
A second chance.

The world stopped before my eyes I looked at the ground and saw I was ten feet in the air.

on the ground I saw my body and then realized I was dead.

suddenly I was whisked off.

I found myself sitting in a bar where a women stood behind a counter making a cocktail.

tell me your troubles. She said.

I realized what had happened.

I died trying to confess to my sempai Marika honowah.

I put my hands to my forehead and groaned.

I see she said well I've got a special drink just for you mister Jonah vergo.

how do you know my name.

just drink it.

Jonah drank the concoction.

"Jesus Christ lady what's in this stuff." Jonah shouted in disgust.

it tasted like cat piss smells.

"hey I resent "that a voice said in Jonah's head.

Who said that. Jonah said.

{congratulations you've received the god of love system}

Jonah looked at the bartender she suddenly was now a beautiful goddess.

Jonah looked at her and said thank you.

then he felt himself pass out.

Jonah woke up to a horrible site.

a red haired woman had chains sticking out of her body wrapped a giant fox and was holding it in.

He couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

then she began speaking.

"Naruto don't be... a picky eater...eat a lot and ...grow big and strong."

"make sure ...to bathe every day ...don't stay up too late ... and get plenty of sleep."

"plus make friends... you don't need tons just a few... you can trust."

"and your mom wasn't good ...at this but study hard...and practice your jutsu."

"just...everyone is good at something...and not at others"

"so even if ...things don't go well...don't get depressed...okay...?!."

"at the academy. respect...your senseis...and sempais."

and regarding the... three prohibitions.

"be carful about ...loaning and...Borrowing money"

"make sure...you save money... from your... mission pay."

"and don't start drinking...until your 21okay."

"Too much drink is bad for your body...so drink in moderation."

and the most problematic ...girls...I'm a girl too ...so I don't know much about this.

but at some point... you'll notice girls...and that's...normal.

just...don't fall for the first girl ...that comes you're way...find someone like me...

plus speaking of the three prohibitions be wary of master Maria...ya know.

and naruto their will be plenty of hard...and painful...times ahead.

take care of yourself...and make sure to have dreams and the confidence to...make those dreams...come true.

so much ...there's so ...so much.

there's so much...so much more..I want to tell you...

And I can't be with you any longer.

i'm sorry minato I talked to much longer.

The blond haired man spoke up.

"no..it's alright" minato said.

"naruto... my only words to you is ditto to what your loquacious mother said." Minato said.

(Eight signed sealing.)

I was a blubbering mess by the time they died.

they were my new parents and the died.

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