
A New Friend

I looked with resolution to my aunt, and took my shot, but this had to wait, the Third Hokage left the cemetery a few minutes ago, I saw a certain blonde kid in the edges of the cemetery, hiding in fear, a few meters away from his position were a bunch of older kids, civilians with stones in their hands, looking for him.

You know, I'm something of a scientist myself, a group of kids with stones on their hands, plus a scared kid hiding from them, equals someone is being bullied, to be honest if they were just insulting him I wouldn't care, but throwing rocks at someone is a different story, I ran with bucket in hand.

"Leave him alone, you dummies!" I shouted at them, while throwing my bucket to the one that seem to be their leader, I'm not proud of such a silly insult, but I'm supposed to be a three year old, I can't go around life throwing F-bombs like Eminem, note to self I miss my old world music.

When the bucket hit, the kid's back, before the rest of them could get out of their shocked state, I used my momentum to push another one, making him fall to the ground face first, now I just had to deal with the other two, by now they were able to react, throwing some stones at my direction, I was able to avoid a couple of them, but the other one hit me, one on the leg and the other on my forehead.

It didn't take long for those kids parents to close the distance with us, making me wonder where the hell were they a few moments ago when their kids were hurting Naruto, they stood in front of their kids and were looking at me like if I was the one on the wrong here, one of them even dared to come closer to me and raised a hand preparing to slap my face, but before he had the chance to lay a finger on me, a blur stood in front of me and grabbed the hand of the "concern" father.

"I really hope you weren't thinking of slapping my nephew" Aunt Kurenai said, without letting go of the man's hand, even when I wasn't the objective of her rage and I dare to say bloodlust aura if it wasn't for my experience in hell, I would be pissing my pants right now like those kids.

"I... I wouldn't dare to hit your nephew, miss Kurenai, he was hurting our children and I just wanted to grab him before he could do something else" the fearful man said, I guess he is just the type of person that only mess with those that are weaker than him and can't stand his ground when confronted by someone with enough strength to do it, then again aunt Kurenai was a Chunin.

"Oh! He was hitting your children? Because from where I was standing it seemed to me that your children were holding stones to throw them to another kid, and my nephew stop them before they could" She said, finally letting go of the man's hand, if her abilities as a ninja are half as lethal as her tongue there is no doubt why she was regarded as one of the greatest ninjas of her time.

"Kid? What kid? You mean that demon fox pretending to be human?" the men said with confidence, thinking he just won the argument, after all it was public knowledge that Naruto was the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki and that Grandpa Shinku died during the Nine-Tails attack, but this idiot underestimated her motherly instinct and that some Chunin and Jonin level ninjas knew the truth about Naruto's parents and the sacrifice they made to keep the village safe.

"How dare you to call a kid like that? How dare you to try to justify your cruelty with such a thing? He is a kid, even younger than yours, if it wasn't for my oath to protect this village and it's people you wouldn't be breathing right now, but if ever see or hear about you looking bad at my nephew or Naruto bad once again, I will come for you and no one will be able to stop me" She threatened the man, with a pale face like if all the blood suddenly abandoned his body and in a panic state could only return to pick up his son and get out of there without saying anything more, soon the other parents followed behind in similar states.

Aunt Kurenai turned on her heels, and looked straight into my eyes without lowering herself to my level.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to run by yourself and hit three kids older and stronger than you?" she asked me in a serious tone.

"Because what they were doing was wrong, three against one scared kid, no matter how I looked at it, he needed help and no one else seemed to care about that" I replied with as much confidence as I was able to muster, aunt was about to say something else, but she turned once again after we heard some sounds coming from the bushes, Naruto was coming out of the bushes dirty and with some superficial injuries, that thanks to the Nine-Tails were starting to heal at a visible speed.

"Are you okay?" I asked the future hero of the Ninja World, he was approaching us, still a bit wary about someone hurting him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, *sniff* thank you, I just wanted to talk with them, but they surrounded me and keep calling me demon" He said, I can't believe he become a hero instead of a villain after dealing with this kind of thing every day, I guess he is a better person than most of us.

Naruto's stomach begun to growl, indicating he was hungry if this was just like canon he will go to eat ramen, while Ramen was tasty, eating it every day is bad for the health, so I asked my mom and aunt to take Naruto home for a sleeping party, they agreed, with the condition we had to sleep early.

I swear to you guys this is the last chapter with "A New" on the title for a while, I also apologize for the double cliff hanger about the Priority Mission, I will be adressing that next chapter... pinky promise. double release today because I don't know if I'll have time to write and post this weekend I apologize in advance if that's the case.

And as always with love, the author.

Duskstarcreators' thoughts
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