

Words: 1079


As I got ready, I looked in the mirror to see if I was presentable.

As I stepped in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. I was average height for an 8 year old boy. I was ruffling the purple hair I grew to love with time. I was wearing my basic clothes, a black shirt with white shorts.

As I went downstairs, I saw that my mother had already cooked breakfast. I sat down with her and started eating breakfast.

"Anything happening at school", my mom said wanting to have small talk.

"Nothing much, the graduation is right around the corner though", I replied.

My mom's smile faded when she heard about graduation. She was worried for me but I assured her that this will all be over soon.

I finished breakfast, and headed over to the academy.

As I'm walking, I made a comment to myself.

"Much more mist than usual", I chuckled to no one but me.

Ever since I reincarnated in Naruto, my whole life has turned upside down. I thought I would be in The Leaf Village, but I was born in Kiragakure, The Mist Village. And of all times to be here, it was when this village is called"The Bloody Mist".

As I made it to the academy, I made my inside and to my classroom. I was the first person there. I walked to my seat, which was in the front of the class.

I came around 45 minutes earlier than I should have but its no biggie.

The graduation ceremony is really on my mind though. I reassured my mom I'll graduate and become a ninja so I can provide for my family, but in all honesty, I don't know.

I have no natural talents that would separate me from the rest of these kids. I'm good at taijutsu, but even that isn't anything to boast about. The best part about me is my mental age and the fact I'm way smarter than all of these kids.

My thoughts were interrupted as another person walked inside of the class.

A girl walked inside of the class. She had auburn hair that was fairly long. I know her as the genius in our class, even if she doesn't think so.

She has 4 out of the 5 basic chakra natures, plus 2 Kekai Genkai. Man I wished to be as blessed as her. The future Kage, Mei Terumi.

She looked at me and smiled"Good morning Hanma, I didn't expect you to be the first person in the classroom".

I thanked her for the compliment as she sat down. Mei was a pretty charismatic person, being able to talk to anyone. We weren't friends or anything, but Mei made it her mission to have a conversation with me.

Mei Terumi was a really talented girl, she just lacked the killing instinct needed to reach the top. Me and her are pretty much opposites. One has drive but no talent, the other has talents but not the mindset.

We conversed for a little while, Mei always being the one to drive the conversation, until the rest of the class got here.

They filled up the seats, waiting until the teacher comes. Surely enough the teacher did arrive. He stood in front of the whole class and started the class session.

"About the graduation, you can skip it and wait till next year. That will be the maximum years you can take at the academy and you will be forced to take the exam. Raise your hands if you wish to take the exam this year", the teacher said.

Only 2 people raised their hands. One of them was Mei Terumi, the most skilled person in the class. The next one was just me.

The class looked at me, not knowing why I would do the exam. Mei Terumi looked at me with a questioning look before keeping to herself again.

The teacher kept himself silent before speaking again."Mei and Hanma, you can leave the school. The graduation starts in a week.

I got up from the classroom and left with Mei. Mei caught up and tried to talk to me.

"Why did you raise your hand? There is still another year to improve your taijitsu and you'll have a better chance of graduating", Mei questioned me.

To be honest, I really don't know why I raised my hand. It was probably the fact that I just wanted to get this over with and didn't want another year of hearing my mom cry at night because the graduation inched closer.

"I just want to get this over with", I answered with a simple question before jogging off to my house.

I stopped jogging when I couldn't see Mei behind me. I then began to think to myself.

I have a week. What can I do or learn in a week that will help me pass this exam. The exam is just showing the exam proctors that you have the ability to kill and you will kill.

I guess my past life friends were right.

'No matter how hard you work, you need an opportunity', I relayed that message to myself in my head.

The moment I thought that, my mind began to swirl. I clutched my head in pain waiting for this to be over.

When the pain stopped, I looked in front of me to see an interface.

[Welcome to your Template System. you have been chosen to gain this powerful template in order to rise to the top of the world. Will you accept it?]

I ponder for a moment about this. I read fan fiction so I knew what a template system was. My smile grew wider as I said in my mind.

'I accept this Template'

[Congratulations! You have gained the Ten Tails Template! It is currently at 0.1%.Here are your skills you gained:

5 basic Chakra Natures(Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning)


Ten Tails! That is one of the most powerful beings in Naruto. I also looked at my rewards with shock. Now Mei isn't the only generational prodigy.

'How can I unlock more of this template'

[By Training. If you train hard enough, you will gain the most percentage points.]

I guess this week will only be training I guess. I jogged the rest of the day home being so happy I was chosen to wield this template.

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