
Chapter 8 - Bringer-Of-Darkness

Inside the Senju Compound's Main Hall, many lights were burning on the stage as the hall was filled with people.

Some wore Ninja outfits, others wore casual clothes, some wore clothes still covered in blood.

All of them looked silently at the stage where a single wheelchair sat in front of them, all of them had looks of reference on their faces combined with a feeling of loss as they looked at her old figure.

''Elder Marani, as requested, all the undercover, Anbu and undercover Root members have returned to the village. Please inform us how to proceed'' Akai respectfully said.

Marani looked at the people beneath her with a dignity Sukuna wouldn't recognize on her old face.

''Thank you all for heeding the clan's call once more'' Marani said coldly as she looked at their faces and continued, ''Originally, I saw no hope for the clan's feature and wanted you all to live different lives than being hunted and living in fear everyday..... However....''

''The grandchild of Yusuke Senju has the complete Senju Bloodline, similar to Hashirama Senju''

As Marani's voice dropped, a deathly silence sounded through the room as people had their faces in shocked expressions. Even Akai wasn't spared as she similarly looked at Marani shock, it was clear that even she never knew.

Satori and Sumure, the only ones that were present from the current Senju inside the compound, were the first to speak up, ''G...Elder Marani, are you certain it is the complete bloodline?''

Marani looked at the two and nodded before explaining, ''Yes, the reason why I called you all here today is tell you the truth about 11 years ago''

''Since all of you know, I've been a Sensor all my life and his parents, Ashina and Tenma lived close to my place. I know Hashirama's Wood Release like the back of my own hand and noticed similar Chakra Signatures coming from Ashina when the child was 7 months old. I had calculated after Tsunade's departure that the clan would not survive the trial of time and we would not be able to create an environment where we could protect the child until he was strong enough. The Wood Release would only make him a target for external forces, but also internal forces.''

Marani explained as her voice continued with a guilty and sad expression, ''I wanted to seal the child's wood release and bloodline with Hashirama's Mortality Seal and sent his parents away from the compound. However, I underestimated how strong the bloodline actually was and recently it has partially broken the seal''

The Senju's had looks of shock, expectation, maddened smiles and above all, fighting lust in their eyes as the words fell, as Marani stopped explaining, a tall man with long black hair and a bear came forward and asked respectfully,

''Elder Marani, are you certain this child is suitable to lead the entire Senju Clan? Even though he might have the same bloodline as Hashirama, does he have the same skills to lead the clan into prosperity once more''

Merlin looked at the man but before she could speak up, Akai interrupted and asked ''Elder Marani, may I please answer this question? I have had a conversation with Sukuna after his release from the hospital, although a quick one''

Marani looked at Akai with a wide smile and answered, ''Go ahead child''

Akai bowed and looked at the people underneath the stage, ''After Sukuna's last mission where he was the sole survivor, I questioned why he was so set on the Senju Name. His answer was rather..... special''

Akai looked at the man and continued, ''Yurito, your father, Shizuma always had one thought he liked to share with everyone, his answer was the same.... Hashirama was a great leader, but what if he...''

''Had the cold heart of Tobirama-Sama, the brain of Mito-Sama and his own abilities'' Yurito continued as he gulped, ''But he is merely a 11 year old boy. How can you proof this will be his ideology all his life? How can you be so certain?''

Marani smiled lightly and said, ''3 days after his return from his mission, he will be the new Patriarch of the Senju Clan. At that time, he will also proof himself. As for you all, if you feel like he is unfit, I will make sure he does not blame you for abandoning the clan and the Senju name''

As she sat in her wheelchair, Marani couldn't help but smile with a crazed smile. Sure enough, the Senju's still didn't lose their edge.


Five days had passed since their arrival, Sukuna and Kurenai had continued their daily Genjutsu sessions day in day out.

However, today, Sukuna had a surprise in store. Something he asked Grandma Marani before he left after getting to know he was going with Kurenai on the 'mission' and that they would have a lot of free time.

''Sukuna, I have several Genjutsu's I can teach you if you want to learn them. I can help you understand them easier'' Kurenai said earnestly, some techniques of hers were created by herself which clearly showed the trust she had in him.

After all, if the technique was leak, it's weaknesses would also be for the world to see.

''Actually, I asked Elder Marani for a favor'' Sukuna said with a light smile and a clone came with in a scroll in his hand and put it on the table at the lounge area.

As Kurenai read the title of the scroll, she sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at Sukuna in shock who merely smiled at her with an amused smile.

''Y... you really should put this away, nobody should find out that you have this on you outside the Senju Compound!'' Kurenai said hastily and pushed the scroll in his hand, trying to force him to hide it again.

''You don't want to learn it?'' Sukuna asked with a light smile, Kurenai looked at him as if she saw a ghost.

''Elder Marani knows I got this with me, she told me to do as I see fit with it'' Kurenai said with a hesitant expression, nobody would want to say no to one of Hashirama Senju's ultimate techniques, but she did not want to take advantage of Sukuna either.

Sukuna looked at her expression and started laughing which caused Kurenai to burst out, ''What you laughing at brat! Do you know the significance of that Jutsu?''

He looked at Kurenai and said with a shrug, ''Trusting you is my decision, proving me wrong is your choice''

''Kurenai, I want you to learn it. Whether you betray my expectations or not, I'm willing to face the risk. Besides, isn't it more fun to learn Genjutsu with someone besides you?''

''You....'' Kurenai wanted to speak but swallowed her words, she looked at the scroll in wonder once more as she continued with a serious expression, ''I will take it with me to the grave''

''It's not so serious, I'd rather you divulge the technique than forfeit your life if it really comes down to it'' Sukuna laughed.

Kurenai let out a beautiful smile as she looked at him and then back at the scroll, if someone heard him say those words than they would certainly want to slap him to death.

[Bringer-of-Darkness Technique]

It was one of the signatures moves from Senju's yet here it was.

''Be careful though, overusage can cause blindness so don't overdo it once you learn it. Is what Elder Marani told me'' Sukuna added seriously to which Kurenai nodded in acknowledgement.

The two got completely absorbed into the learning process of the [Bringer-Of-Darkness Technique], the technique was harder than anything the both of them had ever tried to learn.

Before they realized it, it was already evening again. However, unlike before where they didn't even eat before going to sleep, Sukuna walked towards the kitchen first.

Kurenai wordlessly sat down with an excited expression as her stomach grumbled.

''I think we might be able to use it at a beginner level in a week at most. Since Lord Third gave us two weeks for the mission, do you want to stay for another week here with me after we have the intel?'' Kurenai grinned as she looked at Sukuna making a 'late night snack'.

''We'll see how far we get with the technique, if we can feel we're close we will stay another week. Otherwise, it's better to go to the village and just plan when we have to learn. I still have my clan to consider'' Sukuna smiled bitterly as he put the plates on the table.

''Still acting like an adult brat, but I understand that you don't want to be locked up here with an old woman like me'' Kurenai teased as she looked at the plates with a watering mouth.

''Point 1, you're only 26 years old. If that is old than I feel sorry for every slightly mature woman in Konoha. Point 2, if I was a brat in your eyes, I should complain to the Hokage about you for Child Abuse'' Sukuna said with a light smile as he sat down.

''Oh stop it, you just cook better than me. If you want to taste my bad cooking, you can just say so'' Kurenai shrugged her shoulders.

''Then I will teach you'' Sukuna grinned with an evil smile, Kurenai shuddered and wanted to refuse. As she opened her mouth, a piece of fish suddenly filled her mouth.

''Mmph...!'' Kurenai bend forward and grabbed the fish with her chopsticks, only to hear Sukuna say with a grin on his face, ''I will take that as a yes, lets cook dinner together tomorrow''

Kurenai glared at him for a few seconds before sighing helplessly, ''Fine, but don't expect anything extravagant from me like how you do it''

Sukuna genuinely smiled and happily smiled, ''Sure, we'll just take it step by step''

Seeing his smile, Kurenai's heart was filled with warmth. Although he smiled, quite a lot actually, this was the most genuine smile she had seen from him.

'He loves cooking as much as I love Genjutsu it seems' Kurenai said inside her mind as she happily ate the remaining food together.

They both wished each other goodnight before disappearing into their respective rooms.


[Sukuna Senju] (11 Years old) [Genin]

[Bloodline] Senju (Partially Awakened)

[Strength] 109 > 145

[Agility] 55 > 69

[Endurance] 67 > 92

[Physical] 70 > 103

[Chakra Pool] 7.605 / 8.084 > 10.809 (Low Chuunin)

[Chakra Control] 56 > 68 /1.000


[Taijutsu] 69 > 72 / 1.000

[Ninjutsu] 67 > 77 / 1.000

[Genjutsu] 74 > 159 / 1.000


[Wind Element] Advanced – Easily applicable in battle, reduces chakra usage of Wind Elemental attacks by 15%

[Lightning Element] Untrained - Requires 100.000 Chakra to unlock

[Wood Element] Untrained - Requires 1.500.000 Chakra to unlock


[Top 3 Techniques]

[Shadow Clone Jutsu (Forbidden)] Amataur – Costs 350 Chakra to summon a clone, needs 40 Chakra per hour to keep the clone active.

[Mystical Palm (A-rank)] Advanced – Can stop internal bleeding, can cure most poisons, can heal a fatal wound if treated quickly.

[Wind Force (B-Rank)] Proffesional – Coates something in Wind Elemental Chakra, can increase speed or penetration power by 50%


Over the last few days, his progress had been staggering to say the least. His Chakra Capacity well-crossed the Low-Chuunin benchmark. Besides that, his techniques had several breakthroughs aswell.

'Practicing is going faster and faster, just today I increased my capacity by 700' Sukuna smiled as he climbed into his bed.

He was mentally exhausted by the sheer size of new information regarding the Bringer-Of-Darkness Technique, but he felt that was already close to reach the Inept stage.

Sukuna turned around in his bed and went to sleep with a satisfied feeling.

The next few days, Kurenai and Sukuna spent trying to learn the Bringer-Of-Darkness. Kurenai felt like she understood the theory behind it but didn't know how to put it into action while Sukuna felt like he could try and use it in combat soon.

On day 7, Shumo had delivered the intel at the designated place.

On day 8, there was no news

On day 9, Yuga had delevered the intel at the designated place.

However, On day 10, 11 and 12, no news had arrived.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Sukuna knocked on Kurenai's door who instantly opened the door, ready to go in her ninja outfit. It was clear she had been on alert all night.

''It's most likely as we suspected, the Kumo spies were discovered'' Kurenai said seriously to which Sukuna nodded with a serious expression as he touched the hilt of his sword strapped to his side.

''Time to go'' both of them said in unison as they disappeared.

The two of them retreated in haste towards the ferry, it didn't take long before they noticed a cloud of smoke rising near the ferry.

The two looked at each other and understood, they were trying to cut off their escape route.

''It seems that they talked'' Sukuna said as his mind spun, trying to figure out countermeasures.

''It seems so, we can't exactly swim across so the only option is the next town and grab a ferry there. However, if we don't hurry they will burn that one down too'' Kurenai said seriously.

The two of them darted towards the forest towards the next town.

However, not even 10 minutes later, Kurenai stopped Sukuna as she looked around.

''We're surrounded'' Kurenai said with a bitter smile, internally cursing those rock humpers as they came closer.

''Move into the trees, hide yourself'' Kurenai said seriously as she disappeared and motioned for him to follow.

Sukuna nodded and disappeared towards a mud pile before jumping off into the trees.

Not even a minute later, over 15 Ninja's wearing masks appeared at the spot they were previously in.

Kurenai accurately hid her Chakra and breathing as she prayed that Sukuna was able to do the same. If he couldn't they would have to fight.

Looking at the Ninja's below her, it seemed to be 5 Jonins and 25 Chuunins. However, this didn't seem like all of them.

''Any trace?'' The person that seemed to be the leader of the group asked the rest.

''No sir, they are most likely somewhere in the forest'' A tall ninja covered by his mask said.

''Idiot! Go and find them! Call group 1, 3 and 4 from the towns after they destroyed the ports. Don't waste any time.'' The leader slapped the tall Ninja on the back of his head and ordered.

The group quickly disappeared into the forest once more, Sukuna and Kurenai stayed in their positions for another hour before they both moved again.

Kurenai looked at Sukuna with a proud expression and said, ''Well done hiding yourself there. However, we do have a big problem now. They blew up the ports so we can only either try to steal a small boat and cross the river or stay put for now''

''You're more familiar with these kinds of situations so I will take your word for what the best idea is'' Sukuna said seriously.

Kurenai nodded and internally thanked whoever it was that didn't make him like the other clan heirs that wore their ego on their face.

''As far as I see it, I think they will blow up all the small boats too. They don't seem to care about the Land of Hot Water, or maybe the Land of Hot Water already knows'' Kurenai said with a serious expression as she and Sukuna disappeared further into the forest.

Kurenai's and Sukuna's body suddenly had cold sweat on their backs and jumped into the trees.


Builders of the size of their body were launched at the place they previously stood, before either of them could react, a rain of shurikens were hurled at them with a breathtaking speed.

''Kurenai, they have a sensor. How many of them do you think you're able to take?'' Sukuna asked as his body moved from tree branch to tree branch as he and Kurenai ran into the forest.

Kurenai looked at him in confusion and asked, ''Are you planning to fight them?''

Sukuna's expression became glum as he said, ''We are already heavily outnumbered. They just told us that they have 3 more of such squads on their way plus they have a sensor. There is no way out''

Kurenai looked at him and thought for a moment, her expression serious as she said,

''I can atleast deal with the Jonins but that would already be pushing it''

''I see, then let's split up'' Sukuna said and didn't hesitate for a second before dashing towards another direction.

Kurenai hastily joined another barrage of shurikens and gritted her teeth, her eyes becoming cold as she looked at the group of Ninja's chasing her.

''Water, take 20 Chuunins and go chase that kid. Don't underestimate that kid, they were on a mission with just the two of them. Konoha normally does things in groups of 4 so he should have something special'' The leader of the group said to a Jonin next to him as he landed in front of Kurenai.

''Leader, he only has a Chuunin amount of Chakra. We should deal with her instead and let the Chuunin's take care of him'' The tall man said in shock to which the leader smacked the back of his head once more.

''Who is the leader? Go chase him!''

The tall man gritted his teeth and angrily took 20 Chuunins with him to chase Sukuna, leaving 4 Jonins and 5 Chuunins to deal with Kurenai.

''Watch out!'' The leader said as he spun and kicked the tall man in his side, launching him away.

A loud rumbling sounded out as their previous spot exploded into a rain of fire. The tall man crashed into several trees before falling onto the ground.

As he looked at their previous spot, he couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. The woman they were chasing was truly sinister.

His left arm hung limply next to his side, clearly broken in several places. The Chuunins luckily were further behind and were unscathed, he looked at them and commanded, ''Follow the mission, chase the kid''

The group disappeared into the distance which made Kurenai grit her teeth and come to a stop, facing the ones chasing her with a cold look.


''Did you find him yet?''

''No Sir''

''What are you doing?! He is just a Chuunin, find him!''

Sukuna hid in the trees, covered in between the branches while his body was covered in leaves. Those memories were truly more valuable than he thought.

'Their leader either is either the leader of the Chuunin's or a Jonin. I can't face them all at once, besides, they are only searching in groups of 3 while in the open. Act like Ninja's you damn fools!' Sukuna thought we a cold look on his face.

As a team came close enough to him, he flexed his muscles he let himself fall from the tree.

His hand reached for his sword as he activated his Wind Force around his sword. The 3 Chuunin's heard a rustling sound and looked up to see a leaf-covered person swinging his sword at them.

They quickly narrowed their eyes as they tried to retreat. However, the terrifying force had locked onto them.

His sword made a beautiful arc towards their necks as the 3 of them tried to defend themselves as his eyes opened wide.


The three Chuunin's suddenly lost their vision and instinctively raised their kunai's. However, before any of them could let out a sound, Sukuna's sword flashed through the throats as the Wind Force made his sword even sharper and faster.

As his sword flashed, three fountains of blood splurged from their throat. Sukuna knew they would find them soon, so he had no choice to continue and dashed between the trees towards another group a few hundred meters away.

The 3 Shinobi's suddenly heard a rustling behind them and hastily turned around, Sukuna who had just arrived behind them swung his sword while flexing his arm once more.

His sword traveled fast enough to leave a screeching sound in its path as it went through the throats of 2 Shinobi while the last one was fast enough to dodge the sword, albeit barely.

The last Shinobi hastily grabbed into his pocket and grabbed a tube from it, Sukuna didn't have to think for a second to know that he shouldn't let the Ninja use that thing.

He quickly stomped the ground and flashed towards the last Ninja. However, as his sword cut through his neck, the tube launched a blinding black smoke into the air.

'Shit, this is why I hate these kind of mindless ANBU' Sukuna cursed, if it was any normal Shinobi, they would have prioritized staying alive, yet this ANBU followed his missions to a T.

Sukuna breathed in and knew there was no avoiding a frontal confrontation now, at least he managed to assassinate two teams.

'Bringer-Of-Darkness is truly convenient though' Sukuna grinned as he remembered the confusion on their faces as their eyes seemed lost. It didn't require hand seals, but it was quite taxing to perform.

His eyes shone with a dangerous light as he saw the Shinobi's rushing towards him,

'Let's start the hunt'

Next chapter