
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


<Shirou POV>

"Aghh!!!" I woke up to the stinging sensation on my cheek.

"GET UP!!" I heard the sound of a woman yelling.

Slowly opening my eyes, I scanned my surroundings. But everything I saw was blurry it was difficult to just keep my eyes open.

It took a few seconds for my vision to clear and the first thing I saw was a woman standing in front of me.

She was wearing black slacks and a sleeveless red shirt clearly complimenting her features. Pretty simple but it looked good on her. Jet black long hair tied neatly in a pony tail.

She was beautiful. Her only flaw I could say was that she was way too tall.

'Wait. no....I am the one who is small.'

Suddenly I noticed the armband she was wearing and the entire joy of waking up to a beautiful woman flew out the window. Instead shock and panic filled my entire being.

My eyes grew wide and I immediately stood up only for her to punch me straight in the gut.

"Ughh!!" I cried out in pain

I fell down to my knees or at least thought I did but I felt a pull on my arm as I was falling and started coughing.

'Fuck! what was that?! A normal punch shouldn't hurt this much.'

I tried to hold my stomach only to find both of my arms bound in chains from the ceiling and legs bound by chains on the side walls of the room I was in.

I looked up to her.


I almost did a back flip due to the impact from the kick. And got back to the same position I was in when she punched me.

'Alright! This is enough!!'

As I started focusing.....I felt.....nothing.

"M-my chakra...WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME??!!!" I yelled at her standing up to her.

She smirked

"Heh. You noticed just now? Do you think we are so stupid to let our prisoner use chakra? We have already sealed it." The voice came from behind her.

Only then I noticed another person in this room.

A tall man probably 6' or 6'1'' or something like that with an incredible muscular build and a small scar on his cheek and a smug smile on his face.

'Fuck!! This is the absolute worst situation.'

They obviously want to torture the important information out of me. If I tell them everything, they will have no use for me and will get rid of me. If I don't tell them anything they will continue their torture.

Not to mention if the war ends, there is no reason even keeping me here. Meaning they only have 2-3 maximum 5 days if luck is on my side.

I have to escape within that time or else I will die here.

Luckily this isn't that bad. They haven't exactly sealed my chakra but blocked the pathway of chakra at my stomach area.

Which is why my chakra is currently blocked not sealed. The reason why I couldn't feel it instantly was because the entirety of it is stored in the core rather than flowing through my body constantly.

'But this still isn't a very good situation. If I don't do something about this seal, I will have to completely re-route the way my chakra moves in my body which will be nearly impossible if I am being tortured. Not to mention, if my body suffers too much damage specially my chest area, then there is a good chance that even my core will suffer damage or worst case, it will be destroyed.'

'A broken core can never be restored completely and since it is so close to my heart, it could also destroy my heart.'

Sweat dripped from my forehead as I realise just how grave my situation is right now.

Come on man! I went to the battlefield for what like 15 minutes, fell victim to their ninjustu and worse even got captured. Talk about lame.


I was kicked yet another time and before I could fall. This damn bitch grabbed me by my hair and pulled. Pretty sure she broke a bunch of them.

"Now Now don't cry just yet we are only getting started. You are going to tell me exactly what you konoha dogs are planning and you are also going to reveal all the secrets of your village one by one but first tell me your name."


She said as her other hand slowly reached my fingers.


"Aaghh!! Fuckk!!" I cried out in pain as she instantly broke my right index finger from the middle.

"Hehhehehe" she started laughing maniacally.

"Yeah!! That's exactly the face all of you konoha vermin should make!!" she yelled

Even normally this much pain shouldn't be that much. It's as if I am drugged to make me more sensitive to pain.

'As if that's even possible!!! That doesn't even make sense. Just Endure... Endure....Endure.....Endure.....Endure. I will get my chance sometime. This is only the starting.'


<3rd POV>


Closing the door behind him Morosuke Watanabe walked out of the room where they held the prisoner and stood beside another man looking into the room from the window with the one-sided mirror.

"Tokita-Sensei, Do you really think it is a good decision to let her carry this investigation?" morosuke asked

"We are pressed on time so we need results as fast as possible and when it comes to making people talk, she is one of the best people we got." Tokita replied

"But...we are only investigating a child. Don't you think she will take things a bit too far?"

"Hmph if he can actually bear it until she is forced to take things too far, we are better off killing him and preventing rise of a new superpower in Konoha."

"That isn't what I am trying to say. I--"

"Enough! The person you are wanting to go easy on is responsible for killing more than a 100 of our shinobis! He single handedly dealt us a blow the entire Konoha front had failed to and do I need to remind you how he escaped from our jutsu?"

The memory of the previous battle flashed in both of their minds.

They had successfully gotten rid of the new variable that had appeared on the battlefield. The boy with white hair fell into the rift right in front of their eyes and then came the next move.

They used the principle of 'earth sandwich jutsu' to make the ground connect again burying Shirou alive.

The Iwa and Konoha nins again began their advance towards the enemy but suddenly the ground shook.

Lightning clawed out of the ground and attacked everyone present on the battlefield whether they were his ally or foe, Shirou's lightning attacked them mercilessly.

The ground was burst open and inside the crater he stood heaving due to the chakra exhaustion.

As soon as lightning stopped, the commander from the Iwa front ceased the opportunity to get behind him and smacked his head with his fists which were hardened with the earth style jutsu immediately knocking him out and then carried him to the base camp away from the front lines and imprisoned him here.

"...You are right. I am sorry." Morosuke replied with his head facing the ground.

Tokita looked at him and then sighed, "Haah, it's fine. But if you continue like this, that kindness of yours will ultimately take your life as well as the lives of those who are close to you."

".....Yes" Morosuke replied

"Well then, I should better get going now. While I am gone, you are incharge." Tokita said and walked away.

The commander is still needed at the battlefield, he can only spend little amount of time in this place.