
Naruto: Shattered Memories

One morning after his 5th birthday, Naruto awakened looking different and thinking different. 7 years later nobody has heard from Naruto and the homage was worried that Naruto had been converted by Danzo. What will happen when Sarurobi sends Jiraiya to find out what happened to Naruto.

Demonic_Mori_Jin · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

*2 days later*

*Naruto's pov*

'I can finally get out of this damned place.' thought Naruto, glad that he wouldn't have to spend any more time in the hospital. 'What the hell was that dream though?'

For the remaining two days that he'd spent in the hospital, he had been having dreams or rather, getting back memories of what happened to him while in the forest of death. The first and latest dream was of what happened when Jiraiya came to get him.


Jiraiya, for the first time in years, was terrified for his life. This demon (Naruto) had been chasing him through the forest of death and taunting him as if he was an average genin. All that time training and working to grown stronger, wasted.

Feeling as if the god of death was looming over his head Jiraiya closed his eyes, accepting his fate. He would die full of regrets and there was nothing he could do about it. Closing his eyes Jiraiya, what felt like hours passed by before Jiraiya opened his eyes, feeling a sort of figure falls upon him.

Looking down he saw an exhausted Naruto laid over his lap, asleep as if nothing had happened.

*End of flashback*

Walking out of the hospital with three anbu escorting him to the ninja academy, Naruto looks back and says

Naruto: Is all this really necessary? Not like I can leave the village without that old bastard noticing anyways, eo why bother?

Anbu 1: We're just following orders Uzumaki. Now keep walking before we make you.

Firmly stated the anbu.

Naruto: You ain't gone do shit! You couldn't keep up with me back then and you sure as hell can't now.

Strongly stated the young blonde. And with that, he disappeared.

*To Ichiraku ramen stand*

Walking into the ramen stand was a young woman with purple hair, two snakes on her and a rather impressive figure Behind the counter was an old man, eyes closed but he seemed to be able to see everything.

???:Welco- oh it's you Anko-san. Tell me, what brings you here today?

*image here*

After getting settled in a seat, the woman now identified as Anko spoke up.

Anko: Nothing much Teuchi just the usual. Too much time in my hands. How has Ayame been?

Teuchi: She's been good Anko-san. It's nice to see her finally out of her room y'know. She hasn't been the same since he disappeared.

Stated Teuchi with a downtrodden face. This conversation continues for about 2 minutes before the purple haired kunoichi, Anko jumped up out out of her seat.

Anko: I know that you're there! Come out now before I make you!

???: Well that's no way to talk to old friends now is it...Anko-Chan?