
the Childhood

Elemental Nations, Konoha,

in the compound grounds of the Namikaze family, a child of 5 years of age can be seen sitting on the ground, seemingly in a daze as he stared blankly at the sky,

suddenly, a woman with deep red hair and purple eyes and a big belly walked out of the house,

"Yuuji, Lunch is ready!!" she shouted to which the boy came out of his daze and shouted back,

"Coming mom!!" he then went back to the house, leaving behind a charred stalk of grass that disintegrated and flew with the wind,

This was none other than Yuuji Corvin, or as he now called, Yuuji Namikaze, the eldest child of the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha and the Habanero, the reason he says eldest is because his mother was expecting to give birth soon,

it had been 5 years since Yuuji was reborn into this world with a strange mix of magic and supernatural, this world supposedly had technologies such as T.V., Fridge, electricity, Microwave etc..but it also relied on primitive weapons such as Kunai, Shuriken, and other such things, but he soon learned the reason for this oddity,


an energy that was found in every single living creature, it was supposed to be the combination of physical energy and mental energy and very hard to master,

but to someone like Yuuji who was used to controlling massive amounts of foreign energy in his body because of the Beast Cores, it was very easy,

In the past 5 years, he had found that none of his powers except one had traveled to this world with him, the only power that stayed with him was his innate ability, superhuman thinking,

This power was something that he was born with in the past life as well as this one, thanks to this power, he was capable of learning techniques that took years to learn in a matter of a few weeks,

Using this power, he had also found his first anomaly when he was 3, it was around this time that he first gained full control over his new body, when he scanned his body to find any abnormalities, his ability allowed him to sense that there existed two different kinds of energies in his body aside from his Chakra, but they seemed to be dormant and did not respond to his prodding like how the Chakra did,

when he reached his 5th birthday, his parent had finally allowed him to unlock his chakra but they were soon surprised, unlike the normal chakra of everyone else which was blue in color, his chakra was deep black, but that was not the only issue, when someone unlocks their chakra for the first time, their chakra manifests itself as a small wind, for an elite Uzumaki it would be a small cyclone with them at the center, but Yuuji created a small-scale storm when he unlocked his chakra, but unknown to Yuuji who was concentrating on controlling his massive chakra, his parents gave each other knowing looks and decided to not tell anyone about this incident,

it was also during this time that it was revealed, Kushina was pregnant again,

for the next few months, Yuuji was taught everything by Minato, but he took a special shine to Fuinjutsu, in two months time, Yuuji had managed to attain the rank of stage 2 fuinjutsu users, he had also mastered the Rasengan, when Minato had used the Chakra paper to test his affinity, they were shocked to find that he had a monstrously high affinity for lighting and water, so much so that he may not require hand signs to control the said elements, this came as a great surprise to his parents considering their origins, but nonetheless, they trained Yuuji everything they knew about his elements,

this leads us to the present,

at the dinner table in the Namikaze house,

"Yuuji, you know what to do tomorrow right?" Minato said seriously to which Yuuji nodded and said,

"I will be staying with Sarutobi-jii and learn ninjutsu from him and wait for you and mother to come back with my new sibling" he said, trying to act as innocent as possible, he knew that they were going to a secret location so that his sibling can be born without any incident because of the many enemies that his parents had,

However, he too was eager to get away from his parents so that he can practice his abilities without causing them any harm,

ever since he learned of his elemental affinity, he had started to rigorously start practicing them, it was because the affinity reflected his lost powers from his previous life,

When he had volunteered to become a Hunter at the age of 15, he was given two Demon cores, one class-2 core, and a class 3 core, of which there existed only 2 as class-3 beasts were very rare at the time,

the class-2 core belonged to a demon beast code named: Leviathan, because of it's absolute control over water and any liquid,

the Class-3 core belonged to a Demon Beast called the Raiju, it had absolute control over lighting and its lighting was pure white as opposed to the normal blue color of lightning, the temperature of the lighting was also ridiculously high, almost as hot as the sun,

it was these very same properties that Yuuji observed when he checked his affinity, although his parents had not noticed it, how could he, who had used these powers for almost four years, not notice it?

that is why he decided to retrain his powers far away from his parents and his loved ones,


October 10th,

in front of two dead bodies, an alone boy stood over them with a baby crying in his hands with a strange seal on the baby's stomach

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