
Chapter no.15

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[ Flashback - Two Months Ago ]

It was the morning after Naruto had been discharged from the hospital and he was on his way to the Uchiha Compound. It had taken some doing to get used to using his body again but he managed.

'It's been a long time since I've been here huh? I wonder how they will react once they see me' were his thoughts as he walked up to the main gates of the Uchiha Compound.

Naruto was walking through the streets of the Uchiha District and noticed all of the stares he was getting. At first the yound blonde was confused as to why he was receiving all of the attention but then it hit him, 'Ah. News about what happened to me must have spread through the village. It's not that often that you're morning is greeted with the one-eyed son of the Hokage with a lightning bolt engraved into his face.' Naruto wasn't too fond of the scar on his face. Sure it was kind of cool, but it looked like something out of a manga to him. How ironic.

He was broken from his thoughts as he arrived right in front of his destination. The Uchiha Clan Head's house. Naruto had never met Fugaku before, every time that he was over at the Uchiha Compound Fugaku was either at meetings with the clan elders or attending to his clan duties. But from what he had heard Mikoto's husband had a stick shoved pretty far up his ass and was far too absorbed in the beliefs of the Uchiha clan to even make time for his wife.

Naruto knocked on the door a few times before waiting for someone to answer.

He then heard footsteps and a distinctly feminine voice, "Hold on I'll be right there!" The door slowly started to open a few moments lated, "What can I do for-"

Mikoto just stared down slightly at Naruto with a shocked look on her face.

Naruto just smiled softly at her.

"It's good to see you again after so long Mikoto-sama."

It was then that Mikoto was broken out of her frozen state and his him over the head with the wooden spoon that was in her hand, "How many times have I told you to call me Mikoto-chan! Mi-ko-to-chan!" she yelled tearfully and pulled him into a tight motherly hug.

"Hai Hai Mikoto-chan...I've missed you" Naruto returned the hug toward his mother figure.

They stayed like that for a few minutes as Mikoto let all of her tears out.

Mikoto pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes, "Why don't you come I'm sure Satsuki and Shisui would love to see you...*sniff*...I wish Itachi was here to see you again too though. He has been busy with his ANBU duties over the past few months, but he visited you in the hospital when he had the time...we all did."

It was then that they walked into the living room and Mikoto called out to her daughter and nephew, "Satsuki-chan! Shisui-kun! Guess who came over to visit?"

A few moments later Shisui walked out of the bathroom sleepily, toothbrush still in his mouth, "Who could it possibly be to get you this worked up Mi-"

Shusui stopped his question as his eyes travelled to the long blonde haired boy with a large scar on his face. He stared at the boy for a minute before his eyes widened, realizing who it is, "Natuto? Is...is that really you Naruto?"

Naruto smirked, "Does it really take you that long to recognize your own student sensei? We've known each other for over three years you should be able recognize me by now. I see you still have your poor manners as always."

Mikoto could only stifle a laugh at the student and teacher interaction.

Shisui was rooted in his spot. His toothbrush had long since fallen out of his mouth and landed on the floor. He couldn't believe it. The student who many of the doctors told him would never wake up, including Tsunade herself, was standing in front of him. Sure he had a few changes to his appearance, but it was definitely him, nobody else was that rude or sarcastic with him. It just had to be him.

That was when Satsuki chose to walk out of her room, still half-asleep and in her pajamas, "What's going on?" she asked in her cute little voice as she yawned.

It was then that she noticed that there was one extra person in the room. It was 'her' Naruto-nii. 'But he looks so different. Whatever he's still my favorite nii-san."

Yes, over the years she grew far more attached to him and with Itachi always gone on his ANBU duties she wound up spending much more time with Naruto. Because of this she always played with him and watched him train. There were even times that she refused to sleep in her own bed, opting to cuddle up with her Naruto-nii in the guest bedroom. She really did love her Naruto-nii. She even had dreams about him sometimes.

Satsuki knew that her nii-san was in a coma and they didn't know if he would wake up and that made her sad. So much so that her dreams about them spending time together only increased. Because of this, she thought that him standing there in her living room was just another dream, so she wanted to make the most of it.

She walked up to Naruto and just hugged him tightly and looked up at him with tears threatening to fall, "I love you Naruto-nii! Even if you are a dream never leave me alone again!"

She walked up to Naruto and just hugged him tightly and looked up at him with tears threatening to fall, "I love you Naruto-nii! Even if you are a dream never leave me alone again!"

Shisui got out of his shock and smiled sincerely at the scene, while Mikoto just cooed at cute they looked together.

Naruto cupped her chin and raised her head up so that she was looking into his eye, "Satsuki I promise I won't leave you ever again...I'm not going to be dying that easily anytime soon."

Satsuki clung onto him even tighter.

"By the way what do you mean dreams I'm right here?...Satsuki-chan...have you been having dreams about me?" Naruto asked in a teasing tone.

Needless to say Satsuki flushed red with embarrassment after realizing that she was wide awake, which caused everyone in the room to erupt in laughter.

They spent the rest of the day catching up with each other. Naruto was naturally curious about everything that happened while he was unconscious and the Uchiha's were curious about his new scars and appearance.

It was decided that Shisui would help him get back on track with his training before the academy started in a couple of months.

Flashback End

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