
Beginning of the End

The sky, bountiful and gracious as it looked, was never within my grasp as I wished to be the birds who ascended to the sky with no shackles to restrict their freedom.

however for someone who had lived in the hospital due to his feebleness and poor health the only thing which could console me was my favourite anime by the name of Naruto.

it was about a boy who took the mantel of freedom within his hands as he decided that he will be the one to control his fate and he eventually did so with help of his friends.


I just wished I was be able to control my fate like him and also have the op eyes of that cursed uchiha clan.

As I fell into my fantasy ,a voice ever so soothing assaulted my ears and asked if I wanted to change my fate. I of course without any hesitation gave a firm yes .

however what shook me the most was when she mentioned that i could attain what my heart desired.

1)Was to get an A.I for assistance

2)get the uchiha blood line with no limitations

3)To be born with my own tailed beast

As good as this was , some thing was fishy .

As I was about to ask about why I was given all this , I was answered with the most mind boggling answer. The voice said"It is I, Luna, goddess of the moon and I have come to apologize for all the tribulations we have put you through and for that we decided that you should get what your heart desires"

we? who is we I asked but I was given no reply of such an answer but was just tolled that all will be revealed when I turn 15 but was I not 18?


I think that answered my question as my life was ended by the ceiling as fell me with intent to squash me

~sigh ~

Looks like this is the beginning of my journey to freedom .

oh how I can already smell it ...

plz give me any suggestions to improve my work

amsbrocreators' thoughts