18 Chunin exam preliminary

We are told to go home and tom will be preliminary. I didn't go home I go to a hospital when I use to go and ask a nurse to visit the doctor who healed me. The nurse said to wait and I waited.

The nurse comes back in 5 minutes and leads me to the doctor's office. the nurse leaves as I reach the room. I go to the room and see the doctor seating at his seat and looking at files at his table.

"Why did you come here? for a checkup?"The doctor said as he was checking some files on his table.

"I come here to learn some medical ninjutsu," I said.

He stops looking and reading the files and looking at me. Now that I look at it he quite old.

"Hmm? Tell me why do you want to learn medical ninjutsu?"He said looking at me.

"Well I want to learn for an emergency I might get hurt my comrades my also get hurt," I said.

He looks at me for 5 seconds and said.

"Fine you might get famous when you grow up so it might be better to get your favor. He said while standing up and going to the door.

"Follow me," He said as he walks in the back of the hospital.

When we stop I saw a tree stump. Suddenly he throws a fish in the stump which I don't how he got it.

I can only teach you one thing it is the mythical palm. You will probably not learn it is extremely hard.

I nod as he started to teach me how. It was now night I was on the ground sweating and how hard it was to do it.

"Alright come back tom," He said.

"Ah wait I forgot I have preliminary tom "

He has a shocked face as he said."Wait you advance to preliminary I thought you were just a kid who just wanted to become stronger.

A vein appeared in my head."Hey I'm quite good you know" I said

"Alright then when you finish the preliminary we will continue our lesson," He said as he leaves.

I sit down in the grass for a while and look at the stars. I stand up and breathe in and out.

"Shadow style: Shadow hand!"I said as I performed some hand sign suddenly a black monster arm appeared behind my back. I grin as I jumped in joy as I did the jutsu in one try.

I look at my surroundings noticing that there was nobody here I left the hospital and go home.

I woke up completely exhausted and stretch out. And see naruto still sleeping I look at the clock and saw it was only 6:00 Am. I go to the bathroom and did my usual routine I dress up in my normal clothes and leave for a morning walk. As I was walking I saw two shiny bowl-style haircut. Looks like a kid and a father.

"Hmm they kinda look like one of my favorites characters hmm"

"wait isn't that might guy and rock lee!"I said in shock I silently creep up.

(A/N forgot to mention that they are in a training ground place)

When suddenly guy looks in my direction

I pop out and walk to them.

I grab my kunai that happen to be like min ago that can be written with words. I grab a pen and said.

"Umm might guy sensei may I ask for an autograph?"I said while holding my kunai and pen out.

He looks at me for a second then says.

"Ah yes of course" He grabs my kunai and writes his autograph.

"Ha, I should tell this to Kakashi," He said while doing a pose.

"Yeah guy sensei is truly awesome to get a fan this is because of youth!" rock lee said as he also did a pose.

(A/N alright I don't know how to do much about rock lee and might guy so sorry if there anything that mistaken)

"Now lee we should start our morning training for now!" the guy said as he prepares.

"Do you want to train with us?"guy said as he was smiling and a thumb up.

"Of course," I said while looking at might guy with shining eyes.

"that the spirit! Now let's go!"I started my hellish training now.

We did Run 10km

Handwork 500 Meters

500+ Push-ups/Fingertip Push-ups

One Leg Forward Hops- 100 Meters Each Side

Wall Sit- 5 Sets for MAX Time

Double Lateral Hops- 100 Each Side

500 Punches to Striking Post/Heavy Bag

500 Kicks to Striking Post/Heavy Bag

(A/N copies from the naruto wiki)

I lost breathe in the third exercise. But I continue to follow them.

At the end of the training might guy thump me up and said.

"This me the power of youth!"He said while doing a pose.

"Yes, sensei! This must be the power of youth" Rock lee said while doing the same pose.

"Hmm wait I forgot to ask your name what is it?"Guy said

"I am tamada Akio," I said

"Well this is my student rock lee and I am of course might guy"

"I like your spirit If you want to come again just go to the same place and time Now let's go lee" As they run.

Huu they are quite weird but I think might guy was still cool. I think and check to go home.

I go home and saw naruto running around the house and was trying to wear his jacket while holding some milk.

"Hey, why are so hurrying?"I ask

"Look at the time were going to be late!"Naruto points at the time and it was 9:40

I widen my ask and run to my room and grab m towel and went straight to the shower. I dressed up and barely eaten anything and go straight out and go with naruto as he was waiting for me.

As we were running I ask naruto.

"Hey naruto"

"hey, what is it?"

"Can you help me out"

I did a hand signs


A shadow clone of me appeared.

"Huh what how did you did that!?"He was surprised to seem to do his shadow clone.

My shadow clone stared at me and we both nodded.

"Keep it a secret ok I will eat first I'm starving"

Naruto only nods as I go a different way as my shadow cone and naruto go in the same direction.

I go to a restaurant and ordered some food.

I quickly eat and I paid and run right away I arrived at the exam place as it was starting.

My shadow clone notice that I was there and ask if he can go to the bathroom and he goes we both go to the bathroom and he disappeared as I go outside.

I go upstairs and saw the downstairs and that Sasuke was being defeated by Yoroi Akadō as I got it from my shadow clone.

I saw shinju and kin gaze at me I look at them and go closer to them.

"Why are you late," Both of them ask I said that I was starting shinju only nods since I was always like this kin look at me with anger as we can be disqualified if someone notices that It was a shadow clone.

Most of the things she said I didn't hear because I was focusing on the Match Sasuke wins while the Yorio lose. Mostly I got bored.

My mind drifted away. When I hear my name.

I got down and see a red-haired girl who was quite beautiful can match against shinju and run beauty.

"Tamada Akio, Koda Mieko are you ready?"Ask the referee.

I nod while the red beauty also nodded.

"Alright, ready start to go!"

I run to her as she runs to me I open one of my Sharingan and did shadow clones Jutsu I summons 10 clones and throw shuriken is which all of us did hand signs and.shurikens shadow clones. I notice her smiling when I notice something off I notice it was a genjutsu so I quickly break it and saw Mieko at my back I run and turn to my back and did a fireball jutsu which he deflects using a water bullet.

I. Turn my other Sharingan by pulling up my headband I summon my shadow clones and tried to attack her but we failed.

She was going to do another jutsu when I raised my hand and I surrender.

The referee said that she wins I lose I go back and sit down on the ground

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