
Next Target

I dipped with Karin after signing the contract with Mei and giving her the concoction recipes.

Naho and I are supposed to go on a date, but today isn't a good day to do so because it's the Hokage's funeral. It's just a bad omen to go on a date at the moment.

And even though I didn't really want to attend Hiruzen's funeral, I had to. It's a requirement for all present ninjas to attend the Hokage's funeral.

Hence, Karin and I went back to the apartment to dress up in an all black attire.

The sky slowly darkened, and the wind picked up, bringing with it an icy chill.

A few small raindrops begin to fall, and soon the precipitation intensifies, pattering against the roof of the Hokage's building.

The ninjas that were present for the Hokage's funeral mourned for the death of the Hokage as well as the death of other heroes who protected the village. Even the heavens seem to be mourning as thick rain clouds roll overhead, creating a foreboding atmosphere as the air becomes damp and heavy.

Everyone is mourning…

Except for me, that is.

'You won't have a peaceful rest, old man.' I thought as I looked up towards the bullets of rain from the sky.

Once I gain the Edo Tensei, I'm going to bring that old crook back to work for the money that he took away from me.

I did have thoughts about retrieving the documents, but it seems that the old man worked fast and he already gave it away during the one month break. The grass village also gobbled the money up like pigs.

Once the funeral ended, everyone returned to their normal lives.

And I returned to my life of 'training'.

I know that Itachi is coming back soon for a brief visit, and I desperately needed some upgrade if I wanted to talk to him on an equal footing.

Obviously, I couldn't gain anything from my Harem girls, so I had to look for new skills from other girls.

Tenten is one of the next targets, but she is just a snack along the way. Ino will work her magic on the girl and she will come around when she does.

Right now, I had to work for the big prize… and that big prize is Yakumo Kurama.

Yakumo has the Kurama clan's Kekkei Genkai, and that Kekkei Genkai is the ability to manifest Genjutsus into reality.

She was once Kurenai's disciple, but because Yakumo didn't have the capability to control her Kekkei Genkai, Kurenai decided to seal her power instead and lock her away in a mansion near the village.

Right now, she should still be held up in that mountain side manor on Satomi Hill.

I've already done my research for the location, so I knew exactly where the manor is located.

So after telling Karin that I had to go do something, I left her and exited the village, heading towards Satomi Hill.

I wasn't thwarted by anyone because it's normal for ninjas to go outside of the village to train themselves.

As I traveled there, I activated my Byakugan.

There should be some Anbu guards and medical ninjas guarding the manor, but I'm positive that I can avoid them with my Byakugan and Mind's Eye. In the anime, even Naruto managed to sneak in without any sensory abilities, so I'm sure that sneaking in won't be a problem for me.

But once I'm in the building, I plan on conquering her heart instead of just forcibly copying her skills.

The reason is because she is the only remaining member of the Kurama clan's main branch. The Kurama clan branch members are still located inside of the village, but they are all scattered due to not having the main branch around.

In a sense, her situation is similar to mine and I can somewhat sympathize with her.

Though in truth, sympathizing isn't the only real reason why I'm going to conquer her. The fact is that I wanted to take control of the Kurama clan's branch and assimilate it into my Uchiha clan.

They are a clan that's well versed in Genjutsu, and having them as the Uchiha's subsidiary will make the new Uchiha clan even stronger.

Next chapter