
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 9: Consequences to Stupidity

Ruka sat within her study, going through the small amount of paperwork needed to be done. As she worked another entered the room, she spoke without one looking up to address her visitor.

"It is polite to knock you know." Her gentle voice flooded the once silent room. Her guest smiled at her words.

"You know I'm no good with manners love." His voice easily broadcasted his amusement with her and her words. She rolled her eyes and looked at her guest, with a small amused smile appearing on her own face.

"Too true." Was the simple playful response Ruka gave to him. He playfully glared at her, before moving to sit in one of the chairs in front of her.

"You are so cruel to me dear!" He wailed dramatically, while he placed his hand to his heart. Ruka was always humoured by his antics despite her self. However, in response she dramatically rolled her eyes once again.

"Did you need something Naruto, love?" Her statement immediately darkened the previously lighthearted atmosphere of the room.

"They were here, weren't they?" His voice was tired and small. Almost like a small frightened child.

"Yes, we spoke in the meeting room. I had the table taken out, to make more space." She relied, watching his face and eyes for his reactions and emotions. Naruto's brow creased in confusion.

"How many were there?" He asked, thinking that adding more room was odd, considering about eight people at least, met in the room often.

"There were twelve and a large dog. Apparently there was at least four more in town." She smiled wearily while talking. "The one whom seemed like the mission leader, he had silver hair and called himself Kakashi Hatake. There was also an Uchiha." She spoke normally until she said Uchiha, where she scoffed. Naruto eyes twinkled a little when she brought up Kakashi but, darkened when she said Uchiha.

"Yes, I heard about that…confrontation." Naruto's voice became a tad lower than normal. She winced knowing he was very angry at the Uchiha and possibly a little angry at her for not mentioning it.

"I told them i'd let you know that they're in town and you'll visit them if you want to." Stated Ruka softly. Naruto nodded.

"I'll let you know if I decide to go see them." He replied standing and walking towards the door.

"Thank you." She replied as he left. She hopped today would be relaxing and that there visiter from Konoha don't cause any trouble.

In Town…

Sasuke was walking around town, his posture screamed confidence and arrogance. He didn't move around people, believing they should be like Konoha and simply move out of his way. The people of Tsukigakure sensed his arrogance and saw he would not move, so they did move out of the way...Except one. Sasuke however was not paying attention due do the fact he was to busy stewing in his anger and brooding over the meeting yesterday, as well as what Ruka had said to him. In fact he was so busy moping over yesterday and because he was expecting everybody to move out of his way, that he was surprised when his body knocked into someone else's, which due to his already bad mood and haughtiness, he simply got angrier. Unfortunately, anger makes people do stupid things and this time was no different.

Kakashi and the rest of Konoha 12 looked in the direction they heard an explosion. A giant dust cloud filled the sky and was visible through the entire town. Soon several more explosions sounded and Kakashi's eyes widened when he realised someone was unaccounted for. He immediately ran off towards the explosions, followed by everyone else from Konoha. While running Kakashi was begging with his mind "Please tell me he's not that stupid."

As Kakashi was running towards the explosions so was Naruto, he however was taking a little longer since he knew any of the others near by, would be able to at the very least handle it until he got there. He wasn't all that concerned about why or who caused the explosions, no he was far more worried about how his wife would react and knowing her for as long as he had, he knew with little doubt she would be very angry.

Kakashi finally reached the origin of the giant smoke clouds and explosions. As the smoke cleared he saw Sasuke standing and being bound in what looked like thick red ninja wire. Across from him on the other side was a man who was a head shorter than Kakashi himself. The man was also wrapped in the same thick red wire. The man had long blue, almost green looking hair, he wore a light blue male kimono and his eyes were a piercing amber. In between the both stood the vassal known as Kubinashi, the same thick red wire was held in his hands binding the two trouble makers.

"Enough! Both of you!" Yelled Kubinashi catching everyone's immediate attention and shocking everyone as well, no one could quite believe the warm man just yelled. Sasuke grunted and didn't stop struggling, while the blue haired man relaxed slightly.

"Kaito, what were you thinking the commander is going be furious with you." Stated Kubinashi, while the blue haired man now known as Kaito paled. Kubinashi finally turned his attention to Sasuke, who was still struggling against his binds.

"I honestly don't even think I want to know what you were thinking. The commander is already pissed enough at you. After what you did yesterday, you are actually stupid enough to break her rules." Kubinashi glared at the Uchiha. He than saw Kakashi.

"Keep your people under control." He looked at the two still wrapped in their binds. He suddenly loosened his hold and called his wire back, releasing the two. However, because their was no warning, Sasuke who had still been struggling, lost his balance. Unfortunately his fall only made him angrier. As he stood he quickly went through several hand signs. No one noticed until it was to late and he breathed in.

"Sasuke no!" Yelled Kakashi in a feeble attempt to stop him before he released the technique, since he was to far away to physically.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu." Sasuke than started firing fireballs towards, Kubinashi and Kaito. Kaito deflected the fireball heading to him using the Water Style: Liquid Bullets technique. Kubinashi simply dogged his knowing that nothing near him would get damaged. This continued for a little while. Until Sasuke wanting to catch Kubinashi off guard shot a fireball to where he believed Kubinashi would dodge to next. However he released the technique too early. The fireball was now instead of hitting either Kubinashi or Kaito was going to hit some civilians who had been one could do anything because they were too far away. Then suddenly someone dropped in front of the fireball. Everyone stood shock as the fireball hit the mystery person and they erupted into flames. No one moved all frozen in complete shock. Then all of a sudden the dark orange flame, started changing colour and rise. The pillar of blue fire swiftly settled and all that remained standing was one very angry Ruka Uzumaki-Osorubeki.