
Naruto: Swarm System

After transmigrating to the Naruto world, Shishou becomes a member of the Aburame Clan and awakens the Swarm System. This system allows him to upgrade and evolve insects, including the epic phosphorus bugs that can devour and feedback energy. With these powers, Shishou embarks on a journey to master all bloodline abilities and pursue immortality during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Uchiha Obito declares, "I want to create a world where Rin exists!" Uchiha Madara asserts, "I will activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and create a peaceful world." "Wow, you guys are amazing," Shishou remarks. "But I'm different. I just want to devour the Otsutsuki clan and achieve immortality with my harem of beauties." With a wave of his hand, a massive swarm of insects emerges, devouring Obito's army of one hundred thousand White Zetsu instantly. "Obito, this offering is too small. Can you add a bit more?" -The cover is not mine. Please let me know if you want me to remove it.- -: This translation:- Author: 第五青莲著 Original: 火影:忍界绝色,我全要!

Betek · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 256: The Grave Robber

Upon entering the Moon's interior, Shishou looked up at the large hole in the sky, frowning.

The hole made him feel like his house had a gaping hole in it, always letting in rain or debris—a very unsightly view.

After some thought, Shishou decided to seal the hole.

He didn't want anyone mistaking this Moon for their base while traversing dimensions.

Thinking these random thoughts, Shishou approached the edge of the hole and placed his hand on it.

Wood Release: Patch!

Thick trees grew from the edges of the hole, quickly covering it and forming several layers of wooden walls to block the opening.

"Not bad!"

Leaving wooden doors for entry and exit in the walls, Shishou nodded in satisfaction.

With that done, he proceeded to the living area of the Ōtsutsuki clan, creating clones to search for anything useful.

As the direct descendants of Hamura, the Ōtsutsuki clan on the Moon surely had many valuable scrolls on ninjutsu and information about the giant Tenseigan.

Shishou needed to find these to confirm whether the giant Tenseigan could indeed drain the user's life force.

He needed this confirmation for his next steps.

Before long, Shishou found all the documents left behind by the Ōtsutsuki clan on the Moon, including ninjutsu scrolls, historical records, and information about the Tenseigan.

The ninjutsu scrolls mostly contained basic techniques and Gentle Fist, or Tenseigan-related jutsu, which weren't very useful to Shishou at the moment.

However, the historical records and Tenseigan information were fascinating to Shishou.

According to the historical records, Ōtsutsuki Toneri and his father were merely branch members of the Ōtsutsuki clan on the Moon.

As for the main family, they had been exterminated by the branch family, who then took all the main family's Byakugan to create the giant Tenseigan in Hamura's Shrine using a special method.

The branch family continued to integrate the Byakugan of deceased branch members into the giant Tenseigan, gradually enhancing its power.

Over time, this transformed the Tenseigan into its current gigantic form.

The Tenseigan information revealed that only those with Ōtsutsuki blood could draw power from the giant Tenseigan and activate the Tenseigan Chakra Mode.

However, there was a downside.

While the Ōtsutsuki clan could gain power from the giant Tenseigan, activating the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, they would have their life force drained as an exchange to replenish the Tenseigan's energy consumption.

In other words, the more Tenseigan chakra consumed, the more life force would be drained, leading to a quicker death.

Even the robust bodies of the Ōtsutsuki clan couldn't withstand several uses of the giant Tenseigan.

"Tsk tsk, this thing is literally life-draining."

Shishou shook his head at the information.

He was now certain that Ōtsutsuki Toneri and his father were likely drained of their life force by the giant yellow Tenseigan.

Furthermore, according to the information, only a direct descendant of Hamura who had awakened their own Tenseigan could use the giant Tenseigan's power without fearing life force depletion.

"This giant Tenseigan is really domineering."

"I'll have to be careful when using it."

"Hmm, best not to use it at all before awakening my own Tenseigan."

Recalling Toneri's withered appearance, Shishou sighed.

He had never intended to kill Toneri and his father.

In his view, the living Ōtsutsuki duo had more value, especially for Hyuga Rimei's Tenseigan awakening experiment.

After all, the more active the original cells, the higher the success rate of cell cultivation and transplantation in White Zetsu.

With them alive, Shishou could extract original cells anytime.

But now, with them dead and drained of their life force, the cells' activity was extremely low.

This added considerable difficulty to Shishou's cell transplantation, requiring more time for experimentation.

Putting down the documents, Shishou glanced at the corpses of Toneri and his father, wrapped in Phosphorescent Parasite Worms.

After extracting some cell tissue from their bodies, Shishou had the worms devour them entirely.

Since they were already dead, he didn't want to waste them.

If devouring them and feeding the energy back to Rimei could awaken her Ōtsutsuki bloodline and the Tenseigan, it would be perfect.

Though Shishou knew this was unlikely, it was worth a try.

Separately storing the worms that devoured the Ōtsutsuki duo, Shishou headed to the Ōtsutsuki clan's graveyard.

"I wonder how these Ōtsutsuki corpses were preserved."

"Hopefully, they're as intact as Uchiha Madara's."

Looking at the densely packed tombstones, Shishou rubbed his chin.

Though it was somewhat unethical, he had no choice if he wanted Rimei to awaken the Tenseigan quickly.

Moreover, as someone with grand ambitions, acting like a grave robber seemed justifiable...

"Now I really feel like a grave robber..."

Muttering to himself, Shishou placed his hand on the ground, using Wood Release to inspect all the coffins buried in the graveyard.

A few minutes later, he stood up, disappointed.

Many coffins were ancient, containing only bones, while the newer ones held mostly decayed remains, nullifying his plan.

Returning to the Ōtsutsuki living area, Shishou continued examining the remaining documents, hoping to find the location of Hamura's tomb and possibly his remains.

However, after going through all the documents, he found no relevant information and had to abandon the idea for now.

Although he didn't find Hamura's remains, Shishou discovered something else in the ninjutsu scrolls.

He found a method to lift the Caged Bird curse mark of the Hyuga clan's branch family.

"This will make a great gift for Hyuga Natsu."

Placing the scroll in his robe, Shishou chuckled.

Then, he took out a red insect egg.

It was the legendary Communication Egg he had acquired.

With this Communication Egg, Shishou could contact any target within range and converse with them.

Apart from acquiring the Tenseigan, his other goal on the Moon was to establish contact with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the Rabbit Goddess.

Placing the red Communication Egg in front of him, Shishou successfully saw a name appear on it.

[Ōtsutsuki Kaguya]


This fanfiction is complete on my Patreon. If you want to read it, you can find it at patreon.com/Betek.