
Chapter no.40

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The oldest Uchiha smiled, "Very good...you three pass. This is the test that my sensei gave our team after we graduated and we failed miserably. We only passed the test because we decided to work together about five minutes before time was up. I guess that was enough to give us a passing grade...I'm glad that you three were able to figure out the meaning early on...from now on we are officially Team 11!"

Satsuki and Hana cheered while Naruto only smirked.

"This is technically supposed to be Team 7's training ground because it corresponds with their team number. I just wanted to do the test here for old times sake. So meet me at training ground 11 tomorrow at 8:00 AM for team training and our first mission. You're dismissed!" Obito disappeared into a swirl of leaves signifying a Leaf Shunshin.

The three newly made genin looked at each other before Hana spoke excitedly, "We're now genin of Konoha and officially a team! Why don't we go out and celebrate before we get into training and missions tomorrow?"

"I second that let's go get some food!" Satsuki cheered.

"Dango/Onigiri/Sushi!" Were all called out simultaneously.

They glared at each other for a minute before silently nodding and started walking towards the village.

Hokage's Office

The office was filled with the jounin senseis of the graduating class this year. They were ready to start the meeting, but they were still waiting for three more shinobi to jonin them. They were waiting for Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, and Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina. The first two were usually late...to everything, but everyone knew that Kushina was only late because she had Kakashi as her partner for jonin sensei.

A minute later two puffs of smoke and one swirl of leaves could be seen by everyone in the room signaling that they had finally arrived.

"Alright now that everyone is here..." They sent a glare toward the new arrivals. They had been waiting for over an hour. "We can get the meeting started. Of course this meeting is to report the outcome of the test you gave to your students. Why don't we begin with Team 1."

It turns out that every single team from teams 1-6 failed.

Minato was rubbing the bridge of his nose. He had really hoped that more than a few teams would graduate so that Konoha would have more manpower. "Okay Team 7. What do you have to report?"

He was genuinely curious, this was the team that three of his children and a shinobi that Tsunade wanted to train as a medical-nin were on after all all.

Kakashi and Kushina rubbed the back of their heads sheepishly...at the same time. It was creepy. Kakashi chose to answer his sensei, "Well sensei we didn't exactly give our team the test today. We thought it best to wait until tomorrow."

"And why exactly is that?" Minato's eyebrow was now twitching.

Kushina looked at him nervously, "We wanted to just get the introductions done today and leave the test for tomorrow. It was unlikely that they would pass the first round of the bell test so we would probably have to give them the second where one of them gets tied to the post. And it was already passt lunchtime so we thought it would be better to wait."

The young Hokage only sighed. Why couldn't his family ever do things normally?

"Okay moving on...Team 8?"

A beautiful kunoichi with wild black hair and red eyes stepped forward, "Team 8 passes. They're a little rough around the edges and each has their own personality traits that hold them back, but with a little training they should turn into an excellent tracking team."

Minato smiled, finally a team passed ,"Thank you Kurenai...Now what about Team 10?"

A tanned man with a beard and cigarette in his mouth moved up, "Team 10 passes. They are extremely lazy and aren't particularly interested in training, they also have their own personality issues to deal with, but with proper training they could turn out to be the next ino-shika-cho team."

The ino-shika-cho team was a team that their fathers were on and they excelled. Perfect teamwork and their techniques complimented each other perfectly they were a perfect team.

"Thank you Asuma...Now Team 11...Obito what the hell happened to you?"

Everyone turned towards the man that was mentioned and were surprised at what they found. Most of shirt was burned and singed along the sleeves and stomach area, leaving behind what looked like a woman's shirt. His left arm was coated with burs and he was coated in ash from head to toe.

He just smiled, albeit was a little forced, but he smiled nonetheless, "My team that passed and that's all that matters...my team worked very well together and were quite skilled. They will make a very good team in the future."

Minato smiled at the mention of the team his other son was on, even if Naruto didn't think of himself as so.

"Very good. All of you are dismissed then."

The only ones who remained behind were Obito, Kakashi, and Kushina.

"Was there anything else Obito?"

Obito didn't really know how to put what he wanted to say into words, "Um Minato sensei...did you know that Naruto has a sharingan in his right eye?" This earned shocked reactions from everyone in the room. Kakashi's lone eye widened, Kushina's mouth was agape, and Minato's jaw was on the floor. "I'll take that as a no..."

Minato shook out of his confusion, "Obito what are you talking about? There's no way he could have a sharingan unless its implanted! And besides he lost his right eye years ago..." Everybody's eyes widened again after that statement.

There was one thought running through their minds. 'Oh kami! He really does have one.'

Minato gained his bearings once again, "It's not a problem if he does, just teach him how to use it and any techniques that will work with it. When Satsuki awakens hers then train them together. I don't want him to become over reliant or not knowing how to use it or anything like that understood?"

Obito Shunshined out of the room. 'Being a sensei is going to be a whole lot more interesting than I thought. Let's see if this team will crash and burn or if it'll soar.'

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