
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.37

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"Alright you three why don't you sit down on those tree stumps so that we can begin introductions."

After they sat down Hana wanted some clarification, "What do you want to know about us sensei? The three of us already know each other pretty well."

"I'd like to know things your names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, and the area of shinobi arts that you specialize in or want to specialize in. Why don't I go first to give you an example." Obito stated.

"My name is Uchiha Obito. I suppose I like Jiraiya-sama's Icha Icha novels and discussing them with Kakashi. I dislike those who abandon their comrades, this is one of the beliefs that I live by,'Those who abandon their mission are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum.' Make sure all of you remember that. My hobbies? I enjoy reading. My current dream is to lead a successful genin team that will not meet the same fate that mine did. I specialize in time-space ninjutsu."

Naruto was interested, That's a pretty obscure area of ninjutsu. I thought Hokage-sama was the only one who used a similar type in the village?'

Hana chose to go next, "I'm Inuzuka Hana. I like dango and animals. I hate people who abuse animals or treat them badly. My hobbies are working on medical ninjutsu and learning about medicine. My dream is to become a veterinarian for the village and to treat ninken of the Inuzuka clan. I specialize in my clans taijutsu along with the three Haimaru brothers, who are my ninken partners. They're pretty big and would take up a lot of room in the academy, so I have a partial summoning contract on my hand in case I need them for combat."

Don't Inuzuka's only have one ninken each. She must be pretty special if she has three of them.' Were Obito's thoughts on the matter.

"I guess I'm up. My name is Uchiha Satsuki. I love my Kaa-chan and Naruto-nii. However I hate when I walk into his room and find him and Kaa-chan, half naked, about to make out." She sent a glare towards Naruto who rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

The other two members of the team were slack jawed at the revelation.

'Naruto and Mikoto-sama? Oh my! I always thought there was something more going on between them.' Hana was blushing furiously.

'Naruto and Mikoto-sama, Mikoto-sama and Naruto eeewww! I don't want to know about their private life or even imagine those two doing that together...although it would be excellent material for Jiraiya-sama's new book.' Obito got a bit of a nosebleed at the end.

"Anyway...my hobbies are training and learning to cook. My dreams?...I guess my dreams are to make sure that my family is never sad again...as well as to maybe start a family someday." She blushed at the thought and stole a glance at Naruto. "I don't really have a specialization yet. I only have a few jutsus other than the ones we were taught in the academy, but I would like to be able to awaken my sharingan and to proudly bear the Uchiha name."

Naruto and Hana already knew most of this, so that left Obito with his thoughts. 'I thought for sure that she would be obsessed with revenge against Itachi but apparently she doesn't give a damn about him. What the hell is going on with this team!'

Everybody's gazes then shifted to Naruto who was sitiing on the middle stump with his eyes closed. "I guess it's my turn then. My name is Portgas D. Naruto. I like my mother Mikoto and my imouto Satsuki. I dislike far to much to count, but mainly who don't live their lives by their own beliefs. My hobbies include training and spending time with either Mikoto, Satsuki, or Hana. My dreams...I want to live my life on my own terms...to live my life without regrets. There are only two things that I have ever sought after...the answers to my lifelong questions...and freedom. As for my specialties, I specialize in Katon ninjutsu."

Much of the rest of the team was shocked at what his dreams were. This was the first time that he had talked about the subject, granted Satsuki and Hana were used to his attitude and beliefs but they had never actually learned what drove him in life. Now they did.

'Oh why couldn't I have gotten a normal team?' Obito had started crying anime tears while all three of his students sweatdropped.

Obito clapped his hands together, suddenly in a cheerful attitude, "Okay now that introductions are over and I know you all a little bit better, it's time for your genin test!"

Hana was confused, "Sensei didn't we take the genin exam in the academy?"

Obito could only chuckle, "Did you think that pathetic little test is would actually make you genin? Of course not. That test was to hold those who weren't ready back so that they wouldn't die in this exam."

"Die?" Hana and Satsuki's eyes both widened.

"Of course did you think that you would really pass with out a combat exam? This will be a survival exercise that my sensei did with my team."

Their sensei reached into his pocket and pulled out two bells.

"Here are the parameters of the test. Each one of you will try to get one of these bells. Notice that there are only two bells and three of you, this means that I will only be taking two of you on as students at most. Those who don't get a bell will be sent back to the academy. You have three hours to get a bell. Now... begin!"

Each of the genin disappeared from the clearing heading in different directions.

Naruto saw through the test immediately, he was a genius after all, but he decided to play along with the test for now and see how his teammates would react.

Obito concentrated and was able to sense Satsuki hiding it the trees to his right, four chakra signatures heading towards him, Probably Hana and the ninken she just summoned.' However he couldn't sense Naruto which interested him, he was the top jounin in Konoha after all.