
Chapter 15- Haru’s birthday Celebration II

A few days later…

Sosuke's POV:

I woke up early today since it is the fifth birthday of my son, I look at the empty space beside me and notice that Rin woke up much earlier than me, I really love how hard working my wife is that's why even though it is hard doing business, I still persevered to give them a comfortable life.

To be honest, I don't like Haru to become a ninja, I just want him to be safe and stay home, but I cannot also do that since I know how dangerous our world is, I, at least want him to have the strength to protect himself.

But these are all the thoughts of a father, I also want him to do what he wants, and I will support him wholeheartedly. Now that I know that my son is a genius and he also has my late mother's bloodline ability, I don't have the heart to prohibit him from becoming a great shinobi since I know for sure that he will become a great shinobi in the future.

I thought before I sighed and went to the bathroom to wash, I then proceeded to the kitchen and saw multiple Rin cooking meals, I leaned on the doorway staring at my wife wearing an apron and she looks really beautiful.

She notices me and I went towards her kissing her forehead, "Goodmorning, honey"

"Morning honey, wait here and I will prepare some coffee for you"

"No need, just focus on what you are doing, I will get it myself"

She nods at me, and I proceeded to the cupboard to get myself some coffee, I watch her preparing the dishes and I asks,

"So, what are you going to cook?"

"Just some classic bento dishes like, Tamagoyaki, Onigiri, Shrimp tempura, which is Haru's favorite dish, croquettes, chicken karaage. I also prepared some meat and mackerel for barbeque, vegetable salad, rice, and miso soup.

I will also bake some cake, made some sandwiches, and some snacks"

"Wow! Those are plenty, do you think you can do it? Want me to help you?"

"No need, just prepare the things we need, like blankets, pillows, the grill, and other things, me and my shadow clones can do all of these"

I smiled at her determined look, I walk towards her and gave her a deep kiss full of love on her lips, she was surprised by my sudden move and she giggled,

"Hatake-san, please don't disturb me and go do the things I told you," she said sheepishly

I kiss her again and nodded and went to do the things my lovely wife asks, I went to my son's room and woke him up, after that I told him to prepare and eat his breakfast, I also went to Kushina's room to wake her up.

After doing that, I prepared all the things we need and put them into the sealing scrolls, after a few hours of preparations I saw Rin carrying the food inside the container box and I went there to help her pack up. After that, she went to take a bath.

As we were waiting for Rin, we heard the doorbell rang and Kushina went to open it, we saw Kakashi, Sakumo-nii, Minato, Jiraiya, and Tsunade on the door.

"Welcome to our home, everyone please come in"

"Sorry for intruding," they all said, then I told them to wait for a while since Rin is still preparing, they all nodded.

I guide them to the living room and sat down. After that, Jiraiya look at Tsunade and asks,

"I was surprised that you would come Tsunade"

"Well, Rin invited me to come, but she never told me about you coming" she answered

"Hahaha, well I met her when I came to meet Minato, then she invited me"

"I see"

"How are you Tsunade?" he asks worriedly

"I'm fine"

Jiraiya just sighed and said nothing else since he felt that Tsunade doesn't want to talk more about what happened, after that, we all talk about various things to ease the mood until Rin walk towards us and we all went together to the lake.

The lake is just beyond the forestry at the back of our house, you just need to walk for 15 minutes and pass a bridge before arriving there.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the beauty of the scenery of the lake in front of us, its water is crystal blue, the reflection of the sun made the droplets of the water appear crystalline and shines brilliantly on this beautiful day.

The fresh blow of the wind and the sound of the water made the scene very relaxing.

[A/N: Picture of the lake]

After admiring the lake for a while, I went ahead and prepared the camp we are going to use, I made the tent near the lake, Kushina help me in laying the huge blanket and pillows for us to sit and Sakumo-nii, help in preparing the grill to use for barbecue.

The two kids went ahead and change their outfits to swimming attire to swim on the lake.

Tsunade help Rin in taking out the table and preparing the food, while Minato and Jiraiya went ahead and gathered some wood for the grill.

After that, we all went ahead and change our outfits for swimming and started Haru's birthday celebration.



Haru's POV:

After Kakashi and I change to our swimming attire, we went to the lake and jump into it, it's not like we don't want to help them but mom said we can just leave the work to the grown-ups and just enjoy our day, so we just nod obediently and made the most out of it by swimming to the lake.

Although swimming is just an ordinary way to have fun, for someone like me who had live for two lifetimes and just learned how to swim a few months back, it is a very refreshing and fulfilling feeling.

So, I and Kakashi played in the lake, the water in the lake is very cool and refreshing, you could also see the fishes within it, although I can only swim freestyle, I enjoyed the feeling of the water enveloping my whole body.

It's the feeling of wanting to be free from all the worries I have, and just let the water flow into me and take me to the horizon… Well, that sounded a little ominous.

I look around and saw Kakashi swimming freely while catching fish, I then swam behind him and hug him behind his back, this catches him off guard, and struggled a little bit when he turned his head towards me, he sighs and said,

"Haru, don't do that again, it is very dangerous,"

"Hahaha sorry my bad, I just want to ride you,"

"Hah! Fine, then wrap your arms around my neck and I'll swim since it is your birthday, I'll do what you want"


Kakashi nodded and I smiled wickedly, "Then don't regret it"

I said before I wrap my arms around his neck and he started swimming to the center of the lake,

Then we heard my father's shout, "Haru, Kakashi, don't go any further, we will start soon"

"OKAY!" we shouted back

"Then let's go back," Kakashi said

I just nodded and Kakashi swam towards the shore, we notice the food that mom prepared and the two blankets that are spread for our seats, we then rush towards the food and when mom saw us, she smiled and gave us some bread and said,

"Rest for a while, we will start your celebration soon,"

We nodded and took the bread into our mouths before I saw father coming towards us with a towel, I look at my father's figure and I can't seem to look away, there is only one word to describe my father and that is…


"Hahaha, what is it Haru,"

I run towards my dad and hug him tightly burying my head in his firm and muscled specs. Don't judge me, I just admire my father nothing sexual, well, who can't take advantage of this situation to hug a fine man like him, since he is my dad, I can hug him as long as I want since I am a kid.

But I can't help but think that my mom is really lucky, well I am also lucky to have both good looking parents,

"Haru, let's wipe the water on your body first then we can celebrate and wish you a happy birthday"

I just nodded, but my head is still buried in his chest, my father just laughed at me and started to dry my hair, after that, he went and carried me towards the table full of food and I look at the cake at the center,

My mom really knows my favorites, since all the food and the cake she made are all my favorite dishes. The cake is a strawberry cake with vanilla cream and has strawberry fruit on top drizzled with strawberry syrup, there are also 5 candles on it.

"Everyone, let us sing Happy birthday to Haru," my mom said, and everyone sang the birthday song,

As they sang the song, my eyes could not help but feel moist and warm as tears are forming within them, although it has been five years that I came to this world, my present family is the one that gave me warmth and they all showed their love and care towards me.

That's because ever since I was abandoned, my previous birthdays in my past life are celebrated by me alone, I can't even remember the date of my birth, I have been alone for a long time, I am very thankful to whoever brought me here, and gave me this wonderful family.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HARU!" They said simultaneously,

"Make your wish, Haru," Kushina-nee said

I nodded at her and closed my eyes, 'I wish for the protection and happiness of my family'

I thought before I blew the candles and they all clap their hands,

"Okay time to dig in," my mom said before gave us all some plates and ate the dishes she prepared.

[A/N: I'll be honest, I don't know how to describe food, so I will just skip this part and write that they are all delicious]

I took all my favorite dishes and taste them one by one and as usual, mom's cooking is very delicious, I enjoyed eating them and I saw my mom coming towards me and she hugs me and said,

"Happy birthday, Haru, I wish you all the best and be happy always"

I hug her back and said, "Thanks mom, you are the best"

She giggled and I ask her, "Mom, can you teach me how to cook?"

"Oh, why?"

"Well, I just want to learn since cooking is a very important life skill,"

"Ara~ very well, I will teach you, it is also a good skill to have, in the future you could cook for your wife,"

'Ahh, hahaha well, I am not really sure about the wife part, but change it to husband instead mom,' I thought but I just smiled at her,

"Well, let me tell you a story, when your father met me, well because I am very pretty, and your father is also handsome, we fall in love at first sight, but aside from my looks what he loves is also my cooking,"

"Well, your mother is right, but what I love about her the most is her personality when I got to know her,"

My dad interjected and my mom turned her face away from my father, but you could see that her face is very red like a tomato,

'Looks like all the Uzumaki's turned into tomato when they are shy,' I thought forgetting the fact that I am also an Uzumaki

I just smiled at their show of affection and went to get more food, but when I got there, I notice that the shrimp tempura is all gone, I sighed and just took some Karaage and croquettes. After that, I joined Kakashi and sat beside him,

"Happy birthday, Haru," Kakashi said smiling at me

"Hehe say it with a gift," I said jokingly

Kakashi scratches his head, and look at his plate, and then he took the last two pieces of shrimp tempura on his plate and gave it to me,

"Well, I don't have any money to buy you one, but I will give this to you, these are the last ones," he said innocently

My heart pounded when I heard his words and my face flush red, I look away and said, "It's fine you can eat those, I am just joking you know"

"It's fine, Haru," he said before placing the two shrimps on my plate

I look at him and said, "Then just this one piece, I know you also like this dish,"

I then took my chopsticks and gave him the last piece, he smiled and swallowed the shrimp that was clamped to my chopsticks, I look at him dumbfoundedly, but he only smiled at me with those crescent eyes and continued eating,

I look at the chopstick in my hand and use it to eat the remaining food on my plate.

[A/N: Ahem, Indirect kiss]

After eating I notice uncle Sakumo walking towards us and he smiled and said,

"Haru, Kakashi here is a gift from me to the both of you"

He said before giving us each a paper bag, I opened the bag and notices a green scarf inside, I took it out and look at Kakashi, he also has a green scarf, but the design is different.

[A/N: Picture of Haru's scarf]

[A/N: Picture of Kakashi's scarf]

"Well, I cannot attend Kakashi's birthday since I was on the battlefield, so I can only give your birthday present late, Happy birthday to the two of you"

Uncle said before hugging the both of us,

"Thank you, uncle/dad," we both said

After that, dad and mom also went to us with a gift on each hand, they also gave us their gifts,

"I am sorry Kakashi for not giving you your gift on your birthday, my gift is a little special, and it took two months for it to be made," mom said before she hands out her gift

We opened the box and notice a silver bracelet or a bangle inside, mom then took it and place it both in our hands and explained,

"This bracelet is like a protective charm, just control your chakra towards it and it will activate a barrier that envelopes your skin, the barrier can protect you from sharp weapons and some simple Jutsus,"

I nodded and activated the bracelet, after which I felt an invisible film around my body, but I felt nothing, I can still move around it, but the only thing is that it consumes my chakra,

"This one uses our chakra as a protective film?" I ask

"Ara~ good job noticing it Haru, yes, the bracelet uses the chakra on your body to create a film, just like how the Hyuga's excrete chakra from their Tenketsu points and covered their body with it. I copied the same concept and created a barrier base on it,"

"I see, thanks mom"

"Thank you, aunt"

"Well, although you can't use it now, once you go out of the village in the future, remember to always wear it okay"

We nodded at her, and dad gave us our gift, when we opened it, there is a scroll inside, he told us to unseal it and inside the scroll is a bag, it is an expansion bag with lots of different kinds of weapons inside like shurikens, kunai, senbon, and others.

Well, he must be thinking that we will use this during training, and he is right, we need this in our training and at the academy too. After that is Kushina-nee, she gave as a scroll with learning materials on it.

Minato-nii, gave us some school stuff like pens and notebooks, Tsunade-nee gave us some medicinal ointment she made and Jiraiya-san, gave us some books, well not the Icha-Icha since who in their right mind wound gave that kind of book to kids, and he did not start to write his novel yet in this timeline, what he gave us are books related to information gathering and tracking.

Well, it is very useful since he is known as the greatest informant in the anime.

After the gift-giving, we all started to have fun, mom and dad went swimming together with Kushina-nee and Minato-nii. Jiraiya-san, Tsunade-nee, and uncle Sakumo started drinking sake, while Kakashi and I also played in the water.

I enjoyed this day very much, and I am very happy that I came to this world.


Mini theater:

Author: Since it's your birthday, an indirect kiss is my gift

Haru: Thanks author, UWU (*/ω\*)

Author: [A picture of Kakashi's smile]