
I'm a girl ! No ! I'm the Kazekage ! I'm a girl again !

The Hero of Suna, the sole user of the Scorch release, Pakura, was feeling a strange mix of confusion and excitement before entering the Council chambers, it was time to give her report about the performance of her team today, and she doesn't exactly know how to feel. Their teamwork was acceptable, her initial worries were about them not getting well with Fuji, either because of jealousy or because of the prodigy's arrogance, but the kid seemed to be able to get along with almost anyone, he even got some waves from other people on their walk to the training ground.

As she neared the door, she got a nod from a masked guard standing next to it, who then allowed her entry along with a creak of wood.

"Kazekage-sama !" She bowed respectfully.

"Rise, and report." He ordered. The Council room functioned as the place where the Kazekage makes decisions, the Elders function as advisors to the Kage, and they're always present to defend their clans position. She disliked most of the elders, they were warmongering old hawks who know nothing but talking nonsense, some of them are dillusioned to the whole concept, but the majority frankly suck.

"The entire team performed spectacularly, there were none of the predisposed assumptions about their lack of synergy in terms of personality. All of them have solid basics in all the academy subjects, although Eichi-kun's Taijutsu may need some work. I do find his personality acceptable, and I accept your request of future apprenticeship in hope of helping him develop the Scorch release due to his dual affinities. Although his slight obsession with Katon jutsu might have to be addressed. Maki's inherited Cloth Manipulation jutsu showed great potential, Fuji-kun in a great showing of his sharp mind recommended for her to learn fuinjutsuu to supplement its trapping abilities, and to add Nature Transformation to the fold, giving her greater diversity. As for Fuji-kun ..."

"What about him ?" Said a random Elder, noticing her hesitation.

"He's too qualified. His Taijutsu and Kenjutsu are exceptional, his chakra capacity is low-chuunin level, he has prodigious combat awareness, and he's a natural chakra sensor. But most importantly, his chakra control is simply ludicrous, he's good enough at chakra shaping that he managed to create Minato Namikaze's Rasengan in the shape of blades manipulated with chakra strings on his own, he also mentioned his skill at Wind and Earth nature transformation, and showcased the second one by copying the Moguragakure no Jutsu and burrowing under the ground. He also showed interest in learning to do simple sense confusing genjutsu through the slightest movement, probably to supplement his already devastating close to mid-range attack potential, and to learn how to use the Sunshin as a potential gap closing move."

It took a couple of minutes for the Elders to process the information, although the Kazekage didn't have the slightest reaction apart from the slight widening of his eyes, and after a couple seconds, the almost imperceptible smirk on his face.

After they calmed out, a great earsplitting noise of questions began to sound in the room, all directed at her, and all about our resident prodigy. Until the Kazekage stopped them.

"Silence. What did you observe about his behavior and personality ? What are his goals ?"

"He seems to be a highly social person, from what I saw in the academy he seems to know almost everyone by name, and he's also on good terms with a lot of civilians and former ninjas in the village. He's very perceptive, and tends to understand social interactions instinctively, he lacks any of the perceived arrogance that you could expect from someone of his reputation, and he doesn't look naive too. As for his goals, he mentioned in total confidence his wish to be Kazekage, when asked about his dreams, he said and I quote 'I will become Kazekage', something that highly surprised his teammates, who knew him beforehand."

The sounds of outrage from the Elders was deafening, Pakura was barely able to stop herself from flinching, but the glint in the Kazekages eyes just got ... deeper, somehow.

"Again, silence. Jounin Pakura, you said he wanted to become Kazekage, did you find out more ?"

"Yes, he explained his motives as both a result of his ambition and his love of the village. He showed clear disdain towards our current situation, when I asked him to elaborate he gave a viable strategy to deal with this war both without incurring a lot of casualties and to improve our villages situation."

"Which was ?" Continued the Kazekage.

"The strategy was to use our alliance with Konoha to lessen our burden in this war, and to buy our foodstuff from both the Land of Fire and small fertile countries in exchange for ceasing our hostilities instead of approaching an additional Major Country, he mentioned Kirikagure. He alluded that the Wind daimyo will have no choice but to give us back our missions as Konoha gets more and more occupied despite our enmity. And he suggested using that new income to buy off fertile land in the Land of Rivers in exchange for protection and money, which they will accept in desperation because of the war. He hinted at having more ideas but didn't bring up any."

At the stunned silence, the Kazekage showed an uncharacteristic smirk.

"It seems the goose keeps laying the golden eggs, we already benefited enough from his reputation as a prodigy, which brought us a lot of missions from civilians, they do love their geniuses. But here he comes, with quite a viable plan, that gives an alternate choice to our intended strategy. From his mention of Kirikagure he seems to have predicted their offer of alliance out of desperation. It seems we have much to think about. Jounin Pakura, could you please give us your recommendations about the team before dismissing yourself ? Thank you very much."

"Hai ! I recommend a field promotion for young Fuji after a year, and another promotion to at least Tokubetsu Jounin when he reaches the minimum age, he shows the most potential in solo missions, his chakra stealth and chakra sensing give him amazing potential at infiltration, and his chakra control and Tajutsu/Kenjutsu will give him prodigious potential for combat. I would put the other two through the chuunin exams with a third member after 2 or 3 years of training, after which Maki-kun will proceed to join the sealing division as a part-time member while going in retrieval missions with chuunin teams. As for Eichi-kun then I'd prefer an apprenticeship under me if he shows potential ability to use my Kekkei Genkai, after which I'll groom him into an assault ninjutsu-specialist, if not then I recommend classic ninjutsu-specialist protocols. That is all." She says before disappearing in a Shunshin.

While the elders were bickering about the new developments, Rasa, the Kazekage was mulling over what was just said, after a while, he spoke.

"I made a decision, out of all the possible candidates for the Kage position, I find young Fuji to be the most appropriate. None of my children show potential to succeed me, and none of the clan descendant do either. And we can't hope for my next child's potential to rival Fuji-kun's as he will be the next Jinchuriki of the village. As such, I declare that any who try to bring harm to Fuji of the Desert, or sabotage his endeavors shall be punished. We will also research the merit of this new plan of his. The old one required the loss of a clanless shinobi with importance, right now the only one available is Jounin Pakura, and I'd rather not sacrifice a future S-Rank shinobi loyal to the village for its sake when there could be viable alternatives. Let's start discussing the details."

"But Kazekage-sama !" Shouted one elder.

"No buts ! The deserting of Sasori of the Red Sand already alienated the clanless ninja enough, if we go with our original plan and our actions get public then it would be catastrophic for the village. Plus if Fuji-kun wanted the position so much then with his reputation and talent he probably would have found a way to get it anyways, and we can't kill him off now because we already put him with Jounin Pakura, and his reputation has been too beneficial for our village, the daimyo began even to warm up to us since young Fuji's background as an orphan changed quite the opinion of quite some people of our villages policies. And if you add Konoha's Itachi Uchiha's presence into the mix then that's the most viable option we have. An orphan, with previously ninja origins, with such talent and intellect as a Kazekage would balance our reputation. Right now our name is synonym to nepotism, and I won't have that, not in my village. Understood ?"

"""Hai !"""

*Next day at the previous Training Ground*

Pakura Shunshins at the middle of the field to finds her students in front of her, chatting about whatever. They greet her as they see her, with Fuji getting unsurprisingly not fazed by her sudden entrance.

"Alright, here is our schedule for the week, Eichi-kun, you will start learning Fire Nature transformation to add intensity to your jutsus, after which you will spar with me and your teammates to improve your Taijutsu, Fuji-kun, here are two scrolls, one is a genjutsu that confuses a persons sense of direction and the other is the Sand Shunshin Jutsu, try to learn both of them as much as possible for the next week. Maki, hold this chakra paper and infuse your chakra."

When she did the paper became damp.

"Oh, that is quite rare, a Suiton affinity, alright you will train in Suiton and maybe Fuuton or Doton Nature transformation to use on your cloth, which one do you choose ?"

"Doton, my other teammates already have enough attack."

"Alright, after your individual training we will hold Team building exercises, it wil begin with a spar akin to yesterdays for your combat teamwork, after which we will talk about mission scenarios and how to solve problems on the field, we'll also discuss your roles in non combat situations, if it's just you three Maki will be the nominal leader, Eichi will be the lookout while Fuji will scout. This could change so keep that in mind. We have a lot of things to do and just a week to do them, so we'll start immediatly. Understood ?"

"""Hai !"""

She just can't help but smirk as she imagines her genins future.

There you go, this was tiring, I ad to do a lot of research to get his one done.

PrinceOfNilfheimcreators' thoughts
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