
Sin 49: The key to ungodliness


Hello good, I come with a little announcement xD

I'm Anon20K author of this fanfic and as you know it's inspired by "The Marvelous Dragon Ball" but only the base so don't expect it to be similar, not to mention that I could only read the first 30 chaps xD

Well but let's go with the important stuff in the announcement.

Right now I'm working as a collaborator for Ero-Purgatory and I was left as a scriptwriter, it was decided to make as a project an eroge based on the story "Guide for a Saiyajin in Marvel & DC". Of course the eroge is separate and completely different from the story.

You can go to the ******* and see the project. The download links are completely FREE and any kind of help is completely VOLUNTARY.


Just delete the (*)

Sincerely Anon20K

PS: This is the first version and will be updated progressively, not to mention that it will have many more characters.


"Phew..." Haru came out of that room under the Hyodo house completely covered in sweat with a long towel around his neck, he had spent a whole afternoon inside, time used entirely in the research on the evil pieces.

The mission of the evil piece advanced greatly thanks to the information discovered by Haru, finally the system delivered some points for all the information provided.

"You finally finished your research, from what I see you are quite exhausted, you should rest for a moment before we go training, you still have a lot left if you want to dominate the arena at will" Shukaku was sitting on Haru's bed surrounded by fast food while enjoying a video game.

"Today I'll pass, there are only a few more hours left in the day and I don't want to spend them training, I won't use all my time because of that damn canary.... now that I think about it I really don't understand why challenge him in the first place."

"To save the redhead that's holding you captive" Shukaku laughed before noticing the expression on Haru's face "I mean, to help a young girl in danger, what any gentleman would do in your place."

"Well if I just wanted to save her I could have taken out that canary right then and there."

"I don't think it's that easy, he seemed very confident and I'm not saying this is due to his strength but rather his innate abilities, if I remember correctly they said he was immortal and according to the internet the phoenix is a bird that is reborn from its own ashes..."

Haru listened to the words of Shukaku who had a phone in his hand and displayed the information "I'm clear on what Shukaku means, it means that guy must have an insane regeneration factor, I must think of a countermeasure or a way to take him out immediately."

"Kekeke... it seems like you will need a lot of training, but don't worry Shukaku-sama has everything you need about seals, among the tailed beasts I'm the only one who has a great compatibility with sealing jutsus" Shukaku laughed while pointing at the marks on his body "All these marks represent cursed seals that I use to lock anything in my arena"

"Long story short I need to learn how to control the sand properly."

"Yes, as my new Ichibi jinchuriki you now have an affinity for magnet nature, you have even more affinity than that brat Gaara, of course the difference between the two lies in timing. Gaara was my jinchuriki since he was born while you haven't been around for more than a month."

"Sigh... I guess all that's left is to train, I'm going to the mountains to train my physique, you can keep a clone and teach him all you want about sand control after all the information gets to my brain anyway" Haru changed his clothes and went out the window leaving the clone next to Shukaku.

"Damn brat...he's not going to train for shit when he's alone, he's more likely to get in trouble than train his physique."

"You know everything you say will make it to the original, right?" Haru stared at Shukaku who started eating as if nothing mattered to him always watching TV "Sigh... you really don't care about anything."

"Of course I have things I care about, right now I have three things I care about. First I want to see you train like your life depends on it, for the second I want to know what that pineapple pizza everyone is talking about really tastes like..." Shukaku picked up his phone and pointed at it causing Haru to mount a grimace of annoyance.

"what's the third thing you care about?" Haru removed his shirt as he sat cross-legged on the ground in front of a small gourd filled with sand.

"I want to know what really happened in that basement" Shukaku spoke slowly but his voice seemed heavier than ever.

To Haru who had watched the naruto anime the behavior of the one tailed bijuu seemed irrational not to mention strange.

In Haru's mind no time appears where Shukaku was so kind or concerned about any person which caused more confusion in Haru's head, Shukaku was recognized for being the most selfless in humanity and also the second most betrayed by humanity only below the kyubi.

"Wow I didn't think you would be so affected by the fact that I had to perform a dissection of an enemy, in the future it will be difficult to continue our missions like that, I will have to get my hands dirty many more times and I may even have to dirty them with innocent people, don't think I'm as pure as I look, I can be really evil if I set my mind to it"

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah so what happened to the girl, were you able to get the piece out of her body?" Shukaku showed no change at Haru's words and simply put his things aside.

"I got the piece I needed" Haru took out a pawn piece from his pocket showing it to Shukaku "They are pieces of the game chess, they provide different abilities to people but they also serve as a subordination contract, it's like a cursed seal"

"If you took that out of the girl's insides it means she's dead right?"

"Ahhhh...." haru complained loudly before lying down on the ground with both arms behind his neck "If you already know what happened you don't need to keep questioning, she had to die but her body will be buried as it should be, even enemies should be buried."

"Well, I just wanted to be sure that you did what was necessary and didn't end up saving her life, I don't want to have a soft hearted partner who always saves his enemies, usually those guys end up locked in a cell paying the price of injustice" Shukaku took his controller and started playing video games quickly "Now sit down and start your training, we have to crush that arrogant brat"

Next chapter