
Chapter 126

"I'm just curious," Kazuki began, his tone thoughtful, "does the difficulty of mastering pure Senjutsu only apply to humans, or does it also extend to the wise beasts as well? Because currently, there are no humans who seem capable of mastering this, but from the names you've shared, it appears there are at least half a dozen beasts who might possess the ability."


The Sage nodded, acknowledging Kazuki's astute observation. "You are sharp, kid," he replied. "Yes, it is indeed easier for us beasts to learn the pure form of Senjutsu, as we are much more deeply connected to nature. However, the risks increase as well. For us beasts who delve into the purest form of Senjutsu, our basic instincts multiply manifold as we form a deeper connection with nature. If we cannot properly keep these emotions in check, we would simply become mindless beasts whose only remaining sense would be our bestial instinct—the instinct to hunt and kill."


The Sage's words carried a weight of caution, emphasizing the dangers that lurked within the pursuit of pure Senjutsu for both humans and beasts alike. "There have been quite a few beasts over the millennia who have succumbed to madness," he continued, his voice grave. "Bringing down such a beast would be no easy task."

"More than half of my scars came from putting down such ravaged beasts," the Sage revealed, his voice carrying the weight of years of battles. "There have been no records of any beast recovering from this madness once they succumb to it, with only one known exception—the flood dragon from the Ryuchi Cave. That bastard somehow brought himself back from the brink of madness. Other than that worm, every single one has been put down. It's an unspoken rule in all of the sacred lands."


The gravity of the Sage's words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the dangers lurking within the pursuit of pure Senjutsu. Turning towards Shiro-sama, the Sage continued, "Shiro-chan here, is someone I had personally trained in the ways of Senjutsu. She will assist you in your endeavors. But remember, kid, don't bite off more than you can chew. There is no coming back if you succumb to madness. Take your time; be patient while you learn."


With that, the Sage gestured for them to leave, signaling the end of their audience. As they turned to depart, Kazuki couldn't shake the weight of the Sage's warning from his mind. The path ahead was fraught with peril, but with Shiro-sama's guidance and his own determination, Kazuki vowed to tread carefully and forge ahead on his journey to master pure Senjutsu.


As they left the sage's adobe, Kazuki couldn't contain his excitement, eager to begin his training in pure Senjutsu. Turning to Shiro-sama with a hopeful expression, he asked, "Shiro-sama, when can we start the training?"


However, instead of a straightforward answer, Shiro-sama's lips curled into a creepy smile, sending a shiver down Kazuki's spine. "Ah, Kazuki-kun, training can wait," she replied cryptically, her eyes gleaming mischievously.


Confusion etched across Kazuki's face as he tried to decipher Shiro-sama's intentions. Before he could question further, Shiro-sama continued, her tone now laced with a hint of blackmail. "But, you see, I haven't had a decent meal in ages. If you can cook up some delicious dishes for me, then maybe I'll consider starting your training in pure Senjutsu."


Kazuki's jaw dropped in disbelief at the absurdity of the situation. He glanced over at Kuro, who was enthusiastically nodding in agreement with Shiro-sama's words, adding to the surrealness of the moment.


Feeling a mixture of frustration and resignation, Kazuki let out a heavy sigh. "So, instead of becoming a formidable shinobi, I'm on my way to becoming a master chef," he muttered to himself, realizing the unexpected turn his journey had taken.


But despite the comical twist, Kazuki knew he had no choice but to comply with Shiro-sama's demand if he wanted to achieve his goal of mastering pure Senjutsu. With a determined expression, he nodded reluctantly. "Fine, Shiro-sama. I'll cook you the most delicious meals you've ever tasted," he promised, mentally preparing himself for the culinary challenges that lay ahead.



The morning sun cast a warm glow over the Uchiha clan compound as Itachi stood in front of a mirror, adjusting his custom-made attire. Such garments were a rarity in the village, reserved only for the most affluent individuals due to their exorbitant origins.


However, Itachi hadn't paid a single coin for these robes. Instead, he had strong-armed his friend Kazuki into crafting them as punishment for keeping the secret of his status as a fuinjutsu grandmaster. Both Torune and himself had taken advantage of Kazuki's skills, obtaining a few sets of these custom-made attires etched with grandmaster-level fuinjutsu as part of their apology.


His traditional Uchiha robe was adorned with intricate patterns alongside fuinjutsu seals, a testament to his clan's heritage and the effort of his good friend. Despite his stoic demeanor, a slight smile played at the corners of his eyes as he reminisced about the recent past.

Beside him stood Sasuke, his younger brother, who fidgeted nervously in his own miniature Uchiha robe over his academy uniform. Sasuke's features mirrored Itachi's in many ways, yet there was a youthful innocence in his expression, a stark contrast to Itachi's calm and reserved demeanor. Perched on Sasuke's shoulder was a miniature Chomei, one of the Bijuu, a sight that had become common in the Leaf Village with the emergence of new Jinchurikis.


Fugaku, their father, watched proudly as his sons prepared for their respective day ahead. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of them wearing outfits that could rival those of the Hokage herself. It was a privilege reserved for the select few close to the Nara prodigy, and seeing his sons adorned in such finery filled him with a mixture of pride and disbelief. Most clans would keep such attires as treasures rather than wearing them as daily wear.


"Sasuke, you look so handsome!" Mikoto, their mother, exclaimed as she lovingly smoothed down his hair, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She passed him a hefty lunch bag, filled to the brim with homemade treats. "Make sure to share your lunch with your new classmates and make lots of friends, okay?"


Sasuke nodded eagerly, clutching the lunch bag close to his chest. "Thanks, Mom. I'll do my best!" he replied, determination shining in his eyes.


Fugaku stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Sasuke's shoulder. "Remember, Sasuke, learning is important. Study hard and strive to become a great Shinobi, just like your brother Itachi," he encouraged, his voice filled with pride.


Itachi smiled warmly at his younger brother, a silent affirmation of his support. "You'll do great, Sasuke. I'll be cheering you on every step of the way," he said, his words carrying a sense of brotherly love and encouragement.


"Itachi-niisan, do you think I'll make any friends today?" Sasuke asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he glanced up at his older brother.


Itachi turned to face Sasuke, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Of course, Sasuke. You'll do great. Just be yourself," he reassured him, his voice gentle yet firm.


As they made their way towards the village school, Itachi's mind drifted to the project he had been working on with Shisui. Their research into awakening the Mangekyou Sharingan was still in its early stages, but Itachi was determined to find a way to prevent his clan from succumbing to madness once again, and their clan's connection with the Otsusuki had made him delve into the matter with urgency.


Itachi had brainstormed on his own and, through extensive research of historical records, had come to understand that only under extreme stress and emotional turmoil would the Sharingan of a talented individual with a 3-tomoe have a chance to evolve into Mangekyou. He had already discussed the medical feasibility of this matter with his friend Kazuki before his friend departed for his personal training.


Therefore, Itachi had begun planning to devise a method using forbidden genjutsu techniques to help awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan. This endeavor was still a work in progress, and he was currently studying the forbidden techniques of the Uchiha clan, such as Izanami and Izanagi, to see if he could create a similar technique that would aid in the awakening of someone's Mangekyou.


One other reason why Itachi delved into this project was because he already knew that someone had tampered with the contents of the tablet in the Naka Shrine, a fact confirmed by Kazuki as well. Thus, he needed to find a way to prevent the Uchiha from succumbing to madness once again if they tried to pursue strength in the future during the advent of the Otsusuki clan.


"Niisan, what are you thinking about?" Sasuke's voice interrupted Itachi's thoughts, pulling him back to the present.


"Just some clan matters, Sasuke. Don't worry about it," Itachi replied, his gaze lingering on his brother with a mixture of concern and determination. He knew that their family's legacy weighed heavily on Sasuke's shoulders, and he would do whatever it took to protect him from the darkness that lurked within their clan's history.


With a reassuring smile, Itachi and Sasuke continued their journey, ready to face whatever challenges the day may bring, both as brothers and as members of the Uchiha clan.

Inside Minato's house, chaos reigned supreme as the morning sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the scene of frantic preparation for Naruto's first day of school. Minato, with a look of determination on his face, was darting around the room like a whirlwind, trying to pack Naruto's lunch while simultaneously urging his sensei, Jiraiya, to hurry up with Naruto's outfit.


"Naruto, have you packed your bag yet?" Minato called out from the kitchen, where he was frantically stuffing sandwiches and snacks into a lunchbox that seemed to be taller than Naruto himself.


"Uh, not yet, Dad! I'm still trying to find my Shinobi goggles!" Naruto shouted back from his room, his voice muffled by the piles of clothes strewn across the floor.


Meanwhile, Jiraiya was knee-deep in the chaotic mess of clothes, muttering to himself as he rummaged through the colorful fabrics. "Now, where did I put that shirt? Ah-ha! I found it!" he exclaimed triumphantly, holding up a bright orange shirt covered in bold swirls.


"Naruto, check out this shirt! It's going to make you stand out and show everyone just how cool you are!" Jiraiya declared, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he tossed the shirt to Naruto.


Naruto's eyes lit up with excitement as he eagerly put on the flashy shirt, feeling a surge of confidence wash over him. "Thanks, Ero-sennin! I'm going to be the coolest ninja ever!" he exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose in front of the mirror.


As Minato continued to pack Naruto's lunch, he couldn't help but glance at the clock on the wall, a sense of urgency creeping into his voice. "Sensei, we need to hurry up! We're going to be late for Naruto's first day of school!"


Jiraiya, however, seemed to be taking his time, completely unfazed by the impending deadline. "Relax, Minato! We've got plenty of time," he replied nonchalantly, his attention now focused on selecting a pair of socks from the pile of clothes.


But as Jiraiya reached into the pile, his eyes widened in horror. "Oh no! I can't find a matching pair of socks! What am I going to do?" He exclaimed, frantically searching through the pile in a panic.


Meanwhile, Minato's patience was wearing thin as he dashed back and forth between the kitchen and Naruto's room, trying to ensure that everything was ready for their departure. "Naruto, hurry up and get dressed! We need to leave in five minutes!" he called out, his voice tinged with urgency.


But to Minato's dismay, when he returned to Naruto's room, he found his son still sitting there, wearing nothing but his underwear and grinning from ear to ear, and to his disbelief, his sensei was lost inside the pile of clothes that Naruto had pulled out of his wardrobe. "Oops! I forgot to put my clothes on, Dad!" Naruto laughed sheepishly, scrambling to get dressed as quickly as possible.


Amidst the flurry of activity in Minato's house, a small orange fox with fiery red fur lay curled up next to Naruto, seemingly unfazed by the chaos unfolding around them. The miniature Kurama, snug and content beside its human counterpart, appeared to be in a state of peaceful slumber, its tiny chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath.

As Minato hurriedly finished packing Naruto's lunch, he glanced over to see Naruto dressed in his bright orange outfit, courtesy of Jiraiya's fashion sense. However, his amusement quickly turned to exasperation when he noticed Jiraiya assisting Naruto with putting on different colored socks.


"Sensei! What are you doing? We don't have time for fashion experiments!" Minato scolded, his voice tinged with frustration.


Jiraiya, caught off guard by Minato's outburst, quickly scrambled back to the pile of clothes in search of the right-colored socks. "My apologies, Minato! I must have grabbed the wrong ones!" he exclaimed, frantically digging through the pile.


Meanwhile, Minato couldn't help but notice Naruto's messy hair, which seemed to be defying all attempts at taming it. With a resigned sigh, Minato quickly searched around the room, but then had a better idea. With a swift hand seal and a flash of yellow light, he summoned a comb using his Hiraishin technique.


If anyone else had witnessed Minato summoning a comb with such a powerful and revered technique, they would have been left speechless. But in the midst of the chaos of getting Naruto ready for school, Minato's use of the Hiraishin for such a mundane task went unnoticed.


"Naruto, hold still!" Minato exclaimed, his attempts at taming Naruto's wild locks proving futile as the energetic boy squirmed in his seat. With a comb in hand, Minato set to work on Naruto's unruly hair, smoothing it down as best he could. "There, much better!" he declared, satisfied with his handiwork.


"But, Dad, I don't want to go to school! I want to be a ninja like you!" Naruto protested, his blue eyes wide with determination.


"Believe it, Naruto! You'll be the greatest ninja the village has ever seen, but first, you need to go to school," Minato replied, his tone firm yet encouraging.


With Naruto finally dressed, his hair somewhat tamed, and ready to go, Minato scooped up the miniature Kyubi in his arms, careful not to disturb its peaceful slumber. As they prepared to leave, the miniature Kyubi let out a sleepy yawn, its tiny eyes fluttering open for just a moment before drifting shut once more. Minato and Jiraiya exchanged amused glances, both relieved that they had managed to get Naruto ready for his first day of school, albeit with a bit of chaos along the way.


As they headed out the door, Naruto's infectious enthusiasm filled the air, promising an unforgettable day ahead. And though the road to becoming a ninja might be long and challenging, with Minato and Jiraiya by his side, Naruto knew that he was ready to take on whatever adventures awaited him.


Just as the trio stepped out of the door, Naruto dashed ahead, his voice ringing out at the top of his lungs, "Ore wa Hokage ni narutte bayo!"

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Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


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