is black.

"What kind of Kekkei Genkai is that?" Naruto whispered to himself as he looked at Jugo's left hand which was altered into a massive axe blade.

"The powerful kind. I don't see enough injuries on your opponent. Were you talking?" Satsuki asked him.

" Yeah, he's just allied with the wrong person. Maybe he is too. " Naruto pointed at Jugo who snarled at him. Kimimaro put a hand on Jugo.

" Calm down, Jugo. Let's fight calmly." Kimimaro muttered. Jugo's breathing calmed down as his skin returned back to normal.

'That must be his precious person.' Naruto looked at Satsuki confidently. Whatever Naruto was about to pull, Satsuki trusted his decision.

"Does anything you have done for Orochimaru feel right? Does dying so a madman can achieve an impossible dream seem right to you? Or did it feel right when you became Jugo's friend and helped him leave the place you had been in previously? "

" As I said no one can tell you your purpose, you have to find it on your own. That is what life is, a journey to find your reason. It never ends, not even after death."

" Kimimaro, the question that you have to ask yourself is, are you living or merely existing? They are not one in the same. Think carefully. " Naruto suddenly made a ram hand seal.

Suddenly, two hands reached and grabbed Kimimaro by his legs while two others went and grabbed Jugo's legs.

"Uzumaki Clan Fūinjutsu: Bloodcurdling Bind."

Kimimaro and Jugo widened their eyes as blood red seals appeared on the four hands and started spreading all over their bodies.

Satsuki used the Sharingan and used it to subtly hypnotize them, making them a little bit dazed so they won't keep struggling against the seal.

Naruto looked at the four hands keeping the two Oto Shinobi captured. "Thank the Sage I asked Jiraiya sensei all about Orochimaru and his subordinates or else this would've ended way different. "

"Let's go Naruto, we still have Gaara to fight. "

" Yeah. "

To be continued.....

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