
Another place and Time

10 years before

A boy appeared in a forest out of nowhere, but this boy had certain special characteristics in him, his skin white as his hair and his two-round eyebrows and his white eyes, the boy has a smile while looking around and likewise, He is a child of the same race as Kaguya, the achievement of several desires.

Learn everything instantly.

Be of the Kaguya race.

That your DNA is not manipulable.

Keep your memories.

Reincarnate in Naruto's world in his generation.

Reincarnate with a body of 3 years.

He was a child who suffered a new disease in his world and offered himself so that they could use him as a guinea pig to find the cure, which they did but at the cost of his life, but thanks to that honest action on the part of the many lives saved and saved from the death, while he was in the hospital he could only read books or sleeves since the radiation only accelerated his illness and he could not have televisions or telephones near him.

Now that he was free again and healthy he could not help but scream with joy and run through the excited place that he could finally run again, he rocked a few times so he could take his first steps in years, then it was a trot and at the end, he could jump like run.

He stopped and looked around, he did not appear in Konoha, that bothered him, he wanted to participate in the story with Naruto, his figure to follow, but he noticed the trees that surrounded him were peculiarly similar to those that were drawn in the manga in Konoha, so he decided to be positive and move forward some direction.

While he was heading in any direction, a silhouette appeared in the distance that was approaching with speed, he turned to see it and was thrilled to think that it was some Konoha ninja and ran towards him.

But as he ran towards him he felt a thirst for powerful blood that made him fall from the rolls and begins emptying his already empty stomach but he did not fall unconscious.

"Interesting ..." An icy voice rang around him and the silhouette showed itself showing it was Orochimaru.

"I had already run out of test subjects ... Ho!" Orochimaru approached him and picked him up from his hair and was surprised by the singular mark on the boy's face.

He had a protuberance of a possible third eye on his forehead but it is still closed.

Orochimaru decided to take it and see that it was that bulge that gathered chakra around.



Orochimaru at that time was withdrawing from Konoha because he had not been selected as Hokage and had discovered his experiments apart had he proposed to join an organization which he found interesting by the various members with special abilities that made his blood boil with emotion.

But while he was withdrawing from Konoha because of the opportunity Sarutobi gave him as the last memory of a master, he was merciful and allowed him to escape.

In that course, it was assumed that he would escape as in the anime to one of his lairs but he found an extraordinary specimen of a clan that is not from this plant.

It was a child who gathered the energy around him unconsciously on his forehead, this alerted him and probed him with his thirst for blood and the child showed to be a normal person who is not used to being under that pressure but the surprising thing was that he did not faint.

I knocked him out once thought about using him as a subject of experimentation or making him a subject.



Time passed and Orochimaru came to one of his secret laboratories and locked the child in a cage and decided to make him go hungry so he could brainwash him easier with food.

Only the child never showed signs of hunger, this surprised him, so he decided to drown him to break it but the child did not need to breathe either, this caused Orochimaru to begin to get excited to know the secrets of the child.

He began to check its limits in many aspects such as freezing it, burning it, cutting it, but I always present a high natural resistance to everything and I only manage to damage it when I use chakra to reinforce its tools.

After stopping his physical experiments with him, he proceeded to cut off parts of his body like his fingers and try to understand his secrets, he did not worry as the boy showed great signs of recovery, just by placing his finger near where this was cut it would unite amazingly again.

One of those days of experimentation, Orochimaru used a chakra knife on him to open his chest and the child was conscious during the whole process, but he did not care because he was amazed by the internal body of the child, it was not similar to the others , there were differences but they were small, but those differences made it possible that he did not need food very often and breathe air since he had a complex organ system.

But the next day the alarms rang in the laboratory and Orochimaru expected the worst, but it was just that one of his test specimens had escaped and it was not just any, it was the child.

Orochimaru decided to discover how to escape and therefore followed him and what he found was amazing, the boy was using the scalpel of chakra on each of his fingers and was trying to break the thick door to cuts in despair.

Orochimaru was amazed and more excited by the discovery but still tortured the child for three days with the help of clones and decided not to use any jutsu in front of the child easily, so he always activated the jutsus somewhere he did not see it.

But another pleasant surprise appeared, the boy had the BYAKUGAN! and it was a healthier one than those of the main branch with the purest blood.

Orochimaru did not delay and I tear out his eyes that same moment while the boy was just screaming of suffering on the ground.

Orochimaru tried to put his eyes but when he put them on they had a negative reaction to him, he started to burn the chakra he tried to implement on him and he could not recover his sight, at the end I keep my eyes in a jar and put his eyes again.

It took a long time to recover, during that time he left the boy in peace with his broken limbs so that he would not escape.

When Orochimaru regained his sight and recovered from healing from internal wounds, he investigated the child's blood and realized that his blood is more aggressive than the first Hokage and force him with chakra to keep him under control only causes it to expand and explode making it impossible to use your DNA.

Orochimaru was infuriated by having such a special specimen in front of him and not being able to use it and in deciding to use the cursed seal on him, but when he was about to place the seal he was repelled by a strange force.

When he did not get anywhere, Orochimaru decided to better replicate his organs so he would not need to eat and breathe.

Time passed and every day Orochimaru would break the arms and legs of the child or subject 101, then open his body and see how it is composed or take the organs to investigate and then return them while the subject 101 was still conscious.

The experimentation continued for 8 years in a row, the child had been traumatized and deranged by the continuous suffering of pain that Orochimaru always maintained for his own entertainment and to get his anger out of him.

The boy managed to escape because he managed to see through the chakra, but his freedom did not last long since he was found by some Anbu ninjas from some village and they took him for having eyes of a Hyuga and the same situation was repeated but only that this time he was more cautious in not showing that he could learn skills in an instant and was used as a test subject for jutsus in other years.

One day a woman took pity on him and helped him little by little in the laboratories of that hidden village, she became the sun that illuminated her world if only for a few miserable minutes.

The boy grew up and became someone handsome but he had many scars on his body that were healing every day, several times they had beaten him to disfigure his face but the lady always cured him and consoled him.

But the day came when they discovered that they could not take advantage of the young man and decided to kill him, so they went to his cell and were about to kill him and his intentions were clear, but the young man who had spent years being tortured by different types of jutsus, defended himself using them without using hand seals and murdering all, and managed to leave the underground facilities and went in search of the woman who helped him so they could not do anything.

He managed to find her easily because she was just leaving the premises, he got excited and the subject of the shoulders and turned to speak.

"Hi, come let's go !, they can kill you if I leave you here!" He spoke quickly while trying to take her away from the place while several clones of earth from it were killing everyone who got in his way.

"Did you kill them?" She spoke in an unusually cold voice, but he did not notice that because of the desperate situation and answered yes.

But in that instant that he had turned on his Byakugan the achievement to see how she stabbed him with a scalpel.

"WHY? !!" He turned in amazement as he held the wound.

"WHY DID YOU SAY!?, YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND! YOU THINK THAT I WAS GOOD WITH YOU ONLY BECAUSE I HAD PITY YOU?, NOO !, THEY WERE ORDENEDES STUPID! NOW DIES! "She threw herself at him with another scalpel with the intention of cutting his neck, at the beginning, he denied that this was possible and he did not react and almost received a fatal cut in the neck but a stone clone blocked the attack and hit the woman away.

The only thing that kept him in the light without falling into the abyss had only been an order, this caused a great desire for repressed revenge to come out and his main personality was suppressed by another personality that took control of the body, which will fulfill that desire to destroy everything.

It did not take long for him to eliminate that village which did not have a large army, it was just a village lost in history without importance, but now this unimportant village had given birth to a monster.

While the village was destroyed everything was witnessed by a black man with only half of his body which only came out of the ground and had been watching the child for a long time.

I came back!... but I only upload a chapter per week because I am focused in my 'original' novel and it takes more time of me to write it because it's harder to write an original than a Fanfic nwn

Renji_Namelcreators' thoughts