
Sin 08: The Weird Of The World

"Uhaaa!" Haru exclaimed yawning with his mouth open as he left his room this time with straight hair like a metalhead, Haru's uniform was more messy than normal and under his eyes there were small marks that showed his tiredness

"Now I understand why clones should not be abused, the fatigue they suffer also adds to the original user" Haru said in his mind remembering how he had left five clones in the forest training taijutsu and hand positions

"Uhaaa!" Haru let out a big yawn again that surprised his parents.

"Haru, you were back playing video games all night right?" Miki questioned with a tone full of reproach towards the redhead who only looked at her tiredly "You can't stay up all night playing video games, you need to rest"

On the other hand, at the table was the Gorou taking his breakfast quietly "Come on, dear, Haru has good grades and we never have a problem, you should let him play video games in peace" when he saw what was happening in the kitchen, he decided to intervene trying to calm Miki and save sleepy Haru.

"Even if her grades are high she can't just skip her sleep hours ..." Miki reproached angrily but after looking at Haru and Gorou staring at her, she could only sigh and let it go this way Haru was able to have her breakfast in peace .

As Haru ate his breakfast he noticed Issei's lack of presence causing the redhead to be curious "where's Issei?" Haru asked.

"Ah, Issei already went to school, today he woke up very happy and went to school early" said Miki smiling as she sat next to Gorou to have her own breakfast.

"He said that today was his lucky day and that it would be here where his happiness would begin, he left the house completely happy while singing a song" Gorou said arranging his glasses slightly

Haru could only keep his mouth open before he could bite down on his toast "what happened Haru?" Miki asked clearly referring to Issei's acting.

"Yesterday I told him that I had a vision where today I would get a beautiful girlfriend" Haru said, returning to resume his breakfast "I suppose he believed everything I said"

Gorou and Miki were shocked at what happened, they never thought that Issei could become so innocent that he would fall for a lie of that caliber "Obviously it was a joke, only Issei can believe in something like that" Gorou said scratching the back from his head while Miki laughed lightly.

"Well, I think I should go to school too" said Haru getting up from his post and taking his bag to hang it from his shoulder, before leaving home he said goodbye to his parents and headed towards school.

Upon leaving the house, Haru did not take a second before creating a shadow clone, sending him away again so that he could dedicate himself to training the arts of the Hyuuga clan.

Haru arrived at the school minutes before the doors closed, her red hair caught everyone's attention, obviously it was one of the characteristics that stand out the most in her person.

"President, vice-president, good morning," Haru greeted as he continued on his way without waiting for a response from the duo who had been standing at the door.

As expected Haru did not receive any greetings but that did not stop him, the hours of school flew by in the eyes of Haru who was silently meditating 'I should start letting a clone take my place at school, I bet It would be the same 'said Haru in his mind bored with the situation.

Finally came the lunch break where Haru took his bento to eat as usual on the rooftop where silence reigns "where is Issei right now?" Haru murmured with his Byakugan active as he slowly ate lunch looking at all the surroundings "Wow today he is more hidden than normal he is in the kendo club ..... if a pervert had this power it would be really dangerous" muttered Haruta keeping in his mind all the possibilities of his powers in the hands of a pervert.

But while he was content to finish his lunch soon a bolt of information shot through Haruta's head causing his expression to suddenly change "The clone disappeared" Haruta said in surprise.


Haru's clone was performing the classic exercise routine to finish learning the Kaiten perfectly, there was no noise in the surroundings other than the birds made when singing.


The whistling wind surprised Haru by forcing him to dodge by making a twist in the air to the side.

The clone stood still for a moment only to turn its head slightly in surprise at what appeared to be a long spear made of light embedded in the ground 'The power of that thing could have impaled the original, I must get more information before it disappears' the clone said in his mind activating the Byakugan.

'Impossible!' exclaimed the surprised clone, hoping that his opponents would be in the vicinity or at least standing on the tree branches so that they would be able to launch those strange spears but instead they were all in the sky.

In the sky there were at least four silhouettes looking at the clone who was still in the same position waiting for his next movements "I must not show my skills, just collect information for the original" said the clone in his mind

"Who are you?!" the clone shouted without showing his face, the enemy could already find him only using the color of his hair but if he shows his face the entire Hyodo family would be in danger and not only that but they also knew about the Byakugan.

"....." there was no answer to the clone's question

"What is the reason for such a low-level attack ?!" He questioned the clone again looking for answers but again there was no answer "What are you?"


"Sigh ..." sighed the clone holding his face with the palm of his hand "I guess there's no reason to be here then" the clone muttered ready to disappear but soon he could hear the sound of the whistling wind again


A new spear of light pierced the sky to fall on Haru who stood waiting as he surveyed the surroundings only to find more silhouettes than normal now further away 'I have to carry all this with the original' said the clone disappearing under the tip of the spear.

Next chapter