6 KUSHINA (2) final

As soon as Sora said that Kushina was shocked and then her entire face turned red like a tomato with the colour of her hair and she took a step back and looked at sore while saying:" hooooow could I mAr..ry you" .

Sora looked at her and said :" Look, you don't want to marry me then I will have to marry Lady Tsunade as my father said.

But I will still buy you a house so you can live worry free here".

As Sora said that Kushina was dizzy and flabbergasted when she heard Sora was going to marry Lady Tsunade whom she heard from the village head along with grandma mito who will take care of her when she goes to konoha  but she hasn't even seen them only heard their information form the clan head.

Tsunade was the granddaughter of the first hokage and grandma mito and knew how strong Tsunade is when the clan head described her as the strongest kunoichi  in konoha apart from grandman mito.

Now she heard Tsunade was marrying Sora which really frightened her. 

 Made her remember Sora saying that he was the prince of fire country and marrying Tsunade seems perfect for their position but what about her would she be able to compete with lady Tsunade. This made her sad and cry again .

Just as she found the only person who seemed to care for her , Leaving her made Kushina desperate .

Sora who read all her memories smiled and hid it well  and said sadly:" I really want you to be my wife Kushina".

And sora held Kushina's had and looked at her and hugged her 

This made  Kushina jump and Tried her best to puch Sora away but she couldn't so she could only stay in his arms 

Sora looked at her in his arms he's face got close to her ear and said : "If you don't want to marry me I won't force you but after I marry Lady Tsunade my  father would like me to marry more women so I can have more blood line for the family". 

Sora looked at her who was in shock at what she heard and said :" I just hope to find a pretty girl like you Kushina to be my second wife "

Kushina who was shocked at all this lifted her face and looked at sora because he was taller then her and said silently: 'I don't mind being your second wife "


While Sora heard this he pretended to not hear it and said Kushina: "what did you say I didn't hear ?"

Kushina looked angry and said :" I want to be your wife and even if you don't agree , you have to".

Sora looked at Kushina and kissed her forehead and said : "Ok you can be my second wife" 

The kiss made Kushina shocked and again her face turned red and looked at Sora and punched him in the stomach 

And sore looked  at her and acted like it was painful and said : "You were so beautiful when you said that you wanted to marry me so I couldn't hold myself back' .

When Kushina Heard this she had smoke coming over her head with all that embarrassment that she rushed and kicked Sora . He dodged her kick, went behind her, hugged her and kissed her face and ran .

Kushina  Once again became embarrassed and was about to faint in anger and  chased him  and she found the huge room that Sora ran to.

 And Rushed in only to see a empty room with a huge bed and when she went to the bed it looks very comfy and and when she sat on it she suddenly felt sleepy and felt  tired with all the things that happened to her  today so she fell asleep 

on the bed.

When the sun shine reflected on the window glass and shown on Kushina's face she felt irritated and opened her eyes.

The first thing she say was the bed and she remembered that she chased sore in the room and didn't find him and found this huge bed  and when she  sat on the bed she suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep 

After knowing what happened just as she was about to get up she found an arm around her.

Which made her shocked and fully woke her up and when she turned around it was soar's sleeping face.

And his arm was holding her and she could hear him mumbling your my second wife.

 Which had Kushina freak out and look at sore to make sure he is sleeping and when she saw sure he really is sleeping.

 She looked at his face which was soo handsome and came closer and closer and kissed  his face .

And turned self and covered her head  with the bed sheets  and  inside the bedsheet she was blushing and started squirming inside.

Sora who knew all this still pretended to sleep while holding her 

After a while Sora got up and looked at Kushina and  knew he succeeded in making her agree to be his wife because of  her fear .

When Kushina  first appeared with force teleportation jade she was lost . 

Starting with the thought of her village abandoning her must have made her fear the most.

  Later Sora telling her that he would take care of her for all her life would have made Sora her only hope. 

And later mentioning Tsunade and that Sora could not be with her because of Tsunade was what made Kushina feel her last hope and loss and then comparing Tsunade to herself was the final straw . After that made her see how insufficient she was and that made her feel quite lacking , compared to Sora being the fire Prince and Tsunade being the most powerful women  in konoha .

Sora looked at how she felt despair and told her about him still being forced to marry a second wife.

And that he would have liked a woman like Kushina to be his second wife must have made her see the only way forward which she agreed and even forced Sora to agree to her and marry her .

Sora thought of all this and felt this was something like Stockholm syndrome, a psychological response where there could be love even between victims and the captors . 

The mixture of despair,loss and many negative feelings that force the victim to only move forward to the only light in the dark tunnel.

Sora looked at Kushina and thought if only you were older I would have sealed the deal and had a powered up Uzumaki bloodline. 

A few years won't change much . And the way Tsunade felt when she left it would not be long before she came back with her brother.

Sora thought of the system and said : "System where are the Rewards'

System : [Congratulations Host the Reward have been stored in the system space ]

Sora : "Will I pass out when I receive a huge amount of information?"

System [Host in the Invincible Field the there is nothing that could harm the host ]

Sora:" oh how could I forget that System integrate it "

As Sora got the information in a few seconds.

He realised the best way to practice and the only thing that he needed now was to start with a strong bloodline for the foundation. 

All he could now is wait

Next chapter