
Chapter 47 : Time skip

2 weeks later somewhere at the academy /

[Monarch's Hado: You consumed the spiritual blood of a fallen mythological creature and the fusion between your monstrous and the nine tailed fox's spirit produced a strong Redish momentum that will spread fear into the hearts of weaker individuals than you, if you ever wished to do so.]

"Hmm, At least I got something out of kurama's blood I guess" I muttered to myself while looking at the new skill I got.

I could feel it that if I wanted to, I could paralyze all this students here with just my Aura and slaughter them without letting them lift a finger on me.

"What are you muttering to yourself ?" I heard Yuji say beside me.

I opened my mouth to reply but ken beat me to it.

"Bro, I am so proud of you y'know" He said with stars in his eyes.

"Why ?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't play dumb man, I am the son of the clan head of Yamanaka clan, Do you think I don't know what you planning to do ?" He said and asked with a smirk.

"What ?" Yuji lazily asked while looking at ken.

"Mito-sama announced that our brute friend here to become Tsunade's fiance and invited us to celebrate" Ken replied loudly which made every boy and girl in the class widen their eyes including Yuji and satoshi who was munching on something again.

"What ?! What the Fuck ?!"

"Bah-ha ?!"

"Nooo way !!"

"Ohh my gawd !!"

"NOOOO !!"

"How can that be ?!"

"Ahh my heart !!"

"Who do you think you are to take my Tsunade just like that ?!" A burly kid suddenly cried and came towards me with a flying kick.

It was about to hit but I just tilt my head to the right dodging the kick with ken, satoshi and Yuji already away from me.


And then I Grab him by the cheek strongly and stand up with him now being held in the air.

Then I magically take out a pen on my hand to...


My hand blurred with the pen held between my fingers and stop only before the head of the pen was millimeters away from blinding the boy.

"Piss off" I said angrily near is face with some spit flying and latched on his face too.

Then I move my hand and throw back the guy to wherever the hell he came from.

*Crash* *break*

"IF you have a problem with my own fucking life then my fists are all ready to fuck you up YOU HEAR ?!" I said in anger at this fuckers who annoy me every single freaking time I come to this damned place.

I look at the now quite kids who wore fearful expression.

"Actually, I do have a problem" I suddenly heard someone which made me raise an eyebrow in surprise.

'At least there's one who is not a pussy I guess' I thought.

"And who might you be ?" I asked while looking behind the students who made way to reveal a brown haired tall young man with completely white eyes.

"Gasp ! Tenshi ?!"

"It's Tenshi !"

"Finally someone stood up to that chakra less boy"


"He was really getting on my nerves and now he stole Tsunade from us, I hope Tenshi teaches him a lesson"


*swoosh* *Bam*

"Aghh !"

I threw an eraser at the head of the yeah yeah kid and and he was thrown some distance away between some kids who hurriedly got away from him and looked at me cautiously.

'He really gets on my nerves every time he speaking' I thought as I focus back on the sperm eyes dude.

"I am Hyuga Tenshi from the Hyuga clan, Main family" He replied to me with arrogance filled in his tone.

"So you wanna fight ?" I said with a small mocking smirk while thinking that ken speaking about the fiance matter is actually turning my day to better. 

"Hmph, For someone who has no chakra, you sure are arrogant" He said again in a mocking tone.

"Well you can even take that as a handicap if you want" I replied with a smirk which made some tick marks appear on his forhead.

"Don't get cocky just because you beat a weak student, this time it will be different, your fate is already decided" He said in a superior tone which I just grin savagely in return that made the other students uncomfortable.

"Haha, I hope so then" I replied.

"Then today, we will have a fight after academy finishes" He said then quickly turned around to go back to his sit because the lessons are about to start.

'Tch, arrogant creep' I thought in irritation.

I sit back down on my place while the students started to disperse and start whisper to among each other in excitement.

"I am sorry, i didn't mean to cause this" I suddenly heard Ken apologising while sractching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"You don't need to, I actually quite like where this is going" I replied with a small smile as I slowly doze off and go to sleep.

"Sighh, You are troublesome" Yuji lazily said.

"But trouble is what make life more exciting y'know" I replied with a small smile that made Yuji shake his head in disappointment which I just shrugged at it.

Later at the academy's fighting stage /

In a circular stage of the academy, two individuals were standing opposite to each other with many students watching the two in excitement.

"I hope you are ready because I am going to crush your will, And teach you that your fate could only get you to this moment" Tenshi said with disdain.

"What in the hell are you talki- Ayo chunin teacher who I don't remember your name, Can you please start this match already, I have a date with my lover after this, So let's be quick...please" I said nonchalantly without giving two shits about this weirdo while looking at the chunin man whom mouth was twitching weirdly.

"My name is katsuki maz-"

"Who cares anyways man, just let's start" I interrupted the katsuki guy who was grinding his teeth in anger and just turn to look back at Tenshi who was giving me mocking smiles which I responded with my own innocent smile that sent shivers down the spine of the students.

"Ok then...START THE FIGHT YOU BRATS !" The chunin teacher yelled in anger while looking me with tick marks and veins all over his face.

I pick my nose with a hand, And with my other hand I scratched the back of my head nonchalantly And look at Tenshi who went on a peculiar stance that made me raise an eyebrow in surprise.

'A baguazhang stance ?' I thought with my eyes examining his every move and muscle movements.

Baguazhang : is a Chinese martial arts that emphasizes circular movements, agility, and adaptability. It is known for its distinctive walking techniques, where practitioners move in a circular pattern, often imitating the movements of the eight trigrams from the I Ching. Baguazhang includes various techniques for self-defense, such as strikes, joint locks, and throws.

"some peculiar stance you are in" I said with a nostalgic tone.

'I remember those days I was grinding and mastering every modern martial Arts I knew of in ridiculous ways, just to master them faster' I thought with a smile on my face.

"Actually, Your stance reminds of that time I was blocking my pooping hole for days in a horse stance, boulders on my head, plates full of hot ramen balanced on a chopsticks placed on my hands, just to get toilet urges resistance" I said which made all the students to immediately Express their disgust.

"Ewww!" ×60

'Ahhh, memories' I said while looking around looking for Tsunade but not finding her except for the horny and the snake.

'Seems Mito has better things to teach her' I thought with a nod to myself.

"What are you talking about ? This is the stance of my clan's secret technique, Gentle fist !" He said with pride at the end.

"Then bring it on and let me see what you got" I said with a small relaxed smile while putting my hands on my white pants pockets.

"As you wish then" He said as he dashed towards me with his arms behind his back and his feet releasing a ting of blue which was chakra to enhance his speed.

He appeared before me and then he strikes with his index finger at my left shoulder which I just dodged to the right, He didn't stop and started relentlessly throw strikes at me which I just dodged all of them with a small smile on my face and hands still on my pocket.

1 minute later /


"This is getting disappointing" I said in boredom with a yawn as I continuously dodge his strikes which made Tenshi get angry.

"You making fun of me ?" He said as he stopped a few meters far from me.

"Yes" I replied with a smirk which made his forhead grow some veins in anger.

"Hmm ? I thought it was your eyes that became creepy, And not your forhead, what's wrong with you" I said with a mocking smile.

'Just use it, damit' I thought in annoyance expecting more from him.


He dashed towards me a little faster than before and threw a punch which I just grabbed it easily with my palm much to his surprise. I just move my arm and throw him away to the other side with a bored expression but he flipped in the air and landed on his feet.

He looked at me seriously and calmly this time for a moment before he did a hand seal infront of himself and veins spread around his eyes which made me a little bit excited.

He crouched down and pumped more of his bluish chakra on his feet then...


This time he appeared before me far faster than before with exactly high genin speeds which made me humm and nod at him in my mind.

"Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms" He shouted which I had the urge to cover my ears for a second.

I stand straight on my place but I put one of my hands on my balls to protect it just in case.

'Psycho mode'

My focus and perception then took a leap as now I could see the movements of his hands clearly which made it easier for me to...


"Two consecutive strikes !" Then Tenshi started to shout as he gently hit some certain locations on my body specifically, And I felt something foreign wanted to invade my body for a second but it failed obviously.

"Four consecutive strikes !"

"Eight consecutive strikes !"

"Annnd Sixteen consecutive strikes !"

After the sixteen one, He immediately backed away and looked at me with a smirk.

I look at him for a second "You dumbass !" I said with a shadow hiding my face.

"What did you just say ?!" Tenshi asked with a serious angry face.

"You are a Hyuga with cheat eyes yet, you still just can't see that I have no tenketsus in my body, You sure you aren't blind or something ?" I asked in ridicule while grinning wildly because I am about to...

"Wait what ?" He said as he narrowed his eyes and focused on my body carefully then he widened his eyes that was about to bulge out.

"There are two students, One memories everything in their books without even knowing what he is memorizing, And the other understands what he is memorizing, You are the first kind. all the time your focus was on my eyes than body, which I still don't get how you do that with your 360 degrees vision but anyways, let's continue" I said calmly while looking at him in amusment.

"How in the hell are you even alive ?! Chakra is the source of life, without it, you will just die !" He said loudly with his fists clenched.

*Swoosh* *Paw*

I didn't wait to listen to his nonsense and appear before him fastly then throw a normal punch at his chest which he blocked it with his forearms with difficulty, after that he quickly started to strike my body again.

"Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms !" He shouted again and relentlessly started to strike my non existing tenketsus.

'Tch, this dumbass never learns. Guess my fights with people like Duy and Mito really made this kids look more like...kids ?' I thought in confusion.

*pinch pinch pinch*

"Two consecutive strikes !"

"Four consecutive strikes !"

"Eight consecutive strikes !"

"Sixteen consecutive strikes !"

"AHHHHH Thirty-two consecutive strikes !" He shouted at the end and again backed away to look at me from far.

I gave him a glare for a moment and then put a very wide Disturbing grin on my face after.

"Thank you" I said with my grin still plastered on my face.

"Huff huff for what ?!" Tenshi asked in confusion and exhaustion.

"You talked about fate and that nonsense, right ?" I said as I prepared myself to lounge at him.



Before he was about to say anything else I appeared in front of him with a speed he couldn't follow, And just for the sake of ridicule, I uttered...

"Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms" I said and then began to strike his tenketsus with the exact same locations he did to me.

*pinch* ×32

"Just so you know, the words fate and destiny doesn't exist in my dictionary" I said.

With his eyes widened and mouth opened in shock, he fell loosely to the ground as if his strings was cut.


Ding....{ You copied Taijutsu ---> Gentle fist }

I immediately check it's details with a frown to look at it because I now that there's a crucial thing I am missing for this style.

[ Gentle Fist  : is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan. It inflicts internal damage through attacking the body's Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their own chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name "gentle" fist

Note / you have no chakra to effectively use this ]

'Tch, I knew it wouldn't be easy' I thought while looking at the pitiful boy who just received 32 weakened Shigans on his body.

'Hope it's name was the Chakra blocking system instead of gentle fist because I have the perfect solution to perfect it into a proper Martial Arts' I thought in disappointment but as if the system heard my thoughts, it's name changed quickly. 

Ding...{ Gentle fist ---> incomplete Chakra blocking system }

'Hehe boy'

The End

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