
Prologue (2/2)- So This New World Had Better Be Exciting


That was all Mako was aware of in his sleeping state of mind. This by itself was unusual as Mako would always experience some semblance of color when dreaming. Though he never really remembered his dreams in particular, he knew that this level of pitch black darkness had never been present. Not to mention that in this darkness he could think clearly as if he were awake which made it seem like a lucid dream, a dream where the dreamer knows that they are dreaming.

Mako felt that he was probably lying on his bed right now at home after getting back from the fight earlier at school. He had lay down for his afternoon nap and fallen asleep, thus leading to this scenario where he was floating in a sea of endless darkness that was void of any kind of light.

He couldn't control the dream but he did retain the ability to think clearly, although this was more of a torture than an actual gift as he quickly grew bored of the never-ending expanse of black space. If he had been allowed to control the dream, he would have chosen a nice scenery with lush green grass underneath a tall sturdy tree for the express purpose of laying underneath it.

"You have been chosen!!"

A voice rang out through the darkness, a deep raspy sound that sounded ancient yet contained great power. The voice didn't seem to belong to a physical form but rather seemed to emanate from the darkness that surrounded Mako. It lead him to believe that this was more than a simple dream as he had never once experienced something like this before.

"You, the descendant of the wolf goddess Lupa have proven yourself a match for the challenge. Your intellect, your bravery, and your desire for strength has deemed you worthy of being transferred to a world that will offer you the chance to soar to even greater heights. You shall be bestowed with limitless energy befitting that of a demigod and the ability to use any technique, but mastering it and training your body will be up to you. Show the gods that they were not wrong in choosing you. Go forth and change history!!"

Mako didn't understand what the voice was saying, but his brain started spinning through countless theories and possible explanations. Apart from being great at fighting, he possessed a mind that far surpassed a normal person, allowing him not only to keep calm in tough situations, but also find the best way to solve a problem with what he had.

However, just as soon as he had begun to rapidly form a response, a bright light appeared from a far distance away and began to rapidly expand. The darkness, which had been akin to the vaccuum of space, was pushed back as the light grew closer and ever so brighter. Eventually Mako had to shut his eyes in order to avoid blinding himself, the light shattering the darkness and filling up the void.

The last thing that passed through Mako's mind before he "lost consciousness" was the fact that he didn't even get to ask what world the voice was supposed to be sending him to.


Hinata Hyuga's POV:

Hinata was very confused, though there really wasn't anyone at the scene who didn't feel the same way. None of them had ever seen anything like it happen before, certainly not any genin ranked ninja like all the ones that were present.

Due to various circumstances, the jonins Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi had taken it upon themselves to teach their teams (Sakura being the only one on Kakashi's team) how to do the summoning jutsu. Before each genin would give it an attempt however, each jonin would give them a demonstration on how it was to be done.

Kurenai and Asumas had been fine and had gone off without a hitch, but it when it was Kakashi's turn things took a weird turn. Everyone knew of his summoned beast as they had seen it on numerous occasions, a pack of ninja hounds capable of picking up scents or holding an enemy in place. However, what had appeared instead was something that basically made everyone fall completely silent to the point where you could hear a pin drop.

When the smoke had cleared, instead of a pack of hounds or even a single dog, what Hinata saw was a boy. While everyone else just stared at the figure lying on the ground, Hinata, for some unknown reason, felt a pull towards him, some sort of attraction that drew her forward. It felt unnatural, almost as if forcing her to do so, but it also felt right which was why she chose to follow the urge instead of fighting against it.

The boy lying on the ground was around 5'6, a sharp contrast to her 5'0, and had on a bright white hoodie with black lining the edges and a pair black pants with pitch black shoes. As she got closer her eyes were drawn to his face which still had a look of youth to it. He had pitch black hair, a strong jawline, and a scar running across his left cheek. But thats not what made her do a double take, it was the fact that he had an wolf tail growing out of his backside and wolf ears on the top of his head. They had pitch black fur and looked super fluffy but it didn't look unnatural on the boy. Instead it looked perfectly at home, as if he were meant to have them. It was bizarre and caused her to take a small step back.

She wanted to move closer to get a better look, but she was suddenly pulled back by two sets of hands. She turned her head to see Ino Yamanaka and Shikamaru Nara pulling her back and away from the strange boy lying on the ground.

"Um.....could you please let me go?" Hinata asked, her small voice reaching out to the two people holding her.

Shikamaru and Ino let her go once they were a safe enough distance away. Hinata now understood what was happening and was tempted to head right back towards the strange wolf boy. She could still feel the urge to be near him and though it troubled her, she passed it off as pure curiosity.

"You genin can go on home," Kakashi said as he walked over to the unconscious young man. He put two fingers against his throat, obviously testing to see if he was still alive. "I'll take this young man to the Hokage."

Hinata just stood there and watched as Kakashi picked him up and swiftly carried him off.

//This will probably be the shortedt chapter I'll ever write as I usually like to keep my word count at 2000 or more.

On the bright side, assuming I don't have to work OT at job, then there will most definitely be 2 chapters out tomorrow so stay tuned!!!!!

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